"Which is exactly what selfish means, B. It's a fucked up scenario either way you flip it, hunny." She said in a blunt manner.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. Things will get harder, especially with this pregnancy."

Blake eyes grew wide and a loving smile spread across her face, "The baby! You never told me how your appointment went?"

"Hmph! It was something, alright." I said with an sarcastic tone of voice. "Apart of me feels like I'm getting a lesson on being careful about what you wish for."

"And this is because?" She dragged. I took a sip of my diluted cup of decaf coffee then a bite of cinnamon crumb cake before responding. Blake let out a small chuckle, "You're stalling. Was it that bad?"

After patting my lips dry, I decided to speak up. "I'm having twins."

"Twins!?" She yelled, causing everyone in the coffee shop to turn their heads, but she continued on with her excitement regardless of their annoyed expressions. "Beyoncé Knowles pregnant with twins ... I'd never thought this day would come!"

"Yes because it's genetically impossible, Blake!" I exclaimed. "No twins run in my family-"

"But it could in his!" ... "Beyoncé this is great news, twins are such a blessing!" She continued. "Ryan and I were scared shitless in the beginning, but we wouldn't trade the boys for the world."

I thanked the Lord that my glasses were still on my face so that she couldn't glance at my watery eyes. I couldn't put my finger on what was making me so emotional about this news, but if anyone was an expert on how to work through these feelings, Blake was the one.

Without asking, she pulled me for a hug and gently rubbed my back. "I know you're anxious and thinking to yourself how you're going to get through this but you will, Beyoncé! You have a strong support system around you who will love these twins like their own."

"I-I know, just don't mind me right now. I get emotional over the littlest things-"

"But this isn't a little thing. Don't downplay your emotions, .. I hate when you do that! It's okay to feel the way you are feeling. Just know there is a rainbow at the end of this storm." She interrupted.

"Blake don't be getting all motivational on me!" I said in a playful tone before drying my eyes. "I know things will turn around but I'm scared. What if I can't carry full term?"

"I can't give a definite answer on that yet but I can say that Brooke took care of me the best with the twins; you're in such good hands!"

"This is true. She was such a joy when delivering Aaliyah so hopefully this time around things will not be any different."

"Have you told her about the twins yet?" She spoke in regards to Aaliyah.

"She knew before me!" I said, ratting out her not-so-perfect goddaughter. "She opened the envelope on my bed, which was definitely noted for me, and unraveled the pictures. I know her last ass whopping was at three years old but maybe she's in need of a refresher."

Blake couldn't contain her laughter. "Well, at least that's one left person to tell. I'm assuming she's excited?"

"For sure. On the ride to school she couldn't stop talking about all the matching outfits she was going to buy them." I informed. Her response was just what I needed this morning and I felt pleased to know that she was ready for big sister mode.

"That's great news, B. Their birth is going to change so many lives .. just wait."

We finished up our coffee date then hurried to our cars before driving toward the hospital. Before she began her shift, we gave each other a warm hug and promised to catch up later in the evening. I made a quick stop at the cafeteria to grab Jay one of his favorite snacks then took the elevator up to his room. When I walked inside, he was still comfortable in the chair and played silently on his phone.

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