Report #5

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I walked into the escape and found myself in another safe room. I found nothing that I needed there, so I walked out of the room and was met with an elevator. I pressed the button as I entered the elevator and pressed the button again, as it closes and descends. I walk out of the elevator and continued into a different hallway. As soon as I enter the hallway, I was met with metal clanging sounds. "Hello? Is anyone there?" I questioned as I was met with nothing. 'Okay then...' I continued down the hallway as I was met with what looked like the Machinery room.

I continued walking as I stopped in front of a leaning drawer. I moved it to the side and made way. Not knowing what was happening, I felt something grip onto me as my feet left the floor. I looked at what was in front of me and saw a man, but an infected one. He forced me down onto the ground as I watched his infected arm grow an eyeball. My eyes widened as I suddenly felt the hard impact of the floor as his weight brought us down into the facility. I rolled off of him and aimed my pistol at the eye.


The eye then exploded as I ran away from the infected human. I then saw a grenade and grabbed it. I kept running around trying to look for more useful things that I can use against him.


I turned back and saw him. I pulled the pin on the grenade as I tossed it at him. It exploded and stunned him for a little. I took this time to aim my pistol at the eye again and shot it until it exploded again. I reloaded as I ran from him. I then heard him shout as the clanging started again. I turned around and saw his mutated eye turning red. 'One more and he'll be down...' I told myself as I threw a flashbang at his as it stuns him. He groaned in pain as I aimed at the eye for the last time.


The man groans and shouts in pain as he couldn't bear it. He staggered backward into a handrail and fell over. I walked to the handrail and looked over it to see if he died or not. Unluckily, the smoke from the pipes was blocking my field of vision.


I turned around and aimed my pistol waiting for anything or anyone else. I held it down as there was nothing. I walked around the Machinery room as I noticed a ladder that wasn't there before. "Somebody's watching me..." I muttered as I took my chances and climbed up the ladder. I reached the top and turned left towards the set of stairs possibly leading up.

I walked into another room with a lever. I pulled down the lever not knowing what it does as I watched a platform connect itself to make a bridge. 'Oh...that's neat...' I thought in my head as I left the room. I looked down at the area as I crossed the bridge and headed into another area.

'Another safe room...' I thought as I walked into the room and looked for anything I needed. I opened a locker and saw more of the FMJ ammunition. I turned around and saw another ladder. I made my way towards it and climbed up.

I pushed up on the cap as I peeked at what I'm about to enter. "The parking garage?" I queried as I pushed the cap off and climbed onto the cement. I walked towards the shut garage door. I looked to the side and saw a kiosk. I walked over to it.

"Damn. Need a key card..." I muttered. I then stop as I felt a sudden shift in the room. I brought my pistol up, and as I turned, I was attacked by a dog. I was pushed down by the dog as I tried to push it off me. "C'mon...get off!" I shouted at the dog as I grabbed its snout and the top of its head. Before I snapped the infected dog's neck, it was hit by a bullet. Not hearing the voice, I picked my pistol up and fed it two of my bullets.

I stood up and turned around. I held my pistol up as the figure came out of the shadows. "Lower it." The feminine voice orders. "Sorry, but following a lady's lead just isn't my style. Why don't you lower yours first, huh?" I tell her as I kept my aim on her. She then takes out something and shows it to me. "FBI." She simply said. I took a good look at it to see any faults in it. "tch." I lowered my pistol as she lowers hers down.

I continued to stare at her. "No 'thank you's or 'thanks for the help'?" The woman asks me. I scoffed as I reluctantly thanked her. "Surprised you made it this far." She compliments me as she started to walk away. "If you're FBI, then what's going on here?" I ask her as she continued to walk away. "Sorry. That information's classified." She answers me. "Oh and Officer. Do yourself a favor: get the hell out of here while you still can." She tells me as she disappears into behind the door.

Getting annoyed, I walked towards the door and went through it, only to see that she was nowhere in sight. "What trickery is this" I muttered. I turned my flashlight on as I started to explore the new area. 'Next objective...acquire a key card...' I told myself. I noticed that I was in some sort of prison due to all of the bars that I see.

I walked to what looks like the reception office and noticed a map. "B1 Police Station map...B1 as in base probably...' I noted. I got out of the office and made my way into the prison area. Every prison cell was either empty or inhabited a zombie. I then saw light at the end of the prison hall as I made my way towards it.

"Hello?" A voice called out. "Hello." I answered back as I saw a man. 'Possibly a reporter or journalist.' I thought. "I don't believe it. A real human." He said ecstatically. He leaned on the prison bars to get a look at me. "Hello, Human." He greets me as I was attacked by a puff of his smoke. I took a step back to create some distance between us.

"It looks like you've been in here for a long time." I told him. "Yeah, long enough. Are we the last ones alive?" He asks me. I shook my head as my answer. "Oh...that's good news, I guess. Unless, of course, Irons sent you." He told me. "Chief Irons? He didn't send me. Is he still around?" I ask him. "Who cares. Hopefully, somebody's dinner by now." He tells me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him. "He's the bastard that locked me in here." He told me. "Why? Every inmate in a cell is either dead or has turned. Seeing that you haven't turned, it looks like you've been locked up recently." I told him. "You're sharp. I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I'd have done the same thing too, I guess." He tells me as he threw his cigarette.

'!!!' I snapped my neck to the source of the sound. It was the sound of metal creaking. "Hey! I'll make you a deal...unlock this cell and I'll give you this. There's no other way outta that parking garage! Believe me!" He started shouting. I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Sorry, I would've, but..." I then patted myself down. "...I have no key. But if I did, I sti-"


"Look, we're both prisoners in this station. So either we play nice and help each other out-"


"Shit, it's coming." He said as he started backing up. "What's coming? Who?" I asked him as he continued to back up. "C'mon -- C'mon, don't be an asshole...okay?" He then shows me the keycard. "You need this!" He shouts. "Just get me the fuck outta here!"


I watched as a hand grabbed onto the man's face and started squeezing it. It soon explodes as he fell limply onto the ground and the arm retreated away. I looked for anything or anyone in the hole that was created by that arm, but there was nothing...

I then brought my pistol up. "Who's there?" I asked in an authoritative tone. The lady from before appeared. "It's just me, so you can put that thing away." She tells me as she stops in front of the man's cell. I held my gun down as I watched her. "What happened here?" She asked me. "A hand grabbed his face and squeezed it until his brain exploded and his skull fractured." I explained as I look at the man.

"I told you to get out of here. You wouldn't want to end up like Ben, would you?" She asks me as she mentioned the man. "You knew him?" I asked her. "He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation." She tells me. "So the man was spitting out facts?" I ask her as she turned around and started to walk away.

"You know you can't always walk away, right?" I asked her as she stopped and looked at me. "We don't even know each others names, Lady." I told her as I continued to stare at her. "Find a way out, officer. Before it's too late. Then we'll talk." She simply said before she walked away. "You better keep your promise then, Lady." I told her as she held her hand up and walked away.

"This Lady better not be a pain in the ass in the future..."

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