After they did, they took a bit then pretended fear and ran out in a towel and told the family that their partner had collapsed in the shower and they don't have a pulse. They demanded them to get dressed after bringing out the body and they nodded. They got them out the the parents just cried.

We went back and they were shocked. I looked at them and yawned. "That was kinda boring." I muttered and they looked at me. "What? Boring?" "My last life was kinda interesting... actually had to deal with all of them in a way..." "What?" I explained how in each one, I was in each of their lives as I was in the background. In each of them, somehow had something to do with the fucked up stuff going on here.

They slightly nodded and Moku and I looked at each other. "What now?" "Want them to see how we lived in our first lives?" "I'm not gonna be allowed to say no, am I?" "Nope." He said and we went there. I sighed as we were transparent. I pointed out who's angels, demons and my parents. They nodded and watched as they kicked me out.

I just started getting anger issues at that moment and couldn't even bother holding them back.

We watched the others get kicked out too. It's then that I came up with the idea of murder. "Hey, what if we don't let them pass naturally?" "That means?" "I mean, we make them pass by taking their life." I said and they each thought for a while. "I mean, I like the sound of it..." Diana said and I nodded. "But how?" "We know that knives are sharp enough to cut through tough meat, I'm sure skin won't be too much." I said and smirked as I got one out from my bag. "Let me test it quickly." I turned it on my arm and they were confused until I stabbed my arm. Janice was shocked and immediately took it out and stopped the bleeding.

"Citra!" "We can see that it works. Now, my parents have also tried to make me stop breathing in water, and we've seen that fire hurts and causes harm to people. We could burn someone to death." "Hm... sounds interesting. Just don't test it on yourself." "The water suffocation nearly worked on me." I said and they nodded as I smiled.

"So which should we do?" "Well, for the 'angels', I'd say burning them. It seems quite painful." I nodded and we smirked. We got up and went out to study to make fire. We did it successfully back in the cave and nodded. "Yes!" We nodded and got up.

I got up with Janice and the two were confused. "Where are you going?" "Steal some food. Ready Janice?" "Ready as ever." I nodded and we left.

We only had to beat up my sister and the twins as they tried to stop us. We went to our cave quickly, mainly with bread and apples as we laughed. "What?" "We just beat up a few angels." "That's great! Who?" "My sister and the annoying twins." They laughed and nodded. "Great!" Kinoa said and we nodded.

The next thing we saw was me walking through town alone. A rock was flung at me and I avoided it as I saw one of the angels friends. I just screamed at them until they ran away from a dark brown haired boy.

I saw the boy was smirking and he approached me while I glared. "Who are you and what do you want?" "I'm Enotori. You're the demon leader, right?" "Yeah. What about it?" "I want to join your group." "Excuse me?" "I heard you want to murder the angels. Is it true? I want to do it too." "Prove that I can trust you." "How?" "Beat up two angels doesn't matter who to me. And I want to see you doing it yourself." He nodded. The next day, we were hiding behind a rock as he had Vienna and Jinmu. It was in private and we watched as he beat them until they were bleeding with a sadistic smile on his face. He smirked and forgot about us while he started laughing.

I walked out and he stared at me. "Alright then. Welcome to the demons Enotori. Meet, Janice, the flirty girl, Kinoa, the defected one, and Diana, the creepy one that loves spiders." She had one climbing up her arm and she smiled while she got it on her finger.

Enotori became our time management and would keep notes of what we're doing and what times it was. "Wow, you really like keeping track of time, don't you?" "It's nice to know." He simply said and wrote about how to get fire started.

In the middle of the night, we put scraps around the angel's private house and once the moon was above us, we started the fire. Nobody realized before we heard screaming. People rushed out of their homes while we were laughing and watching from afar.

"Oh this is beautiful." I said and stared. The townspeople just cursed us while they couldn't save all of them and six escaped. I growled and when the fire was over, the people rushed in followed by a sad cry.

"Wow, they're pathetic." I heard Kinoa say and we nodded as Enotori was snickering. He wrote it down and we went to our cave at midnight. We were sleeping and Kinoa was currently keeping watch.

In a week, when it was Enotori's turn to keep watch, he accidentally slept and caused a ruckus. One of the survivors had arrived to us with a knife and since they read Enotori's notebook, they killed me first. I screamed and the others rushed out while I was trying to defend myself and told them to run.

The second survivor with him just got out his own knife and stabbed me. I fell to the ground and the girls were terrified while I died with a glare and smirk on my face. They waited and since there was no noise, the others assumed that I killed them and returned. They saw my body slumped up against the far back wall and stared in fear.

A little version of Demon me arrived and watched them as I was feeding off my own soul. The others took a while to die and kept my corpse with them by burying it in front of the cave. I waited and soon started feeling weaker as (E/n) finally found me. He seemed brighter then me and I was confused.

He just spoke and hugged me. "Welcome to the afterlife. It looks like happiness doesn't work to feed you... maybe you need it directly from the soul." I was confused and he led me to a group of souls. I grabbed them and felt more powerful while I laughed. "Well then, thanks for finding my way to live!" I said and smirked.

The others finally died after they were adults and they left a child they had in the ashes of the house. People took them in and thought they were reincarnations of the burned angels since they removed most of the ashes but some did so on the blankets, foreheads or cheeks. They saw them occasionally and the kids knew immediately that they were their parents and learned from them how to be demons but as they got older, they became nicer and nicer as their parents were disgusted before they were murdered by the survivors.

I found their souls immediately floating over their bodies and gave them some souls. "Welcome to death. Let's make their lives a living hell, shall we?" I asked and they looked at me before smirking. They nodded and we went to the home I created of eternal burning flames. They laughed when they saw them and I smiled. I gave them powers that fit them.

Kinoa just glared at me a bit. "Really Citra?" "Yes. It fits you quite well." He rolled his eyes and we went to the human world. We laughed as we terrorized the people. They recognized the laughter and stared in fear as the two girls went to their two children. They laughed and stared at them.

"Children, how dare you betray me?" Janice asked and her sons stared in fear. Diana stared at her son and daughter while the son just protected his sister. She smiled and surrounded them with giant tarantulas. They were terrified of them unlike Diana while they screeched. I laughed and went to my parents. I smirked and stared at them. "Look at that, you were right. I am a demon and I'm the demon queen." I said and saw the ones that killed me. I smiled and suffocated them. I smile and took their souls.

I slumped them against the walls of their home. I smiled and did the same with the other survivors and gave them to the other demons. They smiled and thanked me. I nodded and we left as the parents threatened their children.

"I don't like being betrayed. You can't be a demon, I can't wait to drain your soul." Janice said and then we left to our home. I smiled and we made our thrones. "Since she created us, I say she has the highest throne." Diana said and the others agreed and we nodded. We made our thrones out of skulls and bones. Once we did the form, we just smiled and made it dark as we sat on it. "Oh this is beautiful." I said and smiled.

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