Chapter 23: To The Gates of Death and Back

Start from the beginning

Cordelia began to play the Harmony of Healing, but she played the sped up version. The Magician's hold on the King began to slip, but he still held on.

Got 'cha!  Cordelia thought, as a wave of determination washed over her. As she began to play the Harmony of Healing again, this time, she poured herself into the song. If this was going to be the last song she ever played, this was going to be her magnum opus.


 When the song finished, the black surrounding Martin's eyes began receding. Volsair attacked him, then stepped back, drawing his attention.

Volsair couldn't help but smile. There's an opening, exploit it! he thought.


Alkanos took two steps back, then launched himself into the air bringing Martin to the floor.

They landed with a crash!, bounced, then separated. Alkanos bounced to his feet, as a groan escaped his uncle.

The spell had been broken.


Cordelia now had to contend with more fireballs, she danced and spun out of the way, as if she was at a festival.

The Magician looked as if the spell being broken was only a momentary loss.

Cordelia continued to throw musical spells at the Magician to keep him off balance. 


 Alkanos got to his feet, his face a mask of grim determination. "I'm only going to say this once. Walk away from what you've been doing and make things right, so we can be a family," Alkanos said, giving Martin a chance for redemption. "I don't hate you, and you aren't too far gone. You can make things right again."

"You're no family of mine. You reptile." Martain said.

"Suit yourself." Alkanos said. Then in a big motion, like he was putting the sword back in the pedestal, Alkanos stabbed The Sword of the Rightful King.

Into the flagstones right beside  Martin.

All was silent, the clanging of metal on stone echoed when the sound died away, Alkanos spoke in a deathly calm voice. "I am nothing like you, I am half-dragon, half-human, so what? I can maintain a treaty. Eldoria's Champion and the Court Bard are both my trusted friends. I can rule the kingdom fine without your narrow-minded approval."

The throne room was silent, even the fight between Cordelia and the Court Magician had ceased. Then a sound filled the throne room. It started off soft, Pik...Pik...Pik.

The paint from the sapphires, that had forced the gems to glow, had started to chip on their own accord.

Pak! Pik...Pi-ack! Cracks formed in the paint of each stone resembling a sporadically done spiderweb. Pure, clean, blue light, begun to shine between the cracks. Like water breaking free from the ice that held it after a long winter. The sound continued with Pak...Pak! Until it was a loud cracking sound.

The light from the sapphires continued to shine until the paint had completely flaked off. The sapphire in the pommel of Alkanos's sword glowed warmly, accepting Alkanos as its bearer. 

"Congratulations," Volsair said, retrieving the crown from the now-deposed King. "The Crown accepts you as the Kingdom's new ruler," He plucked the crown off Martin's head as if it was an apple from a bowl. "It'll be easier if you just accept it." Volsair said to the defeated King.

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