47 - Argument

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He ran his hand through his hair and slammed his hands hard on the steering wheel. He breathe heavily trying to calm down but still he can't let off the anger coming in his mind.

He knew that news was fake and he knew he was the father of the babies. His mind was messy just now so he can't say anything to Y/N. He should be staying with her not leaving her but he need to act fast to know who did this.

He pulled his phone and called Alice.

As Alice pick up the call, San ask her to meet somewhere. He need to know the details.

After he hang up the call, he messaged David from IT Department in Choi's company. He needs to investigate who was behind this.


It was already two weeks I was staying at home. San never sleep at home since the day the news broke. I just got to see him after the dawn and he left after taking shower and changed his clothes. He sounded cold whenever he speaks but never failed to leave the breakfast he bought on the kitchen table. Sometimes, the delivery man will send the lunch and dinner to me whenever he was not here. I don't know why he behaves like that but somehow my mind keep telling me he's not the same San that I used to know. The one that always loving, caring and always saying "I love you" to me everyday.

Whenever I wanted to talk to him about that matter he will just cut it off and prepared to left the house. He ignored me.

Only Byeol and Haneul that I can talk to now. I keep crying every night and my appetite to eat already loss but he didn't notice it.


San was searching the one who posted this. He believes that the one that posted this was the same guy who kidnapped Y/N. But failed. Even David can't trace the unknown identity and IP address through their system. They must be somewhat professional in hacking.

Alice had told San that this kind of thing had happened before about the rumors had been posted on the same company's chat system about Yunho and Y/N together. That somehow sparks curiosity in him that maybe Yunho might be the one who did this. But he unsure if that's correct because Yunho also had been a victim with Y/N before. He can't directly blamed Yunho for this. Maybe someone evil wanted to turn down his father's company into a mess. He didn't sure but he need to find out even it gonna take many years.


The news spread like wildfire and it spread until to Mr. Choi himself. He called San over to his office to know what was happening. Now this thing already known, he thinks that he should told the truth what happened during their visit to Japan.

Mr. Choi is a great person and he wanted to take charge after hearing what San had told him but he insisted that he didn't want his father to involve in this. He wanted to settle this down by himself. Mr. Choi sighed but what can he do. His son really didn't want him to be involved in this matter.

"I'm sorry Abbeoji but I'll try to solve this as soon as possible" San said and bowed to his Mr. Choi.

Mr. Choi flashes a small smile and walked towards San.

San looked to Mr. Choi that suddenly patter his shoulder softly.

"Don't need to be rush my son. I know this is important but I don't care what people will think about this and our company. The most important is your condition especially your wife. She needs someone's shoulder to lean on to" Mr. Choi flashes a small smile as he looked to his son's face that probably not sleep for many days to solve this.

Psycho Love - Choi San (ATEEZ)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora