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I hear the sound of the coffee shop open as i drop everything and run directly to the door, so full of life and a smile on my face.

I see Ed standing at the door as i shrug. "You're not Niall."

"You're not Megan Fox, but I could live with that." He smirks.

I walk to Ed as i say "You been spending too much time with my, I'm concerned."

"Well you been spending too much time with yourself and you're still alive." He says as he then laughs. "I think I got the Skylar disease, I heard it's untreatable."

"It will be once i kick you in the balls." I say putting my hands over my chest.

"I should get back to work." He says as he starts running away to the kitchen.

It's been months since Niall and i been together--he's on tour and i'm here building up our baby. We texted and he called but it's nothing compared to him being here.

No matter how much i deny I don't miss him, he laughs and know that I'm aching for him to be here.

NiallHoran: Hey babe ;)

SkylarHoran: Yo blonde!

NiallHoran: Sup?

SkylarHoran: Big day bitch, don't be dumb blonde.

NiallHoran: lol, I know just teasing you.

NiallHoran: A birdy told me it's coming along great and beautifully awesome.

SkylarHoran: it's Ed?

NiallHoran: No.

NiallHoran: it's you like every single night.

SkylarHoran: damn it, i hate speaking to you while being sleepy.

NiallHoran: Lol. Sooo bad news and good news...

SkylarHoran: Bad news first?

NiallHoran: Our flight got delayed


NiallHoran: Are u done yet?


SkylarHoran: what's the good news bitch?

NiallHoran: that i will be texting you all day ;)

SkylarHoran: Nah thanks , im busy.

NiallHoran: Come on

SkylarHoran: I just wanted to see Zayn, he's been gone for so long.

NiallHoran: yeah, right. Zayn, and I want to see you too. Cuz Zayn and I miss you. Cause I"Niall" love you.

SkylarHoran: Aww, no one could resist my sparkle cuz im fabulous.

NiallHoran: we get it Sharpe Evans

NiallHoran: oh look at that Seems like you're sisters Sharpe and Skylar. It even rhymes.

SkylarHoran: it will be rhyming when i stick up your bum.

NiallHoran: ouchhh. That's hurtful.

SkylarHoran: not as much u not coming :/

NiallHoran: aww u said me

SkylarHoran: ooopss, Zayn* sorry

NiallHoran: not gonna be reading it as Zayn not coming D:

"Skylar, I think your cookies are burning." Ed shouts.

SkylarHoran: Cookies burning gtg.

I text Niall as i run immediately to the kitchen. I stand there and get hit by the realization I didn't even make cookies.

Ed is turning into me. Oh my god, I'm raising an angel.

"Never getting old." He laughs. "Where's Niall?"

"Not coming." I frown. "Delayed flight."

"Oh well, more food to us." He says, smiling--maybe he's trying to cheer me up but it's not working. "I heard Iris is getting Pizza for us, isn't that exciting?"

"Yeah, great." I smile. "Let's just get back to work."



I haven't seen her in months, and every night i ache for having her beside me. Sometimes i need sleep and to hear her voice, so i call her so I could fall asleep peacefully to the melody of her voice.

Here i'm now going to see her pretty face again. How could i miss a chance of seeing her again?

The plan is to always surprise her, even when she hate surprises.

I walk inside of the coffee shop after i make sure she's no where near the door. I see her from behind, her hair falling back as i feel my lips form into a smile.

She chooses to dress so simple, just like her workers so she doesn't make them feel so different from her.

I walk to her and stand a bit beside her listening to the conversation going on between her and a customer.
"I'm so glad you liked our place, means a lot."

"You should definitely come back, that's where cool people hang now." I smile as her hands turn to me. She stares in shock as i smirk and turn my head to the customer.

"Niallllll." She screams as she keeps jumping in place. "You're here, oh god. You're here. " She cries.

I laugh at how she's doing everything at once as she jumps over me hugging me tightly, and i hold her close so she knows i will never leave her alone. She's never going to face this world alone again.

"Where's Zayn?" She whispers in my ear, laughing.

"He's coming." I laugh as i let go of her, and hold her hand. I take a look around and admire the beauty of a place that was once rubbish.

"Look at how beautiful you made." I say, smiling.

"We made it." She says as i feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see the boys standing and smiling at us. And of course Skylar jumping all over Zayn.

You can't can't held back a fangirl from fanning over her love.

"Look at how Hey stranger changed." Zayn says.

"It was nothing and now it's everything beautiful. It's just beautiful." Liam smiles.

"All i had to do is just say Hey stranger, and the train took off." I smile, as i stare at Skylar--her smile to her ears and her eyes going to pop out off happiness.

"You will always be the stranger i fell in love with before believing he's famous." She smiles. "So, Hey stranger!"
I smile at as i lean in and feel her lips on mine--her lips have got the power to send me to heaven and make me fall in love with her all over again.

We will always love each others like we're two strangers just met.

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