Chapter 13

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Antonia woke up frozen. The blankets were splayed all over her bed, pillows on the floor. She immediately grabbed her phone to see if Joe had sent her another text. There was an apology. She shrugged it off knowing that she just met the man, and even though he gave her butterflies, she had just met him, and knew nothing about him. Other than his tats, and muscles. 

She shook her head out of those thoughts. Antonia had to study, and talk with her mom before she was to meet her dad at his home. She wanted to blow the whole idea, but another part of her wanted to know the man, like any other girl would want to get to know her father. How much could she have missed out on with him? To miss out on more would be a total waste of fucking time. She took the steps down stairs after washing up and dressing. Ran straight into her mom making a cup of coffee. Before she could say a word, her mom opened up with conversation.

"Hey, I wanted to tell you that there will be a lot you will learn about your father today. You will understand everything soon. I did want to warn you that you will be very shocked at the way he lives. He has a ton of money, and it shows.."

Antonia wasn't sure if her mother was bitter about that or not. She certainly sounded, angry. Antonia knew that anger had to come from love right? 

"You will love the man, he is very kind, and charasmatic. He loves with his entire being, and there are not that many men like that in this world. He will do anything to protect you and keep you safe. Remember that, okay?"

"Sure, can you jot down his address?"

"There is no need for that. Your father has sent someone to get you and bring you to him."

Antonia was a bit confused but decided to roll with the punches.

"Who is it?"scordi

."Not sure, but he is outside. If your father sent him, bet your ass he can be trusted."

Antonia grabbed an apple, and he bag. She took a bit of the apple, and holding it in her mouth as she made sure that he phone was put in her bag. When she got outside, there was a tall man leaning outside of the car, scrolling through is phone. He had dark short hair, and he was wearing sunglasses. He was wearing dress pants and a dress shirt. No tie. She could tell that his facial bone structure was that of a good looking guy. The car was not a car, it was a huge suv. Just as she was looking over the truck, the man looking up. Gleaming white smile was devastatingly handsome. 

"Hey, Antonia! I'm Sebastian. I will be escorting you to your fathers home."

He held the door open for her, and she got in the back seat. He traveled around the truck and got in the drivers side. As they began to drive, she noticed that Sebastian kept checking on her in the back. At least she thought so. She had a feeling that he was watching her from under his sunglasses. She felt the heat from his stare. It was giving her not so nice feelings. In fact, she could not wait to arrive at her dad's home, and would make sure to ask that this guy not come and get her again. She could get where ever she needed to go by herself. Without any kind of help from any man. She hated to sound that way, but what gives? She knew how to take the bus, and train, and never had a problem walking anywhere. Why did she have to have this goon come and get her? 

They drove for a few minutes, and when Antonia decided she wanted to look out the window and check out where they were, she could not believe what she saw. The houses were huge! And just when she thought they could not get any bigger, they pulled up to a huge black gate. Antonio was buzzed in and they pulled down a long drive that was lined with beautiful trees. Antonia almost could not wait to get out of the car, and walk around the trees enjoying the blossoms and fresh air that surrounded them. Just when she thought it couldn't get any crazier, when they pulled up to the house, it was just ridiculous. This was no house by any means, this was a compound. That was the only way she would describe it, and she was in awe of it all. Sebastian came around and let her out. 

"Come with me, in here."

Antonia followed him, and they entered through the largest set of double doors that she ever saw in her life. In RL and on T.V. As soon as she entered she continued to be in awe of the interior of the home. She was escorted to a library, and that did her in.

"Your dad will be out in a bit, please make yourself at home."

With that said, he was gone, and she continued to explore the room. There were amazing rows of books, and it even had one of those ladders that were able to glide along the top railing of the shelves. She ran her hands over some of the books. There was a huge fireplace crackling away on one side of the room, with two huge chairs on either side of it, white fluffy fur blankets hanging over both chairs. Fluffy extravagant white rug under her feet, so beautiful that she decided to take her shoes off, and plopped her bag by the door to the library. Antonia grabbed a book, and got comfy with the blanket on one of those fancy chairs. 

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