Report #10

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I reached for my pistol but felt nothing. I stood up as I felt a shrilling pain on my side. I felt a piece of clothing fall off me as I looked down. 'Ada's coat?' I queried as I noticed that a piece of it was ripped off. I looked down at my arm and saw that Ada had wrapped it.

'Not a really good medical treatment, but at least it's better than nothing.' I told myself as I noticed that my pistol and rifle were laying across me together with my bag. 'Gotta go find her.' I told myself as I stuffed the coat into my bag and put it on. I grabbed my pistol and put it in its holster. I gripped my Assualt Rifle and held it.

'Let's go, Y/N.' I told myself as I started walking down a hallway. I looked up at a ventilation shaft. 'A broken shaft and ladder. Could it be Ada's doing?' I queried as I walked away and saw an elevator. I walked over to it and pressed the button. I started to ascend.

I walked out of the elevator and jogged down. I looked over the railings. 'I guess we're going to be swimming again...' i thought as I dropped down into the water. "That's a pleasant smell..." I muttered as I brought my flashlight up and started wading in the water.

I waded until I saw a steel door. I jumped up to the platform and noticed I was missing a part to open the door. 'I need a T or something like a screw...' I noted as I jumped back into the water. As I waded in the water, I was met with a fork in front of me.

'Go straight or take a right, Y/N?' I asked myself as I went straight. "A dead end...just what I needed..." I muttered as I picked up more Assault Rifle ammo and stowed it into my bag. I waded back and went to the other path.

I waded until I saw stairs leading up to somewhere. I got out of the water and walked up the stairs. I was met with a dead soldier in a red-eye mask. I walked past it as I saw something lying next to a carcass. I took it and noticed it was a VHS tape. It read, U.S.S. Digital Video Cassette. I heard groaning sounds as I brought my rifle up and walked slowly into the next room. There, I was met with a zombie as I quickly shot it down. Its head explodes.

I brought my rifle down as I quickly advance. I saw another dead soldier as I walked up the stairs. I walked as I stopped in front of a door that reads, Treatment Facility. I tried opening it, but it was locked. 'I doubt the keys from the station would unlock this...' I told myself as I made a mental note to check this door later.

I walked on as I noticed a panel. 'A Rook piece?' I queried as I looked at the platform in front of me. 'Probably to operate the platform...' I told myself as I crossed. I stopped on the platform as I saw two incoming zombies.

I shot both of them down and stomped on them, as their heads explode under my feet. I looked up as I saw another door leading to another Treatment Facility. I turned right on the door as I walked down the stairs.

I was met with sewer waters again as I dropped into it. I saw the water sloping downward as I waded over to it. I slid down as some of the water got into my mouth. "Blegh! Ah, shit!" I shouted as I tried to get the taste out. As I waded in the water, I noticed another door that needed a screw or T mechanism. I stopped in my tracks as I brought my rifle up.

'Humming? Is there someone else down here?' I queried as I noticed something move. I slowly waded towards it and saw a lump of flesh. It then noticed my presence as it started to unravel and face me. "What the hell?!" I shouted out loud looking for any weaknesses. 'The eyes...of course...' I told myself as I started shooting the eyes on the monster as it died and drowned. I reloaded as I saw a platform.

I jumped onto it and shined my light into the hallway. I started walking as I took a left and walked up the stairs. I opened the door and was met with a cable car. I walked up the stairs then climbed up a ladder, which was not provided from Ada.

I reached the top of the ladder as I opened a door. I noticed a big window as I walked over to it and looked out of it. 'Nothing interesting...just another platform and sewer water.' I noted as I stepped away from the window.

I looked behind me and saw an opening. I looked down it and dropped. I landed in one piece as I dropped down again, onto solid floor. I then heard a roar. "Don't like the sound of that..." I muttered as I saw another window I could look through. "Come on...where are you FBI Detective?" I queried as I scanned the dump.

I then saw her. She was laying down. I banged on the glass to get her attention. "Ada!" I shouted as it was of no use. I looked for anything to see where I could get her. I saw the doors and read it. 'Waste Disposal...' I read as I brought my rifle up.

"I'm coming, Ada. Just hang on tight."

The Racoon City Incidentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن