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Even though I might be mad at my grandma for hiding things from me but I'm still grateful to her. She took care of me like her own granddaughter.
It hurts that I'm not going to see her anymore. "Goodbye grandma." I drop the flower on her coffin and Selena embraces me. "It will be alright."
"I hope so."
I wonder how the curse can be broken. Even she couldn't revoke it.

Kyle's mother invited me to her room two days later and gave me a very sexy lingerie.
"Wear this tonight and I bet my son wouldn't be able to resist you. C'mon wear it for me to see." I can't believe this woman.
I smile. "Aunt, I'll wear it when I return to my room."
"Oh please my dear wear it."
I'm forced to change into the lingerie.
"Perfect. You have a nice body. Kyle surely can't resist you."
"Oh also, this is a special wine taste it." She lets me sip some.
"How does it taste, nice right?"
I nod and I gulp the rest.

"This is a contraceptive, take this in the morning after you've done it. Two pills, don't forget."
And she drives me out of her room. What is she thinking?
All I want to do is find my sister's grave. I never got to know her.

I quickly go to the room to change into something proper
only to find out my clothes can't be found. Aunt is so smart.
Just then Kyle comes in.
"You should have knocked." I pick the blanket to cover myself.
"Is this a surprise for me or what?" He teases.
"Kyle, I need a pair of clothes. Your mom has taken all of my clothes."

"What clothes?" "Your clothes?"
"Sorry but I don't share my clothes." I'm starting to feel something unusual about my body. I throw myself onto the bed.
"Don't even think of sharing the bed with me then." I feel so hot. I spread my legs and arms.
"This bed is mine."
He smiles as if he's remembered our first night as a married couple.

"Such a warm invitation." He sandwiches himself between my legs. "Hey!" But my body is betraying me. I'm feeling things that I shouldn't be feeling. I put my arms around him and kiss him. Kyle pulls away from me.
"Did you drink the wine my mom gave to you?"
I nod and move towards him.
"Kyle please." I kiss him again.
"You've been drugged by my mother. I'm so sorry but I can't help you."

He steps away. I keep following him. " Someone help, my wife is trying to rape me." He teases.
"Don't you want me?"
"Of course I do but not today."
"Kyle please." "Iris please leave me alone." He feigns crying.
I start to strip off the lingerie.
"Iris! He stops me and drags me to the bathroom. He turns on the shower and hugs me. I kiss him but this time he kisses me back.


I do want her but I'm not taking advantage of her situation.
My mom is crossing her limits.
"Kyle please." She tries to take of my shirt.
"Iris, I think I should leave you here." "No please."
I think I know what to do.

Why is water dripping on my face? I open my eyes and Iris is pouring water on me.
"Wake up!" "What's your problem!" I yell back.
"What happened between us last night?" She folds her arms.
"You raped me last night."
"Kyle, tell me the truth." My lips curve into a smile.
"I didn't sleep with you but you wanted me to. You actually begged me to but I'm such a gentleman. You even tried to rape me. Are you trying to say you don't remember what happened last night?" I smirk.

Her face turns red. I think she now remembers what happened.
I had to use my fingers on her since she threatened to find someone else to please her.
She says nothing and goes to the bathroom. She really loved it.
She returns and behaves us if nothing happened.

This morning seems interesting.
"Iris dear, how was last night?" My mom asks her. She almost chokes. I hand over a glass of water to her. "Mom, can you leave us alone?"
"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Iris." "It was perfect, aunt."
"Mom, she took advantage of me last night."
She pinches me. "Kyle, why should you lie?" "Have you taken the pills?" I can't stand suppressing laughter anymore. Iris looks like she wants to cry.
"Sure. Excuse me." She leaves.

When I go back to the room. I continue to tease her.
"Don't mention last night ever."
"What will you do?" I ask.
"I will do nothing." She says and walks out of the room.


Kyle is really getting on my nerves. I feel so dirty. Kyle's mother is too much to handle. I can't stay for Christmas. Selena joins me in the garden.
"I can see Kyle is already inlove with you." "I don't love him."
"I know you're still mad at him but I'm telling you he's a good person." " I know but I love someone else."
"So did something really happen between you guys?"
"Aunt's so funny lately." Selena giggles.
"I'm not losing my virginity to Kyle. I'll die if that should happen." "Do you hate him that much?"
"I despise him."
I say and walk away. I'm not in a very good mood today.

"Do you really hate me that much that you'll die if I have sex with you?" Kyle asked me in the evening. "I just don't want you to touch me. I hate myself so much now." "I'm sorry." Kyle apologizes and leave the room.
He does not come back till morning comes.
"Kyle, I want to ask you something."
"Go ahead, I'm listening."
" I want to look for my sister's grave. Can you help me with it?"
"Sure." He looks so sad and I really feel bad perhaps I was too harsh. " I'm sorry for what I said."
"It's the truth, you shouldn't apologize."
"I actually want to find her now. I  want to meet her mother too."
"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow." He says and he's out again.

Kyle's mom was unhappy that we wouldn't spend Christmas with them.
"Alright, go and meet your sister." She hugs me. "Bye." I hug Selena tightly. "I'm going to miss you." She says. "I'll miss you too."
We wave everyone goodbye and we set off.

So my sister lived in San Francisco? So fate brought me to San Francisco for a reason. Her birthdate has been changed.
According to the date on the tomb stone, she was born on September 8, 1996 while we were actually born on September 1, 1996. I think the woman who adopted her did it to favour her.

"Iris, it's time to go. You can come another time. We have to meet Kelly."
"Okay, let's go." I don't know Bianca but it still hurts she's gone. " I wish you could come back."I say and we leave together.

Kelly Mendez is quite a wealthy woman.
"Oh my, miss Bianca?" The maid that opens the door mistakes me for Bianca.
"She's not Bianca.  Where is Kelly?"
"She's inside." She lets us in.

"So you're Bianca's twin? How is your grandma doing?" "She's gone." "Oh sorry my condolences." "Thanks ma'am."
"What's your name?" She asks.
"Iris Luna is the name my grandma gave me."
"But Iris and I are married so she's Iris Storm." Kyle steps in.
"Married? Iris, aren't you too young?"
"It's none of your business. I came here because I want to know about my sister."
"It's none of your business either. You can go ask people who are willing to talk."
I really don't like this woman.

"Why don't you want to talk about her?" "Because it will make me sad and I don't want to be sad. I hate seeing your face because you look like her too much." "I might look like her but I'm not her. I'm me." "Bianca can really knew music. If you want to know her stay and learn music. If you are able to learn before new year, I'll tell everything."
"Can my husband stay?" "You can do whatever you want."
I turn to look at Kyle. He nods giving his consent.
I know nothing about music but I'll do anything to know my sister.

The voice is so familiar. Phill?
I turn to find Phill holding shopping bags. He drops them when he makes eye contact with me. He tries to speak but he stutters. "Ma'am please who is he?" I ask. "That's Bianca's boyfriend. " "Oh." Is all I manage to say. "Why do you know him?"
"Yes, he's my senior in college."
I'm trying so hard to compose myself. He knew Bianca and he came after me? He never mentioned anything about her or someone who looks like me.
I've been such a fool. "Kyle let's go. We'll be back soon."
"Alright, Iris."
I take Kyle's hand and drags him away. Phill stood there like a statue and watched us pass by. He never expected me to find out. He's shocked. But me, I'm flabbergasted. It's goodbye. I regret ever loving him.

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