Pilot 🌹

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"Hey Skinny didnt see you there." Nicole smiled at me. I kept my mouth shut and went to my locker but she slammed it shut nearly slamming my finger with it.

"Bitch didnt you hear me talking to you." She said getting in my face. "I-im sorry." I mumbled and she pushed me and I fell and that hurt.

"Careful. You might break her bones." Another girl said and I got myself up but Nicole pushed me back down.

"Did I say you could stand back the fuck up? Ion think so." She snarled and I stayed on the ground.

A boy with curly hair came up to me. "Yall stop picking on her. Its not even funny." He held out a hand to me and I grabbed it and he helped me up. The crowd soon went away and I went back to my locker.

"Uh thanks for, helping me." I said smiling at him a little and he shrugged. "Its cool. They shouldn't be picking on you like that." I smiled. Maybe I could have at least one friend in this stupid ass school.

"Evan." He said sticking his hand out to me. "Jaylen." I said shaking it. "Your Jhacari's sister right?" I nodded and he smiled at me.

We talked for a little bit at my locker before the bell rung. "Wait I gotta surprise for you." He said his smile growing. It made mine grow a little too.

"What?" He counted to five and then I splashed in water. I gasped closing my eyes. He chuckled. "You really thought you could pull my boyfriend?" Vanessa said hugging up on Evan.

I looked up at him as he looked at me with a blank face. I swallow around the lump in my throat and ran off before I started to cry.

I dried my clothes as best I could before walking to my locker getting my stuff.

"Yo Jay!" I looked in the hall to see Jhacari running to me. "Hey Jha." I said my smile growing back onto my face.

Jha and I are a year apart so while I'm 16 hes 17. "Hey, why you not in class? And why are you wet?" He asked me and I quickly thought of something to say.

"My friends and I were playing around." I said my smile still on my face. He nodded and hugged me.

"Why you not in class?" I asked him. "That's what I came to talk to you about. I'm skipping so I need you to do that shit you do." He said and I sighed.

Ever since i was in 9th grade all he ever did was skip school, so he never knew about the bullying I had to endure and I didnt tell him. It was too embarrassing.

Jha is popular while I'm not. "Okay." I said. "Cool. You wanna do something after school?" He asked me and I nodded. I loved doing stuff with Jha. Hes like my twin.

"Cool, love you sissy." He kisses my cheek. "Love you more bubba." I said and he mugged me before leaving. I chuckled knowing how much he hates that nickname.

I grabbed my books and headed to class.

"Ms.Andrica your late." Ms.Walsh said and I nodded. "I'm sorry it won't happen again." I mumbled and went to my seat.




After school I went straight home like I always do and I smelled Lasagna. I walked into the kitchen where my mom was taking it out the oven. "Hey mama, how was your day?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"It was nice, I got a few new clients and stuff so it was fun." She said and I nodded. My mom owned her very own hairdresser. She named it, Jamir's Hair Salon.

Jamir was my father's name but he died from a car crash when I was 5. "Is jha home?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Thought he was with you." I shook my head.

"You know how Jha is. Besides I was with my friends." I lied. My mom doesn't know I'm being bullied and I honestly wanna keep it that way. "That's nice. How come they never come over?" I shrugged.

"Well when Jhacari gets home tell me we're hanging out later." I told her and went to my room to get dressed.

I wore a simple white belly shirt with ripped jeans and my black and blue Nike Airs.

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I walked past my mirror and pulled my shirt up a little

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I walked past my mirror and pulled my shirt up a little. I looked at the little meat I had pulling at it. I swallowed.

"When I gain weight maybe then I'll have more friends." I said to myself. "Jay!" I heard my mom yell. I pulled my shirt down and went downstairs.

"Ready Jha." I asked him smiling and he pulled me into the hallway. "Ima have to bail." He said and I could feel myself about to cry.

"Why?" I asked him and he sighed. "Something came up. I hope its okay." I smiled at him. "Its fine. Have fun Jha. Love you." I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I knew you'd understand. Love you Jay." Then he left the house and I went into my room.

Jhacari always bailed in me. He always had me lying for him. And like an idiot I always did it for him.

But why would he ever want to leave the house with me? I'm disgustingly skinny, I have no friends and nobody likes me.

So why am I still breathing?

I got some paper and a pen and wrote a note to everyone I loved.

Dear, Jhacari and Mom.
Ever since 9th grade I've been bullied and I can't take it anymore. Nobody likes me. Jha you dont even love me, you always bail on me, have me lie for you. Sure you were a pretty good big brother until 9th grade. Then you changed. Popularity changed you. But why would you wanna enter high school with me? I love yall even if yall dont love me.

See yall in another life.

I folded the paper and left it on my bed and I quietly left the house.



I stood at the edge of the cliff looking at the water.

Ever since 9th grade I've been called Skinny Minny and now I'm tired of it and I'm gonna put an end to it all.

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