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Enter the girl - and suddenly, many things on the island and in the hearts of its youthful inhabitants begin to change.

It is then no wonder, that we have reached the third and last part of the first book. Some things long suppressed will start unraveling - feelings and secrets. As with feelings and secrets always, some of them may be beautiful while others ugly. 

Loyalty is set against jealousy, trust against hatred, and love against death. Our protagonist will have to try and find the answers he needs, to find Mary, or to find himself. 

*   *   *

As mist covered the possibilities, I stood asunder.
The cold zephyr sends a distracting sensation.
I savour the moments where I am not chained
By choices I didn't choose,
I was enslaved by my ability
But I won't enslave others.
Negativity and strife don't give a positive right
To people's souls.
I walk without thought,
Each step is a sporadic action.
I won't succumb to Rhythm Zero.

(The missing end of the poem found in the Secret Garden of Gulistan, by Kent R.)

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