Chapter 94: Nana and Nee-Neer Nee-Neer Nee-Neer

Start from the beginning

"Oh my!" Wendy nuzzled three Dalmatian pups. She moved to welcome a Chihuahua named Tito. "Look how sweet you all are! Hello! Helllllo! Oh Jim look – "

Jim was too busy doling out belly rubs, currently to a Great Dane named Einstein. "That's a good boy! That's a good boy! Aw you're an old timer aren't ya? How's that big fella?"

Every dog received a little bit of love. It was harder than it looked. There were a lot of dogs, but the task was well worth the time and hardly any effort.

Every dog was adorable in its own way. There was Einstein the Great Dane and Tito the Chihuahua (both of whom Wendy and Jim had already met). There was a super cool Jack Russell Terrier named Dodger, a sassy Saluki named Rita. There was a prissy bulldog named Francis (Jim called him Frankie), a prissier pug named Percy, and an even prissier poodle named Georgette.

There was a young bloodhound named Copper, a relatively young bloodhound named Stella, a youngish bloodhound named Bruno, a not-so-young bloodhound named Napoleon, an old bloodhound named Towser, and an absolutely ancient bloodhound named Trusty.

There were so many more: a Scottish Terrier named Jock, an Irish wolfhound named Chief, an English sheepdog named Colonel, a white German shepherd named Bolt, and   a Russian wolfhound named Boris. There was a bassett hound named Lafayette, a dachshund named Dachsie, a bulldog named Bull, and a Chihuahua named Pedro. There was a black Labrador, a brown collie, a good ol' mutt named Toughy, and mysterious little pup that looked suspiciously like a footstool.

Tony's dogs, Lady and Tramp, were also there, lounging on the sofas and intermingling with the dogs like Sunday dinner guests.

Was that a lot to read?

Umm NO, not when you imagine all those adorable, smushy, lovey-dovey, cutesy-wootsie, puppy-wuppy faces –

Eh-hem. Sorry.

Let's get back to the story.

Jim wrestled playfully with the black lab. "Wendy I gotta hand it to you --- this was a great idea! You know it's weird but I do feel better. Wayyy better."

Wendy nodded as Jock licked her right cheek and Lafayette licked her left. "They're wonderful aren't they? It's a pity though –Shadow doesn't like dogs. He thinks dogs are awful."

"Shadow is awful."

"He doesn't mean to be, he can't help it. He just a shadow."

"Well dogs beat shadows, every time." Jim frolicked with the lab. Making eye contact with Wendy, he grinned. "This is awesome. I bet you wish you could take all of them home."

Wendy was oddly serious. "Why wish it? After all...I have a home."

Jim paused. "Wait? Are we here because you want to -- yeeouch!"

The black lab pounced, forepaws on Jim's chest. Staggering backwards in a crazy dog-human-hug, both he and Jim toppled over the furniture. Wendy laughed as the black lab joyously licked every inch of Jim's face.

The frenzy riled-up the other dogs. They all started yapping, which alerted Fagin, the pound owner.

"Customers!" Fagin bumbled to the front desk. "Coming! I'll be right there!"

Wendy smiled. Automatically, she could tell Fagin was a bit like a dog himself. The second he heard movement, he dashed to the store-front, eager to please.

"Hello!" Fagin grinned at Wendy, slightly patting. "Welcome to Fagin's Dog Pound! So sorry I wasn't here to greet you! It's bath day and I was grooming in the back! I always start with our big dogs, they're easier than the little guys. I was just finishing when I heard you – actually – "

Keeping Fantasia: The Third Book of the Fantasia SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now