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The day progressed way faster than I thought it would.

In what seemed like a few seconds (I admitted that I was making a minor exaggeration), the day flew by filled with me taking notes and doing work that Ms Apple provided. It was so quick that it seemed that in a matter of seconds, I was already walking Ms Apple to the door and thanking her for helping me learn for another day yet again.

She smiled at me and said "see you tomorrow," before she drove off in her car. In that moment, my thoughts began to surround around the hangout that was about to happen. It was exactly four in the afternoon when I checked the time, and just as I was about to call one of my friends, my phone vibrated with a few text messages.

charlie is picking u up btw
he said he'll be there in 5 mins get ready

So, I did. Like usual, I padded upstairs to my room, passing Brown who barked at me, making me pause, reach down and scratch the spot behind her ear. I continued my journey to my bedroom and arranged my papers, notebooks and stationary on my table neatly but as quick as I could because judging by the insanely vigorous way Charlie drove, he was going to be here way before five minutes were going to pass.

I picked up my phone, tucking my keys into my pocket, and headed out the room, making a beeline towards my parent's bedroom. I found my mum sitting on the bed, her hair twisted into a bun on her head and a laptop fittingly sitting on her lap as she typed several words on it before halting in her movements and looking up at me.

"Yes?" She asked, already knowing that I was either going to ask for something or tell her something. I was doing the latter.

"I'm going out with Olivia, Charlie and Sophia, mum." I told her and she nodded immediately.

"Alright, call or text me if you need anything." She said, giving me a smile. "Have fun, but not too much fun. I don't want to see you on the news channel tonight."

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, mum."

I dipped out of her room and made my way down the staircase where I met Brown for the second time. I knew today that she was going to be walked by my mum, who actually surprisingly offered it up on her own, further setting my plan with my friends with a more flexible time limit.

I bent down to press a kiss on her furry head which she replied by licking my hand when I tried to ruffle her fur. Then, just like I'd predicted, Charlie's car was in my driveway already. The indication of his arrival was the sound of his honk being pressed several times.

"I'll see you later, Brown." I said and stood up, putting on my shoes and heading out the door.

Charlie's car sat rumbling on the driveway, like it was as impatient as its owner was for me to come out. I didn't even think that I took that long but when I climbed into the backseat next to Olivia, it was all that seemed to be the fuss.

"I waited for ten seconds, Heather!" He exclaimed, but with the way he spoke, I knew it was a joke.

"I'm sorry!" I played along, "I just needed to do a few things."

Charlie laughed, and proceeded to speed out of the driveway. "Well, I'm glad we're talking again. For what it's worth."

"Me too."

Thanks to Charlie's impeccably fast way of driving, we were able to reach Janarius Mall in the matter of less than ten minutes. The building stood above us, invitingly towering over us with signs with the names of stores plastered on them as well as some which showcased some pictures or illustrations to leave impressions for incoming shoppers when they arrived.

A Rainy Day | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें