Chapter 20

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Joe was livid. He was so heated that he thought he was going to pummel that mother fucker. He felt the rage build up inside of him like an inferno, as he felt himself shake. He closed his eyes, and tried to breath through it. Joe wasn't one to jump into action without thought, or act out of emotion. That was not what he was about, and he was not willing to change now, so he reigned it in again. Something that he felt himself doing often around Antonia, and it was rare that he got this angry. He acknowledged that. He had watched them from a corner. Antonia walking with Sebastian. She had complimented his laugh, and when he stopped and watched her, Joe thought for a moment that Sebastian might actually kiss her. That is when the rage started to boil within him. He didn't want that sneaky fuck anywhere near her,  never mind putting his lips on her, and it made him angry as shit that the boss was allowing it. Then that fucker kissed her hand, and left. Joe wanted to chase him down and threaten his life. Fighting those thoughts were hard, so instead he focused on checking out his new room. The boss wanted him to stay for the week, and Joe thought it a good idea as well. He didn't have time to look at the room earlier, or the car. He was taking care of a few odds and ends with the boss after they had that little talk.

He turned on his heels, and unlocked the door with the key the boss gave him. He assured him that Sebastian generally was unbothered by the rooms, and the locked doors. Joe had one key, and the other was hidden in a place that Sebastian knew nothing of apparently .He was calming down when he opened his door. He could not believe the size of the room. It was huge. Painted a gray, with a black bed in the center of the room. High end, and high backboard. Looked like a queen sized bed. Chandelier above, large dresser with mirror in black to match, Two windows, one on either side of the back of the bed. To the left there was the bathroom large with a huge shower. Gray and black marble. He laughed at the separate room for the toilet. Like you needed extra privacy to take a shit. The closet was large but not overbearing. Built in cabinets and drawers. He would have to go down to the garage and get the small bag out of the car that had his clothing in. The first thing he was intent on doing was to  investigate further and find the entrance to Antonia's closet. That had to wait. He checked the drawer for the cash and guns, and they were there. Joe had never seen ten grand in cash in person before. He took a gun and left the rest for now. He headed to the garage area, got his bag out of his car. When he looked over he noticed a shiny new Mercedes Coupe, and had almost forgotten that the boss said there was a new car down here for him, That was his car, and he was loving it. It was a black and sleek as shit- Brand spanking new. Joe took the key fob that was on the hood of the car and opened the door. The smell of leather emanated throughout the garage. There were no miles on the car. For a moment he thought that this was all too much. Between this and the cash, Joe wasn't sure he did anything to deserve it. He would have to talk to the boss later. For now, he would go to his room and wait for his next move.

He took to the spiral staircase straight up to his room. He unlocked the dead bolt. It lead to another door, when he opened it he was in the room next to the bed. He closed the deadbolt door and then the next. From the room, the door looked like part of the wall, he had to push it in for it to pop open. He thought that was a cool contraption. He just then noticed the plush throw rug under most of the room, and felt the need to take his shoes off. He went into the closet and dropped off his bag, placing the car key into the drawer next to the cash. He looked around the room for the opening into Antonia's closet, and didn't see anything. Then he started opening up the closet cabinet looking doors, curiosity getting the absolute best of him , but saw nothing. He started pushing against the back of them all. Perhaps there was a door like the one he entered from the garage. Sure enough one opened. But there was nothing there but another door. There was a lock on the inside, he guessed so that if Antonia found it she would be unable to access it. Smart, he thought. He waited to see if he heard anything, and was tempted to unlock it and enter her room. He thought better of it for now. He needed to be sure that she was not in there, so that he could explore the layout of the room without her in it. Suddenly he felt creepy for even thinking that, but this was part of job he assured himself. He closed the door back up, leaned out of the cabinet that was as tall as he was, and left. He wanted to try the mattress out. This room was bigger than his whole place, and the bed was like laying on a cloud. He snuggled deeper into the pillows, allowing himself to enjoy everything around him for once. He needed to work out a time when Antonia wouldn't be around so he could use the gym downstairs. It was the only thing that gave him mental freedom. Running on the treadmill always cleared his mind. 

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