Twenty 1

214 18 8


Zaynmalik: Hello beautiful, so wanted to conform our date today.

Me: Just go away and Leave me alone.

Me: Stay out of my life.

Zaynmalik: Skylar...Idk what's going on, it's me. Zayn. Why are you being like this?

Me: idk how this is happening, but idk how ur verified. Idk if ur hacked or not. But i do care about myself, and u fuckers tryna ruin me.

Me: So go ahead block or whatever, but just stay out of my life all of YOU. And if Niall or whatever his name is reading this then tell him my middle fingers says him to him.

Zaynmalik: Sky, babe. Please calm down, i can assure u im the real Zayn 100 %. Even come by our date and i will prove it, im not scared of you. Im not scared of proving im the real Zayn.

Zaynmalik: Seriously leave me of of yours and Niall's conflict because i admire you as my a friend. Im still looking forward to this date.

Me: Fine, you're of the hook from this thing going on. But what if i came and i was left out on the street with no one there?

Zaynmalik: i promise you i will be there even before time. You will find Perrie and I there. And the three of us are going to have a great time.

Me: Fine. I will be there on time.


Ed: Are you still mad me?

Ed: i swear i got nothing to do with this, even Niall showed up later.

Me: Why are you still trying to defend him?

Ed: cuz i know Niall, and i know when he is in love.

Me: Obviously u don't anymore. If you still want us to be friends then drop the Niall thing. I don't want it to be awkward between the both of us while working. So?

Ed: Fine, i will drop it. You're worth so much more than just a stupid mistake.

Me: Thanks pal. Same to you. How did it go with Iris?

Ed: Good, thay we're actually have a second one.

Me: Cooly cool ;)

Ed: Where u at now?

Me: Well, About to meet Zerrie. If they're even real.

Ed: They're pretty real. Well, don't pass out when u meet them.

Me: Pst Man, I probably try not to die. But brah, it's gonna be the best way to die.

Ed: You're crazy, lol.

Me: Yeah, Yeah. Like i don't know.

Me: Gtg now, bye.

Ed: Ok, bye. Have fun.

I slide my phone into my pocket as i enter inside the cinema. I look around and there's no one here. I should have known, they're all just fake. 

As i turn to leave i hear my name being called "Why are you leaving so fast love?"

I turn to see standing, smiling and by his side Perrie as their hands are locked together.

"Oh, you're." I pause as i feel my hurt dancing inside of me. It could poop out any minute now.

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