A love triangle?

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I didn't expect to fall in love so easily. Why did I have to meet him? He's so handsome! But that jerk told me he is my husband. All hope is lost. I'm condemned to be with that jerk forever.
Iris don't be so silly, you have to go to school.
"Is there somewhere you want to go?"
I recognize the voice. Oh Phill's melodious voice.
I turn to face him. "I have to get to San Francisco State University." "Such a coincidence I'm going there too."
I'm so lucky. This means we are meant to be together.

Wow, Phill's car is so classy. He's definitely my prince charming.
He opens the car door for me.
I thank him.
"Are you a fresher?"
I nod. "Yes. What about you?"
"I'm in my final year. I'm majoring in Psychology. What's your major?" "Journalism."
"So is it true you're married?"

Oh no, why did he have to bring that up? "Yes, I am married. But we don't love each other. We were forced."
"Why would you even agree to marry someone you don't love?"
Is he now interrogating me?
"I cursed him that no woman will want to marry him and it seems to work so I was forced to marry him. Till the curse is broken, I won't be free."

I thank my stars when we finally get there. I don't want to answer any questions.
I thank him once again. "It's my pleasure beautiful."
Did he really just call me 'beautiful'?
I can't stop blushing. "Can I have your phone?"
I hand it to him so distracted.
After meeting Phill, I am so determination to break the curse. I want to be free!
He gives my phone back to me.
"I'll call you."
He says and disappears.
I'm in love!
I'm in love with Phill.
But does he love me too?
I don't want to be betrayed again.

Everything is so different here.
Everyone likes me here. I made some friends today. They told me I'm very pretty and that they are jealous of me.
I love San Francisco!
I take a taxi back to the apartment. My day was really exciting without that Kyle.
I'll never miss any of my classes.


I hate my life so much. I hate Iris more. How dare she try to flirt with someone. She's mine.
Thinking about this, I can do whatever I want with her because she's my wife. I can hurt her in so many ways.
I go to the pub after class and it's so late but I don't care.

When I return, Iris'already sleeping in the living room. She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping. What am I even thinking? I kiss her on the lips.
I have every right to have her.
Her eyelids flutter open. I deepen the kiss. She tries to push me off her but I'm stronger than her.
She turns away exposing her neck to me. I kiss her neck.
"Kyle! Stop it."
"You're my wife. I can have you whenever I want."
"You are drunk. You are talking silly."

I push up her night dress. "Kyle please. I promise to help you break the curse at soon as possible but please stop this."
"I'll make you feel dirty in every way possible." I tug at her panties. She bites my right hand and runs to the room.
She locks it.

Her phone rings. Handsome calling?
I answer the phone and it is that fool.
"Stay away from my wife. She can never be yours. She couldn't answer the phone because she's so tired from the sex we just had.
I know your intention towards her and advise you to forget it."
I  say and end the call.
I smash her phone against the wall afterwards.

"Iris open the door!"
"Do you want to know what I'm capable of doing when I'm mad?"
"I'll only open the door when you promise not to touch me!"
She yells back.
"You want to save yourself for that Phill?" "I'm afraid if I don't take you right now, you'll give yourself to that imbecile!"
"I'll only give myself to him because he's the one I love!"
"You really have the habit of falling in love at first sight right?"
"It's none of your business."
"I don't want you to love him! Love me at least. If would love me, I will be content. Yes Iris I want you. Please let me have you."

"My heart chose to love Phill."
I clench my fists. "I'll kill him. I'll kill any man you fall in love with." I threaten.
I'm really surprised by the words coming out.
Could it be I've fallen in love with her? No no it's not possible.
I can't love her, I loathe her.
"Let's make a deal." Iris says softly.
"Speak." I command.
"Let me love Phill. Don't kill him. I'll not give myself to Phill as long as I am married to you but please promise me you'll not touch me ever. After the curse is broken, I'll marry my Phill and you'll have whomever you want. Agreed?"
"Agreed. You can open the door now."
She opens the door but she looks a little afraid.

"I'm sorry. I was really drunk. But I smashed your phone when that fool called you. I also told him we slept together."
"You didn't do that!"
She picks the damaged phone.
"I'll buy you a another one. Goodnight."
I mutter and go to bed.


Did Iris really sleep with him? I'll make sure he doesn't touch her again if what he said is true.
I lost Bianca and I'm not letting Iris go. She will be mine.
I don't think Iris will willingly give in to him. He obviously forced her.
I can't let her suffer anymore.
Iris wait for me. I'll rescue you soon.
You'll be only mine even if I have to get rid of him. It will even make things easier.

Hi everyone.
It looks like Phill is determined to have Iris and it seems Kyle is falling in love with Iris.
It's getting so complicated.

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Thank you.

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