Answers Please 2.0 ( China )

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[ alrighty-ruuu~ ]

[ China, you ready? ]

China:: yes

[ Geez no energy? Give me a more energetic one! ]

China:: ok.

[ Eugh, fine. Mkay! Heyu everyone! Welcome again! ]

China:: hello.

[ *Nervous laughter* I hope you liked and I hope Japan's answers satisfied your hungry and curious brains aye? ]

[ And I hope China's answers will satisfy you as well. ]

China:: we'll see.

[ First question for you China ]

China:: no, I'm okay now thanks to philipia

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China:: no, I'm okay now thanks to philipia.

Japan:: It was traumatizing. Eugh! Don't wanna remember.

China:: nobody told you to go there and watch me die, idiot.

Japan:: Hey! Thank me instead cause I still care as your friend.

China:: please don't even say that. I get goosebumps.

Japan:: Yeah, yeah.

China:: I think I already gave the names at the last chapter

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China:: I think I already gave the names at the last chapter. I'm not gonna repeat it again.

[ Just say it China ]

China:: no. Next question.

[*Sighs* ]

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Where stories live. Discover now