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Me: Skylarrr????,

Skylar Malik: What u want?

Me: u dont know?

Me: i found u on twitter!! Followed u also.

Skylar Malik: No u didnt!

Me: yes i did!

Skylar Malik: Naaaahhhhh!

Me: Yesssss!

Skylar Malik : fucking retarded! u didnt! i would have known if u did!

Skylar Malik : Hello, i woukd get a notification and die.

Me: Wait how?

Me: Zayn gave me ur username!!!!

Skylar Malik : by any chance the username is @niam_malik

Me: hold on let me check

Me: Yeah! Isnt that u?

Skylar Malik: Man! I love Zayn. ahahhaha

Me: I know u do! But is that u or not?


Skylar Malik: New picture message.

I click on the picture to find a screenshot of a direct message between Zayn and Skylar, I guess.

Zayn: so ur Skylar Niall is texting.

Skylar: omgggg YESSSS!

Zayn: so Niall is asking for ur username should i give it to him?

Zayn: Or should i give him a wrong one.

Skylar: OMG! Definitely wrong one ahahah

Skylar: @niam_malik. Make him follow that user. Its like the biggest Niam shippers account. they would freak out if he followed them.

Zayn: Nice :)x Will do so.

Me: fucking shittttt!

Me: u both r evill!!!!

Skylar Malik: Zayn is the best!!

Skylar Malik: Ahahhaha! No turning back Now Niall.

Skylar Malik: poor you! ahahahaha.

Me: Gosh! u made them think im gay for following!!! i'll literally kill u when i see u and kill Zayn now cuz i can!!!

Skylar Malik: No please.

Skylar Malik: kill us together so we could be the perfect dead couples.

Skylar Malik: or couples that died 2gether happily! 

Skylar Malik: ah man! it would be a dream!

Me: if u i weren't pissed of rn i would have laughed.

Skylar Malik : dont deny ur laughing!

Skylar Malik: admit we're the best at fooling u!

Skylar Malik: Team Zaylar is the best!

Me: Zaylar??

Skylar Malik : Zayn and i ship name. We're Zaylar.

Me: oh cool! what would be ours?

Skylar Malik : why would there be one for us ? -_- i h8 u anyways!

Me: lol... for maybe being ur brother in Law when Zayn and u get married.

Skylar Malik: So ur saying that u would be Zaylar biggest Shipper?????

Me: Wont deny that.

Skylar Malik : yayayyayayayay! ok then our friendship ship name is Naylar!

Me: ur the laziest person ever

Me: all u dont was change Zaylar's Z to N and yay our ship name!

Skylar Malik: yo bitch! Im za queen i do whateves i want! and being lazy is one of them!!

Me: too bad u will never be a za queen

Skylar Malik: im the queen of my own world! bow down blondy bitch!


"Logan is asking if you would like to hang out later,  with us" Hiedi's voice interupts me while texting.

"No, i prefer to actually studying" i smile as she rolls her eyes.

"We're trying to be nice you know"

"Talk about yourself, my brother is always nice. He is the nicest shit i have ever meet" I snap.

"Shit and nice doesnt mingle in a sentence"

"Oh well, they just did bitch" i laugh.

"You know what? Just go fuck yourself, im done being nice to you"

"Whatever, you say thay a lot. Lately. So i will gladly fuck myself" i smile as i lay back down on bed, pulling in my headphones. Turning music up and blocking Hiedi and the other world out.

Niall_Horan93 : where did u goo?

Me: Sorry a bitch was interupting my day

Niall_Horan93 : lol np

Me: my brother didnt believe ur texting me

Me: and i may have realised how u felt when i didnt and it sucks!

Niall_Horan93 : why?

Me: cuz i hate feeling like people!

Niall_Horan93 : what if Zayn was feeling okay with it

Me: then its okay!

Niall_Horan93 : Zayn is people!!!

Me: nope! he's an angel bitch! unlike u

Niall_Horan93 : Wtf!! im good myself too

Me: eh, ur average!

Me: i would bang u any time tho

Niall_Horan93 : WHAT?

Me: um wutt?  :)

Me: let it pass by. bitch guard

Niall_Horan93 : fucking weird!

Me : yeah i know that!

Niall_Horan93 : well, im still gonna find u on twitter

Me: Give up blonde. never will

Niall_Horan93 : ohh we will see!

Me: oh yeah never!

Niall_Horan93 : if i found u, u have to Tweet i love Niall Horan and change ur username to my Name and fan over me.

I would do anything to u as well!


Me: fine deal blonde!

Me: its on and ur going down!

Niall_Horan93 : its not a game!

Me: Whateves loser -_°

Don't hate me plz for not updating. .i know long time. Just crazy days. School, studying and lost someone.
So im sorry.

I hope ur all well


~Likeitmatters ~

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