Chapter 18: The Prince Master

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That morning, I was woken up before my death in the nightmare, as someone unlocked the door of the room and it was opened. Upon opening my eyes, I saw the room was filled by light coming from the window. Rising sun coloured the room with flaming yellow and red.

It was Robin and Zero at the door.

"We heard you were sick", said Rob.

"So, we wanted, like, to say we're sorry", said Ze. "For beating the shit out of you and stuff."

"And for making you carry the lope", added Rob.

I looked at them and wished they hadn't reminded me. "It's alright, boys. I should thank you."


"Yeah, why, dude?"

"If I didn't come across you two", I explained, "I might never have found my way here. At least not for some time. I'd have slept out on the moor. Who knows, fall prey to one of those dangerous predators you mentioned."

"Yes, that's true", answered Robin, who eagerly took the absolution on a silver plate. "What could you do without us, man? You needed our guidance."

I sighed, and decided it was time to wake up from this restless night for good. "Well, probably I'd have done what I was doing before you found me. But I want to say one thing to you, boys. You didn't need to attack me. I'd have come with you voluntarily."

"Sorry man", said Rob. "That's the standard procedure for strangers. You could turn out to be a spy. Or otherwise dangerous."

"And it was also more awesome that way", said Ze, and laughed annoyingly. "You got a chance of fighting back. And be defeated by us."

"Okay kids", I interrupted him. "Better I just say your apology is accepted."

And they left, cheerful and careless as ever.

*   *   *

Mickey and Ricky came from the corridor. No doubt they had let the kids come in first and say what they wanted to say.

"It's time, then", said Mickey. "Are you ready?"

"I suppose so", I said. "What will happen?"

"The Prince Master wants to interrogate you personally", said Ricky. "But he's busy meeting with the Council of Seven first, so we'll take you to wait for your turn."

"Am I that important?" I wondered. "I'm just a shipwrecked time-traveller resurrected and taken back to this world by titans."

The brothers laughed at my definition, and it pleased me dry humour was not lost on them. To think about it, I wasn't at all unique here. They had all gone through the same as me – just years before me and at a younger physical age.

They walked me out of the building to the yard and seized my arms, frogmarching me towards the English country inn.

"Give me a break. This isn't really necessary", I complained. "Hey boys, I'm not about to try an escape or anything."

"It isn't for you", said Ricky. "It's for the audience."

I saw now that there were around twenty boys gathered in the yard, and all of them were staring at me. I stared them back, seeing Rob and Ze were among them. The giant was also there, standing like a looming mountain behind the row of boys.

I raised my eyes and saw the actual looming mountain, the volcano, in the horizon. The scenery was still breathtakingly beautiful. What was the name they had mentioned for the mountain? Kaiken Araku? Sounded Japanese.

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