Twenty Three

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Me: Where you at bitch? Niall and I have been waiting, and we gotta close up.

Logan: You wish :) And I'm coming no rushing.

Me: Is Hiedi with you?

Logan: Yeah

Me: Good. Great!

Logan: That sounds evil! What are you up too?

Me: Sound? Dude, we're texting.

Logan: Shut up.

"Hiedi is with him." I say as i jump in joy. "I swear you're going to realise how much she is annoying. Or like a mum."

"We will see." Ed and Niall laugh. As i notice my brother and Hiedi getting in. I walk to hug my brother as i notice Hiedi being shocked.

"See you got a life and you're dating my brother. I got none and i'm dating Niall Horan." I smirk. "The Niall Horan." Niall stands up to great my shocked brother and his girlfriend.

"How? How did you even get in touch with him?" Logan asks confused, as i led him to sit down so he won't faint.

"I meet him on omegle, i didn't believe at first it was him just like you. And here we are." I smile. "I so win at being lifeless."

"Woow. Just woow." Hiedi says, as i laugh at her reaction.

"Ed and i will bring prepare your drinks."I say as they nod and Ed and i walk away.


"Nice to meet you again, Logan." I smile. "You too, Hiedi."

"Again? when did you meet before?" She asks.

"Yeah, two years ago. In a meet and greet, i meet all of the band with Skylar." Logan says as i nod.

Me: you look beautiful in your new work uniform ;)

Skylar: Shut up! I'm always beautiful.

I laugh as i put my phone aside. I notice Hiedi and Logan being chatty all together, and i don't see what Skylar hate in her so much. Maybe she sees things i don't get to see.

"So Logan?" I say. "You don't mind me dating your sister? i was going to ask her to be my girlfriend, but i need your approval first."

"I haven't seen Skylar that happy since a very long time Niall." He smiles. "You make her happy, and i don't want to stand in the way of her happiness."

"Thank you." I smile. "But i thought she was always like that a sort of a loner."

"No not at all." Hiedi says. "She used to be so full of life, and happiness-it all drained away. Yet the sarcastic person she is never changed, her life is actually based on it."

"She hadn't told you anything, didn't she?" Logan asks as i nod my head no. "Well, don't mention anything in front of her and i never said a thing. Skylar haven't been okay since our aunt died. Our aunt used to take good care of us after our mum's death. She failed senior year, because she was taking care of me and my depression and hereself as well. It was only the two of us, she missed almost the second half of senior year. She didn't attend anyone of the exams so she failed." He stops as my heart falls to the ground. How could someone hide so much pain inside?

You might not see her as a superhero, but she's my superhero.

"Lets just skip these sad memories." Hiedi says. "She always wanted to own a coffee shop like Starbucks, she even keeps saving for it."

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