Back in time.

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“I don't want to be a witch or a Queen of witches. I'm not interested so find someone else. ” I ramble.

“You don't have a choice. The curse will control you. That boy, you'll kill him. ” Sania tells me.

“Why can you be so cruel? If you really loved Kular and your child dearly, you wouldn't put a curse on innocent people!”

“Don't try to judge me. What do you know about love?”

“All I know us that I love Kyle and would die for him. Could you do that for Kular? ” I question her.

She remains silent for a while.
“It's time, let's go. ”

I don't remember what happened but we ended up in a place where many witches had gathered.

“Here is your Queen to be!” Sania said to them and pointed at Kyle. He had been tied to a giant tree. Our eyes met.

“Kill him!” Sania ordered me.

I shook my head. Sania laughed at me.
It did not take long for me to take the knife and walk towards the tree.
The curse was working. Evil was overpowering me.

“I'm sorry. ” I said and kissed Kyle.
Kyle broke the kiss.
“Iris, you're stronger than the curse. ”

“I'm not strong. I'm powerful. ”

I raised the knife intending to plunge it to his heart but it's like I was fighting myself. A part of me wanted to finish kyle as soon as possible while the other part was preventing me from hurting him.

There is a way we can stop this.
I heard this voice in my head. It was so confusing.

Who are you?
I asked the invader of my thoughts.

Mother. ”
She was communicating with me in my thoughts.


You have the powers to go back in time and use it at your advantage. ”

“How is that possible?”

She disappeared from my thoughts.

I realized she was in my head for just a second. So incredible!
The witches were chanting.

“You must remember in our next lifetime that I love you. ” I kissed Kyle again and stabbed myself with the knife.

“Iris!” Kyle cried. Sania approached us.
“What have you done?”

“With this blood, I'll go back in time there I'll win against your wicked schemes. This is my curse!” I spat blood and fell down.
“No!” Sania yelled. She couldn't believe she had lost to me.
I lost consciousness.


I found myself as my fifteen years self.
Grandma is still alive. I still have my memories but no one else has. Even Bianca is alive. This time, I'll protect the people I love.

“What are you thinking about?” Selena asked me.
“Nothing, thank you for inviting to your party. ” I smiled.

“Oh, here comes my cousin. ”
I lifted my gaze and our eyes met. This life, I'll stay away from him.

“Kyle, meet my friend, Iris. ” Selena introduced us to each other.

I gave him a cold stare. I have to make him hate me.

“Selena, I'm not feeling quite well, I'll go back home. Hope you have a great night. ” I said and left before I curse him again.

When I got home, I went to hug my grandma.

“Hey, why are you back so early?” She asked.

Grandma, I want to go to the San Francisco to study. I want to become a great person.

“Why San Francisco?”

“I believe my other half is there. ”

“Your other half ?”

I noticed the fear in her eyes.
“I know that I have a twin, I'm going to find her. ”

My grandma looked shocked.
“How did you find out?”

“Have you forgotten that I'm a witch?”

I don't mean to shock her but I have to go to San Francisco as soon as I can.

“Alright, go and find your sister. ”

The next day, I left for San Francisco. My grandma gave me her life savings and wished me well. I didn't even bother myself to say goodbye to Kyle.
It was a long journey.

When I finally got to San Francisco, it felt as home. I had planned out everything. I created an accidental meeting with Bianca.

The girl was dumbstruck. She couldn't believe someone would look just like her. Since she wouldn't speak, I decided to speak first.

“You look just like me!” I mirrored her look.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“My name is Iris Luna. ” I replied.

“My name is Bianca Mendez. ” She gave me a warm smile.

I couldn't help but to smile back. My dear sister. I hugged her. She was taken by surprise but she hugged me too.

“I feel like I've known you all my life. ” I said.

“Let's go and meet my mom. She'll have to explain this to me. ” She dragged me along. I smiled. Everything is so different from that time.

Third Person POV.

She had chosen to go back in time believing she will be able to see things right unaware her life is quite different from the past. Anything can happen, she can even fall for someone else. So was it right for her to go back in time?

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