Report #13

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"You want to help? We have to get to the NEST." Ada tells me as I follow her. "NEST?" I queried as she stops and points down. "Umbrella's lab. Right beneath us. Annette let it slip. That's where the virus samples are. You up for this?" Ada asks me as I let out an audible sigh.

"You just like making me repeat myself, don't you?" I ask her as she chuckles. "Come on, we got work to do." Ada says as she starts to walk away as I follow her. We walked up the stairs that led to the panels.

"The cable car'll take us down to NEST." She then shows me a wristband. "This wristband's our ticket to ride." She tells me. "Cool." I simply let out. "Where'd you find it?"I ask her.

"Borrowed it." She simply answers. "Anyway, we're almost there." She says as we reach the top of the stairs. We were heading for a door as I held it open. Ada walks through and stops.

"Urgh...this damn leg..." I heard her groan out. "Ada, let me --" "No." She cuts me off. "That'd only make me feel worse." She says as she began to walk again. We crossed the bridge.

"How's the shoulder?" She asks me as I put my hand over it. "Worse than it looks." I tell her as we took a left. "What a pair." Ada comments. "Both got one foot in the grave." She continues.

We then saw the cable car. "That should take us where we need to go." Ada says as she walks to the door. The door beeps and slides open. I watch as Ada looks down on her wristband. She then walks into the car.

"This may be a one-way ride. So be prepared, Y/N." She tells me as I simply nod and walk to the control panel. I pulled on a lever as the door closes and the car starts to move into motion.

This tram is bound for NEST. Do not exit until the final destination.

I let out an exhausted sigh as I leaned on the wall. I looked over at Ada who was inspecting her leg. "I can't wait for the FBI to raid Umbrella headquarters and take those bastards down." I started as Ada looks up at me.

"I agree...but to be clear, you're not working in official capacity. This is a federal case. Once we get the G-Virus, I'm back on my own." She tells me as I let out a tch and look out the window. "Hey, Y/ me?" She asks me as I look at her and stand in front of her.

"How about you, Ada? You trust me?" I ask her as I stare into her eyes. "Honestly...if I didn't you'd probably dead." Ada tells me as I just scoff. "Right..." I muttered. "Look, I thought I might need your help...and I was right. If you can secure the G-Virus, I can make sure what happened in Raccoon City never happens again." Ada tells me as I sit next to her.

" said it yourself -- it's a federal case. I--" "Y/N, look at me." Ada stops me as I looked at her. "I'm a liability now. If I'm gonna finish this case, you're the last hope I've got." Ada tells me as I look down at my lap. I felt my hands curl into a fist. "You already complained once about your leg. I can't just leave you here. What if someone attacks you? What if you--!"


The warmth returns from before. But this time, it courses through my body. Before I knew it, she pulled away as I just stare at her in shock. "Wh--?! What was that for?!" I shouted at her as I stepped back. Ada lightly chuckles as she holds her gaze with mine.

"You couldn't shut up." She tells me as I just look away from her. "Don't tell me that's the first time you've been kissed?" Ada asks me as I saw another platform. "It's most definitely not my first." I simply tell her. "And since, we're on a job, right?" I ask her as I looked back at her.

"We were just having a break." Ada simply tells me as I just scoff. "I'll be fine, Y/N. Don't worry about me." Ada tells me. "I gotta see this through..." Ada continues. She then grasps my hand as I look at her. "...and I want to see you again." Ada spoke softly. "I got plenty to live for. Trust me." Ada reassures me as she caresses my hand.

Now arrive at NEST.

Ada looks at me in the eyes. "Go. Please. We don't have that much time." She then takes off the wristband and gives it to me. "You're gonna need this. I nod as I stood up. "Ok." I simply tell her. I took out her coat and threw it to her.

"Stay out of trouble..." I grumbled as I made my way for the door. "Y/N..." Ada starts as I look back at her. She held another one of those soft, since smiles. "Thank you, and...I'm counting on you." Ada tells me as I nod.

"I won't let you down."

The Racoon City IncidentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz