Report #6

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'So I need to find two electronic parts to unlock the door. Then, I can grab the card and get out of here.' I noted as I walked away from the power panel and grabbed a crank tool. I remembered the closed shutter as I grabbed it. I saw a note and took it.

Memo: "Jail Power Panel"
The power panel is out. Can the person in charge of it please take care of it ASAP?! I assume everyone knows, but since the jail's power panel is old as hell, we're gonna need those custom power panel parts no one makes anymore. There should be a few in the generator room.
I got word that there's only one of those power panel parts in the generator room. The guy that's here to fix the bell in the clock tower should have another, so someone swipe -- I mean, ask him nicely for it, please.

'It looks like I'm gonna have to go back to the station later.' I thought as I walked out of jail and went to explore a different area. 'The firing range...?' I queried as I walk in. I noticed another paper on the side table. I picked it up and read it.

Equipment Disposal Notice
Item to be Disposed:
Key to Patrol Car 7439

Bent key, no longer usable, but can still open the car's door and trunk with its keyless entry buttons.

I then noticed a tin box by the note as I opened it. 'The infamous bent key...' I thought as I took it. I explored the firing range more until I stumbled into a diamond door. 'Don't have the key for it...' I noted as I walked into the firing range.

Immediately, two zombies stirred as I brought my pistol up. 'This is a firing range...a little practice won't hurt.' I thought as I fed the two zombies with my bullets. I took out my knife and stabbed them in the heads to assure they won't come back for me.

As I walked out of the range and walked into a different hallway, I heard howling in the distance. "Must be an infected dog..." I muttered as I got my pistol ready. As I opened the door, I was met with immediate barking. 'This is the kennel for sure...' I thought. I looked at the infected dogs and saw they were banging their bodies against the door.

'I should take them out...' I thought as I went ahead and took care of them. I reloaded as I walked past the kennel and exited the room. I saw a door to my left as I went ahead and inspected it. 'The Morgue...fitting...' I thought as I looked for any loot.

'I have to open some don't I...?' I queried as I went ahead with my thoughts. I opened some to find nothing. 'On to the other side...' I thought as I went ahead and opened another one. The next one made me stop as I closed it back again. It was a zombie that was in the middle of what looked like a seizure.

I went for the second to last one as I saw another zombie lying on it. I saw something shine next to its head as I took out my knife. I stabbed it in the face multiple times before I assumed it dead. I grabbed the shiny item and saw that it was a Diamond key. 'Nice.' I thought as I walked out of the Morgue.

I then noticed a shutter. I walked to it as I noticed hole. 'Probably the crank I got?' I queried as I took out the crank and inserted it into the hole. It fit right in as I started cranking on it. After a few minutes, the shutter was now open and I grabbed the crank. I made my way back to the shooting range and opened the Diamond Door. "Nothing...? Are you serious?" I muttered as I ran back into the Parking Garage.

I took the car keys out and pressed the unlock button.


I walked towards the police cruiser and opened the trunk. 'A pistol stock.' I noted as I combined my pistol and the stock together. I walked back to the hallway I just walked out of and made my way to the open shutter.

I opened the door and assumed that it was the generator room. I saw a box and grabbed it. I opened it and found a singular electronic part. 'One more to go...' I noted as I walked around the room. I stumbled across a panel with four switches and two gauges.

'I'm probably supposed to get both arrows in the red...' I thought as I started flipping the switches until I got it. I looked out at the window as I watched one of the doors unlock. Not only that, I restored light in the storage room.

Seeing that I was done in this room I walked out, but then heard barking. I held my pistol up and waited for them to come. 'When did these things come out and play...?' I queried as one showed up and shot it down. Two more came as they suffered the same fate as their canine comrade.

I made a break for it as I planned to go through the now unlocked door. As I was running, I noticed vents on the floor opened and broken. 'So that's where they came from...' I noted as I looked back and saw a pack of the behind me.  I grabbed for one of my grenades and threw it behind me.


'Hopefully, I didn't wake anyone up...' I hoped as I entered through the now unlocked door. I kept walking as soon as I walked up a set of stairs. 'I'm back at the police station...? A shortcut.' I thought as I entered a room. "Another safe room." I let out as I walked around the room.

I walked into a room with two bunk beds and saw an electrical part. 'Just like the one for the shutter down on the first floor. Gotta keep my eyes peeled for any electrical board.' I told myself as I stowed it into my bag.

I walked into the room and took out the map. 'If I'm in the break room...then, I'm on the first floor and on the east side of the station.' I read through the map as I put it into my bag. 'Plan is to get the last part and open any doors that I can with the Diamond Key. Same for anything else that I find.' I plotted as I walked out of the break room.

I was welcomed by several zombies as I greeted them in my own way. A bullet to the face. I kept walking down the hallway as I saw an all too familiar shutter. "Officer Elliot..." I muttered as I saw his lower half being eaten by a zombie. I stepped on its back as it started flailing to get free. I forced my pistol onto its head as I shot it. It stopped squirming as I reloaded my pistol.

I looked to my left and saw an electrical board. I attached the missing electrical part. I watched as the shutter opened. I continued walking the familiar path back into the Main Hall. As soon as I saw the statue, I saw Marvin's figure sitting. I went to go tap his shoulder but got my hand grabbed by him. 'He turned...' I thought in my head as I brought my fist back and punched Lieutenant in the face as he let go of my hand.

I pushed him down and aimed my pistol at him. "It has to be done, Lieutenant..." I muttered as I shot him until he stopped moving. I walked away from his corpse as I gripped onto my pistol handle.

"Whoever did this...or whoever caused this...must pay for what they did..."

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