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Niall_Horan93: Are u back yet?

Niall_Horan98 : getting lonely here!

Niall_Horan93 : Come on dark! Answer me.

Me: Goshh! Blonde ur texts made Hiedi wake up!

Niall_Horan93 : Not my fault u didnt have ur phone silent

Niall_Horan93 : Who's hiedi?

Me: ur such a blonde bitch!

Me: She is my roommate and brother's bitch!

Niall_Horan93 : Sounds like u like her a lot.

Niall_Horan93 : or wait, ur too dark to like someone

Me: good one blonde!

Me: But actually I dont like her cuz she acts like my mother/ boss.

Me: no one is the boss of me!

Me: I'm the boss of me!

Niall_Horan93 : Okay I got it ur the boss of u!

Niall_Horan93 : but she seems like she cares about ya.

Me: she also thinks wiping my ass will make her look good in front of my bro.

Niall_Horan93 : Lol! u got a bro?

Me: Yeah! Actually his my twin!

Niall_Horan93 : oh that's cool! Just like me, unlike we aren't twins.

Me : do u think I don't know that?

Niall_Horan98 : of course u do! was just trying to keep conv. going.

Me: well too bad! im going to sleep

Niall_Horan93 : I have to get up early anyways!

Niall_Horan93 : so Goodnight.

Me: Night blonde!


" You know you have to start saving for a car" Hiedi says as she starts the engine "I may not be around when you need a ride"

"Well, did you ever noticed me asking for a ride before? cause I didn't" I smirk "And im getting a new one today"

"Oh, congrats. Why didn't you tell me before?" she asks.

" Why should I?"

"I don't know. Maybe so we could be like friends at least. I noticed you being a loner since the year began, you weren't like this. What happened to you"

"I prefer being alone. I don't want to make friends. And Life happened."

"Do you want to talk about it? "

"Nope. I definitely not going to open up to you"

"That hurts but I will let it go"

"Good for you" I laugh.

She plays on the radio as it starts raining. I actually don't like her but also I don't hate her. She is in between I guess. Maybe if she decides not to hang out with her pets anymore, she would be cool. But no she decides cool is when she hangs out with bitches.

It took us an hour to arrive to Logan's university and the car drive was actually quite nice. Maybe cause Hiedi was so quiet, it made her seem cute. And some one direction songs came along on the radio. At least im driving myself back, No Hiedi, No drama, No nothing just Me, Myself, and I.

As we get out of the car I notice Logan running towards. Hiedi and him start kissing as I feel like I want to puke. Their kiss usually turns in a make out sence.

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