Report #12

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'Another T crank...?' I queried as I opened the door. I decided to pass the door in the sewers and retrace my steps. I took a lift going up and opened a door. I brought my pistol up as I saw a zombie lying on the floor. I kept my aim on it as I slowly walked over to it. I heard it groan and immediately stepped on it. Blood oozed out of its head as I stepped away from it.

I looked up from the table and saw a door. I walked to it and unlocked it. I walked through it and saw that I was back to where the Rook piece was. 'I remember that there were two doors I couldn't open...I should check it out...' I told myself as I saw a door in the same area.

I took out the key I got from before and unlocked it. As soon as I walked in, the room looked like a break room. I then noticed a suspicious-looking taped shelf. I walked over to it and pushed it to the side. When I exposed the hole, I was met with another elevator. I walked into the elevator as it closes behind me and takes me up.

I walked through the elevator and saw a staircase. I walked up to it and unlocked another barred door and walked through it. I turned my light on to illuminate the way. I look to my left and saw a weapon case. I walked over to it and saw the STARS symbol on the glass case. I took out the STARS USB and pressed a button on the back as the USB connector went back into the badge.

I put the badge into the hole as it unlocked the case. I opened the glass case and grabbed the gun accessory. 'A grenade launcher. That's a plus.' I told myself as I added it to my assault rifle. 'I haven't picked up any grenade launcher ammo...I should keep my eyes peeled for them then...' I told myself as I walked back into the elevator, and went back down.

. . .

'And it opens...' I told myself as I unlocked the second door that was locked. I walked into the new room and saw two grenade launcher ammo. I walked over to it and loaded it into the launcher as I stow the other one away. 'Looks like these are the only things in this room...' I told myself as I leave the room. I went back to the Rook panel board and took the piece out of it.

I watched as the bridge in front of me pull up as I made my way back to the elevator and up to the U-Area Door Room.

. . .

Pretty sure the rook and knight are on the same wall and the bishop and queen aren't next to each other. The queen and rook were opposite each other, too.

"So, if I leave the Bishop, Pawn, and the Knight piece alone...then..." I muttered as I plugged the Rook piece in between the Knight and Bishop pieces. "And the Rook is opposite to the Queen..." I muttered as I plugged the Queen piece in front of it. "And that leaves one open space for the King." I finished as I hear the U-Area Door open.

"Easy..." I muttered as I walked to the door and pushed it open. "Almost there, Ada." I muttered as I walked down a flight of stairs. I saw a lever as I pulled down on it. It did nothing. "Dammit...need to turn the power on firsts..." I muttered as I walked away from the gate and walked down a hallway behind me.

I walked through a door and walked into a red room. In the corner of the room, I saw an electrical panel. I walked over to it and saw two gauges and four switches. 'Another one of these things, huh?' I queried as I started playing with the switches. After a few minutes, I heard a beep as I solved the panel.

'Now, to go back...' I thought as I turned around to walk to the door.


I rolled backward as I saw a glimpse of a claw stop me from getting to the door. "Jesus..." I muttered as the claw had started an oil fire. I heard footsteps above me as I ducked and the claw appeared above me. It then disappeared. I walked away from the hole as I heard the footsteps follow me.

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