4 - Him

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I woke up from my evening nap and gosh! "IT'S ALREADY 9PM!!!" I screamed a little bit but not too loud.

"I probably too tired and didn't heard the alarm just now" I quickly woke up from the bed and realised that my room was really dark.

"Urghhh why you forgot to turn the lights on before you sleep Y/N" I tried to find my phone on the bed and quickly turn on the torch light.

At that moment my heart felt like stopping for a while! My door room is wide open! So scary! I know I'm a little scared with this kind of mystic thing even though my body is strong due to Taekwondo lesson but I think I already closed and locked the door just now. The most important thing is the light switch!

"Maybe the switch was nearby the door" I saw the switch next to the door when flashing the phone torch light at the wall and quickly turn it on but it seems failed. No lights coming out from the lamp!

"Calm down Y/N. Probably blackout happened due to the heavy rain and storm just now"

I walked to the room entrance to close my door and feels like wanted to take a peek at the next door. The door is closed but I feel like I wanted to try open it. Feels like I want to introduce myself first before Mrs. Choi did it for me. It's gonna be easy if I started my move first. Plus, I want to ask him how can he stand to be in the dark and with no electricity now.

I don't know how many hours the mansion is out of electricity but it sure feels hot right now to be trapped only in the room.

I went to the front of the next door room and knock on the door. There is no answer.

"I was thinking whether I should shout my name right now or only knocking? Silly you Y/N! How come you can't make a decision right now. Okay calm down. Maybe he was sleeping just like me just now without knowing the mansion already blackout right now. Haha" My mind only think on how to introduce myself and probably he can accompany me to the maid to ask about the electricity because I might strong in fighting but scared to dark.

I twisted the door knob and realised it is not locked. I tried to open a little and see inside but cannot see anything. It's too dark!

I tried to go in with my phone torch light in my hand and still keeping it turning on. I flashed the light onto the room and... OH... MY... GOSH...

I saw the books scattered around the floor, the chairs inside the room is upside down and I can felt the dust touched on my sole like no one ever tidied this place!

"Is this a store room?" I questioned in my heart while walking more far into the room. I saw a bed at the right side of the room and went to it.

I saw a figure of man sleeping on the bed but his appearance seems weird to me. First thing, how can he sleeps in a place like this? Second, he's so rich and he could asked any maid to clean this place up. He was sleeping at the left side of the bed and facing to his right side. I walked to the left side of the bed to face him. I crouched down a bit and take a look at his face. Dark hair, smooth skin, small nose and sharp jawline that could makes any woman fall for it! But he looks a little bit skinny.

"Probably he's on diet" I assumed myself.

Suddenly he opens his eyes and locked his gazed onto me. His eyes looks sharp and his face turn really red! Opsssie maybe because I disturbed him with this torch light flashing on his face. My face suddenly started turning pale when I saw that and quickly stand up to leave the room.

He grabbed my right hand and pinned me to the bed. He's on top of me while grabbing my two hands tightly to the bed. My phone already dropped to the floor and the lights look dim from under the bed.

"Please. My hands hurt" I cried a little because his grip is too strong. But he didn't move. Not even an inch. I tried to release my hand from him but failed. He's more stronger than me.

He didn't said anything just staring at me with those sharp eyes. My heart started to pound really hard when he suddenly smelled me from my hair until to my neck. This is our first time met but why is he like this. At that moment I feel my blood stop flowing on my head as he released my hand and suddenly choking me after that!

"Help...Ple..." I tried to scream for help but I can't. He still choking me without any mercy. His eyes still the same like just now showing no pity to me. I grabbed his hand trying to let go of my neck but I felt weak. I can't fight him. I felt my breath becomes slower and my vision becomes blurred. Then I can't see nothing. Totally black.

Am I dead?!!

Psycho Love - Choi San (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now