The piano.

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It is so strange I think I feel the person who murdered Bianca is Phill. But I'm not sure. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should leave a note for Bianca if  she should occupy my body again. I have the feeling she will soon. I quickly find a pen and paper and return to the bathroom and scribble some points on them. I hope she understands.
Then once again I return to the void.

This girl is so silly. She wrote this for me?

Bianca, I don't know how you manage to occupy my body but I have to let you know it's my body so take care of it.
Write what you want to tell me in my diary which is in my pink hand bag.
I want to know if Phill has anything to do with your death and if you still love him, don't use my body to do anything because I'm married. If Phill should approach you, ignore him. I made the mistake of falling in love with him but I was such an idiot. I'm warning you once again, use my body wisely.

"There are a lot of things I have to do. Well, I'll be needing her help though."  I say and crumple the paper and toss it into the dustbin. All I need is a plan.
Phill is too smart. He must even be suspicious of Iris. I must learn how to behave just like her.
I think reading her diary will help a lot.

"Iris!" Kyle knocks on the door. "Are you okay?" He sounds worried. He must really love Iris.
"I'm fine. I'll be right there!" I say.
Pigtails? The thought of it kills me.
"Are you sure you are okay?"
I nod slowly. "Iris, don't you think it's time for us to go home?" "Home?" I ask. "Yes home, we can't stay here forever." "You can go home. I'll come when I'm done with my stuff." I mutter.
"Well if you want to stay but we're going to leave before school resumes."
"School?" I frown.
Iris goes to school? I hate college.

I've been reading Iris' nonsense all day. I'm happy she's disappointed in Phill. A man like that doesn't deserve any woman's heart. I wonder what he wants? He even goes to college and studies psychology. I'll have to destroy that fake beautiful face of his.
"Iris?" Kyle pulls my ears.
"Ouch it hurts." I hiss. "What are you thinking about?" He asks.
"It's none of your business." I frown. "You're frowning too much today." He pecks me on the cheek.
"I want you to cook supper today." He whispers.
My eyes widen so much that I fear they might fall. I've never cooked in my entire life.
"Me?" I say quite astonished.
"Please?" "I... would..I...I would like to but I'm very tired. Please not today. Let me order some pizza." I grab my phone.

"It's been a long time since I tasted anything so good. This pizza is very good you know."
I've already eaten 12 slices of pizza.
"You can take some of..." I grab a slice before he ends his sentence.
"Oh pizza." I say.
"I thought you said you didn't really like pizza and you can't eat more than two slices?" Kyle asks.
His face looks like he's trying to suppress laughter.
I shrug and take another slice not bothered at all. I'll eat whatever I want. I'll only behave like my twin sister when I'm around Phill.

"Who are you?" The question suddenly exports me to earth from the world of thoughts.
I lean closer and kiss him. He doesn't reply. This is such an insult. I don't get rejected. I deepen the kiss. He finally gives in. What am I even doing? I break the kiss. "I'm your wife." I whisper into his ears and walk out of the room.

The melodious tune I hear is surely of Bianca's fingers. I once watched her play 'hammerklavier' Beethoven's sonata number 29, so gracefully.
That was day first time I saw her.
When she turned to look at me, I knew she had to be mine.
I follow the sound and it leads me to the music room.
Seated before the piano is, Iris who is playing the piano just like Bianca.
I watch her complete then I give her a standing ovation.
"You're quite incredible. How do you play so well?" I ask.

She turns to face me. "I want to play just like Bianca. So tell me about the last time you saw her before she died." She asks.
"We broke up a week before she died and sometimes I feel so bad. I really loved her."
"So what about me?" She sighs. "Did you ever love me?"
"Of course. I learnt to love you. You are so special, Iris."
Iris slams her hand on the piano keys which creates a cacophony of noise.

Kelly interrupts us. "Iris respect my daughter's piano. You were playing what seems so impossible for you to play. What are you?"
"I'm Bianca's sister." Iris says and walks out.
Was she just jealous? She's jealous of Bianca?
This is a mystery, how can she play the piano?


Iris' attitude has changed again. She ate 14 slices of pizza. Kisses differently again. If I'm sure, the present Iris behaves like Bianca or I'm wrong? This is too confusing. I know what to do.
Iris enters the room wearing a face that's just lost a boxing match. "Who annoyed my baby?"
"What's all this?" She growls and friend at the roses on the bed.
"Since you really want your freedom, spend a night with me and I'll let you go." I say.
" I'm not sleeping with you so forget it." She goes to the bathroom.

I thought this one likes me.
She returns and sleeps in the sofa. "Well, I guess I'll sleep so well tonight." I say.
"Goodnight, Kyle." Iris says and total silence engulfs the room.

While having breakfast in the morning, Kelly breaks the silence. "Iris, today my sister will come by. She taught Bianca how to play the piano. Since you're so amazing, I would like you to play the Hungarian Rhapsody number 2 for her to determine how good you are in playing the piano.

Iris almost choked. "But..." Kelly cut her off. " It's decided. Go and practice." She says and exits the dining room.
She clears her throat and also leaves. I give Phill a deadly glare and also leave. Why is Iris so scared?


The one who woke up this morning is me. I hope she left me a message. I go for my dairy. Luckily, she did.

Beware of Phill. He is nothing like he appears to be. Yes you're right, Phill is involved with my death.
You must not give him any hint. He's very intelligent. About your body, I will eat what I want and do what I want. But don't worry, I won't give you a scar. I think Kyle loves you a lot. Give him a chance. You can even talk to him about me. He'll understand. I'll deal with Phill on my own.

I wonder what Bianca knows about Phill. But now I'm in a lot of mess. I can't even play any piano piece. How can I play Hungarian whatever? Even if I'm giving a month, I won't be able to play. I can't even pretend to practice because I can't play. I have to play or they'll know something is wrong. Phill will have doubts. But why would Kelly want me to play the piano?

This is too much. I feel so restless. " If you can't play, tell her." Kyle suggests. " Of course I can play, but I'm just tensed." I lie. My restlessness is so visible.
My fear is boldly written on my face. The time to play is getting near. I've been learning on my phone. I've practiced the very first two keys but it's so useless. Oh Bianca please you will have to come and play it or else I'll mess up.

After a long introduction, I'm forced to sit before the piano. Kelly's sister Mercedes smiles at me. I look at the piano keys and I'm so dizzy. I gulp saliva. I hope I can play. I will have to play.
Please God help me and I play the first two keys.

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