Long Drive pt2

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She casually said,"I can see your eye bags from here, try and stay awake would ya?" Scorpio smiled and took the bottle of coffee as he took in the scene that was before him, Aquarius looking out the window propping her head on her hand while the moonlight illuminated her figure and light blue hair. She was like a photo you would find on the internet. Scorpio took a quick picture which alerted Aquarius.

"Delete that!" "Nah you look great in this, not many times that happens." "Hey! I look good all the time. Delete it!" "Sorry the light's green now."

Scorpio quickly started the car back up and continued the drive with an embarrassed Aquarius hitting his shoulder and trying to steal his phone to delete the picture. Even though she eventually just gave up and sat back down puffing her cheeks in anger like a toddler would which elicited a soft,"Cute..." from Scorpio.

Little did they know Pisces had a mini camera recording the car the entire drive so she could catch any cute moments between Scorpio and Aquarius. Pisces was not going to let her slave's romantic or cute moments pass her by even if it took borderline stalker tactics. Scorpio had felt a chill run down his spine halfway through his shift catching a glimpse of Pisces smiling in her sleep, not knowing why or what his body was warning him for.

Car 1

"Taurus how long more do you think we are gonna have to be in this car for?" Pegasus asked the girl. Taurus had already switched with Capricorn for driving duty and had just woken up from a nap. "Well, it's going to be a few more hours, I recommend you to catch some sleep." Pegasus seemed to have been the only one that didn't sleep the entire drive so far.She looked over at Orion who had been in the exact same position he was the entire drive.

Pegasus sweatdropped at the amount this guy slept since he had slept before they packed up for the drive and the moment he got into the car he fell asleep after putting on his shades and positioned the hood of his jacket as a pillow. Virgo saw that Pegasus was staring at Orion and she asked her already knowing the answer,"Man that guy can sleep can't he?" "Yeah but he always looks tired and bored."

Virgo shrugged and asked Capricorn,"Hey Capricorn is this a puberty thing for guys?" "I mean I burnt a lot of energy, ate and slept a ton but even I didn't sleep as much as Orion does." Pegasus was thinking then stated,"Maybe it's because he can't get quality sleep since Ophiuchus resides in him, I mean he does talk in his sleep."

Taurus joined in the theory crafting,"I bet Ophiuchus is teaching him the secrets of the universe." Capricorn added,"No way I say it may be an after effect of Ophiuchus taking over his body two weeks ago." Virgo countered,"I say it's because he is just lazy." Everybody all agreed Virgo had the most realistic theory.

Taurus happily looked out the window mesmerised by the beauty of the forest roads which she was calmed by. Capricorn turned on the radio which played chill music and Virgo just read a book she brought on the camping trip since this was one she hasn't touched yet. Pegasus heard Orion softly mumbling in his sleep and she giggled patting his head like a pet. Capricorn jokingly said,"Aww, Pegasus is already taming the sleeping beast."

Pegasus laughed waving off the comment with Taurus already joining Capricorn in his teasing,"Ahh young love isin't it adorable." Pegasus defended herself saying,"I'm maybe one year younger than you guys don't 'Aww' me!" Pegasus suddenly yawned and Virgo told her in a motherly manner,"Now Pegasus get some sleep, I'll wake you up when the drive is over since it is going to be a while."

Pegasus nodded and yawned again. She tried to sleep but sleeping sat in the middle of the back seats was virtually impossible for her since she was planning to stay awake the whole drive not knowing the length of it. She then looked at Orion who was still and unmoving only sign of life being his chest moving when he breathed.

She then thought of an idea and slowly shifted closure to him trying her best not to wake him. She slowly started to lean her head against his shoulder. She closed her eyes and unconsciously wrapped her arms around the Orion's right arm which was closer to her, using it as a bolster. She thought herself tiredly,'I hope he doesn't mind.'

Taurus looked back and saw the cute couple with Pegasus clinging onto Orion's arm as she slept peacefully. She was fangirling a little but not as much as Virgo was internally. Capricorn also caught sight of this with the rear view mirror and smiled slightly seeing this scene.

"You guys just going to let this happen eh? Not gonna help?" Virgo replied,"It's adorable, just look how happy she is." Taurus backed up her statement,"Yeah it's cute let her have it." Capricorn let out a chuckle saying,"Man you guys are almost as bad as Pisces."

A/N:Hey guys it's Kyu. How about that I posted this within the dealine i set on the previous chapter. If any of you read my other Zodiac books you would know when I set a deadline it would usually be doubled or tripled before I posted the chapter so this is new T-T. Anyways hope you guys are liking this and I think I want to get to the camping part in either the next or the chapter after that so that I don't hate cars more than I do already. Anyways the next chapter might take a while so I don't actually know when I can post it but I'll try to get it out as fast as i can probably within a week. But mini fact, I have written over 8100+ words for this book in five days not including all the A/Ns at the end of each chapter so I think I'm at my wits end writing this even though I like it so Imma go watch some best Kakashi moments to recharge. Sorry for the long A/N that you're probably gonna skip over anyway, anyways Seeya and Buh BYE!!!

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