Chapter 18

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Joe was exhausted. He had been working out a great deal, and going to the gun range to hone in on his skills. The boss had went with him a few times. That was fun. He was becoming closer and closer to the boss. All while Sebastian kept an eye on him. He and Antonia spoke a few times here and there, and Joe felt that he missed her, and missed their little talks. He saw her sometimes when he caught her at the house with his sister, but she was preoccupied. Between her studies, and her friends, she was busy. He kept close tabs on her, and knew that she was in constant contact right now with her best friend Vin. From what he understood the kid was coming to her dads to stay a few days and meet everyone. She was anxious for him to do so. Joe felt from listening to some of her conversations with the kid, that he was being a little bit protective of her, and a little short with his temper. Asking a lot of questions about the people around her, like Joe, and Sebastian in particular. Joe hoped to hell that the kid didn't show up to the estate looking for a fight. Joe would laugh it off, but Sebastian? He would probably shoot him. 

The boss was unsure on how to proceed with his daughter. He wanted her to know that Joe worked for him, wanted he to know she was protected. In order to do all that he would have to tell her the truth, and tell her she was in danger. He was so not willing to do that, and Joe wasn't sure that he agreed. But who was he to do anything about it? He would wait. Things might change, as Joe's relationship changed with Antonia. If it changed in any way with her. All of this was floating around in his head everyday, and he was too busy for this to happen. It was his job now to do double duty. The boss wanted him at the estate more often, and It was convenient as well when Antonia was there staying a few days here and there. He was just worried that she would run into him. He was pretty good at staying in the shadows. So good that they nicked name him the shadow. It made him very uneasy to get caught in a lie with her. Even though she didn't know it, she was going through a lot in her life. What would her reaction be where she found all of this out? Joe liked to think that she was not a stupid girl. She had to know something was up. Without a doubt. How accepting would she be of her father? Of him?

He was on his way to the estate now, being more familiar with the grounds there was a relief. The layout was simple in his mind, and he had it all down. Today was the day Antonia's best friend was coming to stay a week, and also the longest she would be staying at the estate. Before she was here for a few hours a couple days. It was easy to hide from her and watch her at the same time. But now she was staying on the estate for a week? Sleeping here and everything? It would be more difficult. Joe was meeting with the boss and Sebastian this morning before she arrived.

He pulled into the garaged area to hide his car, and went in through the maids quarters towards the middle back end of the estate. Of course, he allowed his sense to open up as he entered, as he always did. He shut his eyes, and listened. Everything seemed to be good to him, and he knew that Antonia was not there yet, so no need to hug the shadows, He said good morning to the maids who were working, slide his way through the kitchen where the cook was just leaving, the prepped food all out ready to be served. He entered the dinning area and the boss and Sebastian were just sitting down.


Sebastian was a mother fucker. Always greeting Joe as if he was beneath him. Joe ignored him, and greeting the boss.

"Alright, so as we know, my daughter and her friend will be staying here for the next week. I know this will be a challenge for you Joe, but one that I know you will meet head on. I do not want her to know that you work for me yet. Understood?"

Joe nodded, not looking to disagree with the boss, after all it was his daughter. He had to admit he was a little bit nervous pulling this off. Yes, the estate was huge, but he needed to watch over her.

"Sebastian, I need to speak with the shadow alone. Please excuse us."

Sebastian looked quite surprised and looked at the boss, then over at Joe. He shook his head and got up, leaving the room. Joe was a little surprised as well, but remained stoic, as the boss waited until he heard Sebastian leave.

"Sorry, Sebastian can be a ball buster, and I need to speak with you about some things I may not want him to know."

Joe nodded, anticipating what the boss could have to tell him. He looked well rested today, as if he had just figured something out, and it made him sleep better. He was also excited, Joe could get that vibe from him. Just as the boss was about to speak, Joe put up his hand. Joe's head cocked to the side like a german shepherd. He closed his eyes, honing in on his senses like he always did. Someone was sneaking around the bend. Joe opened his eyes, and pointing to the bend, while holding his finger to his lips for the boss to hush.

The bosses face turned grim, knowing that someone was trying to listen to them, having no doubts that it was Sebastian. Joe got up, and shadowed along the wall to the next room, and sure enough Sebastian was leaning in, out of view trying to listen. Joe's heart rate increased, the desire to take his gun out and shoot him really itching at him, crawling up his skin like a rash. He pulled back, it was better if Sebastian thought he was getting away with it. He went back into the other room, sending a nod to the boss that it was indeed Sebastian. The bosses face pulled in, eye brows getting mean, lips pulled back. It would not be smart for him to explode on Sebastian- not if he wanted to find out what was going on. Joe grabbed his arm, it was a risky move. The boss looked as if he might blow, and Joe pulled him across the halls and into the library. Shut the door, and went to the back of the room.

"That mother fucker is too much. If you were not as keen as you are, I would be unaware that he was there. Your skills are good for us."

"He thinks he is being sneaky, we must be smarter. Keep calm, as hard as that is. "Joe looked around the room, hearing a muffled sound. Realization was crisp.

"This room is sound proof?" The boss looked taken aback in surprise.

"Hoe did you know that? No one knows that."

"I can hear it?"

"Hear it?" The boss looked confused.

"Hard to explain."

The boss looked at him long and hard. He looked as if he was thinking over a difficult math problem, the answer not coming to him that easily.

"I want you to stay here, on the estate. I have prepared a room for you. As strange as this will sound, and as risky as it may be, I need you close to my daughter. I am putting you into the adjoining bedroom to hers. I need you to be on top of her as much as you can. Watch Sebastian as well. There are 2 more guns in the room, behind a small secret door inside the closet. There is also a way to get into my daughters closet from your room as well. Something I had my guys work on last week. Sebastian will know that you are here, but he does not know about the new guns, or the secret door in the closet, or the way to get into her closet. I don't want him to know either. I have a new car for you, its in the garage. I will ask that you use the underground garage. I am having my guys run a spiral staircase from the garage into the hall outside your room. So you will have 2 doors to your room. This will be ready this evening.  Keys will be available for you to lock and unlock. Please keep them locked when you are inside and not in there. Sebastian can be sneaky, but I have no doubt that you will be super aware of that. In the top drawer of the dresser there is 10 grand. That's for you."

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