Chapter 16 : Duende

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[Scotland art by meh ↑]

[Everybutty about the past chapter I really am sorreh! π^π]



Breathing heavily, body covered in sweat, temperature above warm, chest heaving in and out, legs shaking, and mind a bit foggy.

I breathed out heavily as I come close.
Come close to that spot..


My team cheered for me as I made a shot to the ring, its PE and we were playing basketball, I'm in team Blue while half of my classmates are team Red.

"Alright! That shot!!! That shot was 3 points!!!" Joe cheered as he jumps in joy.

I made a 3 point shot before the timer even stops.

"That's philipia! Wwwhooopie!!" J wrapped his arms around my neck and kept punching the air.

Our PE teacher blows his whistle taking everyone's attention. "This round was won by team Blue with the score of 90/87, this concludes our class"

In my team there is joe and J and a couple classmates while the opposite is China and Spain. China walks towards us with heavy sweat as he used his shirt to wipe the sweat from his face that I was able to get a full view of his body build.

I need cheese and jam on those pandesal, male anatomy sure is fascinating.

"Hey!" I snapped and look over at J.

"O-oh! J! I'm sorry I was daydreaming"

"Yeah! While intensely staring at China's body" he said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean too, its just, male anatomy is so.. Amazing" I whispered the last part, J looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"Oh right.. You're.. Yeah you're one of those" he said to himself.

"That was a good game philipia" spain said.

"Thanks, you did good too, I had a hard time avoiding you when your blocking is too good" I replied.

He smiled and pats my head, "we'll wait for you outside after you shower and change" he said and head towards the boys changing and shower room along with the others.

I took my bag and towel and head to the female changing room. The school already made a changing and shower room for females, they said I'm the first but I'm not. I'm not the first female to enroll in the male academy of Pangaea, there were two other females who did but they already left the school or graduated.

After showering and changing to my uniform, it was time for our last subject for the day, I got out and saw them already done and waiting outside the gym.

"Did you guys wait long?" I asked.

"Nope, we just got here" joe replied.

"Okay, let's go?"

They nodded and head to the school. While walking in the hallway I accidentally bumped into a student.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry"

He didn't look at me but he replied with a faint voice, "its okay.. "

He immediately walks away after that, I watch him go the opposite part of the hallway and thought that there was something weird about him, but I shrugged it off.

Pangaea Academy: Same Old Brand New Frenemies (countryhumans) 【Under Editing】 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt