Chapter 12

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Waking up Joe realized that he must have fallen asleep while he was texting Antonia. He hoped to hell that she was not offended. He rolled over on his small bed, knowing full well that he slept uncomfortably because the damn bed was way too small for him. He felt his back screaming for more room. He looked around the room, searching for where he put his shoes. His eyes did not need to travel far, he had to meet up with the boss today. As per their last conversation, the boss was going to make sure that Joe had everything he needed. He had given Joe a small gun, for the just in case moment he might have, until he was able to set him up better today. Joe knew that the boss was taking a quick liking to him, and he was fine with that, in fact he was better than fine. Joe was an open book for the most part, and he was always himself, so he had no worries. There was no need to beef himself up, and act a fool. He felt that the boss knew he had a lot of people around him that he could not trust, and the boss was looking for someone who was loyal, someone he could actually put some trust in. He wasn't sure what happened with the people that were around him now, why he thought he couldn't trust them. Of course Joe didnt' know this for a fact, but he could just feel it, and get that vibe the more he spoke to the boss one on one.

Gathering himself, putting his watch and sneakers on. He freshened up in the tiny bathroom, and checked on Dani on the way out. It was early, and she was still fast asleep. Joe wanted to check in with Antonia, but he knew that he needed to get moving to see the boss, and get in and out before she got there. He didn't know for how long he would be able to keep this a secret from her, but the boss agreed that it would be best for now, if she thought he was an outsider. He couldn't help himself, and he sent Antonia A text. 

"Good morning. I fell asleep last night, sorry I never texted you back. Hope your day goes okay with your dad. Hit me up later if you need to talk about it or anything."

He drove through the streets, with a lot on his mind, trying to clear it before he got to the bosses estate. Coming up to the winding road, and the huge gates that automatically opened when he drove up. Entering the circle driveway, Joe was surprised to see that there were a few cars there already. Not knowing much about what went on at this estate day after day, he walked in unaware. He could hear voices raised towards the back of the home, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He knew straight away something was up. Taking out the stupid small temporary gun that the boss lent him yesterday from his ankle holder, he pulled it in front of him. He checked the chamber to make sure that it was loaded, and started walking slowly against the walls of the home.

"Look, we know you are in this house alone, perfect timing isn't it?"

He heard muffled voices, but could make out some of what they were saying. Whoever it was, they were threatening the boss, and there was no one else around to help him out. Where was  that prick Sebastian his right hand man? Probably stalking Antonia instead of being here. Joe continued his walk, along the wall of the home, finding his way towards the voices. He walked on clouds, like a silent killer, just like he practiced. He cocked the gun back when he was towards the front of the home, the only noise that he did make, and it seemed that no one heard that. Wishing he had a better scope of the house, the rooms, the lay out, the ins and outs to make this a little easier, a little safer, more efficient. Whoever they were, they could polish him off without a worry. He was a nobody at this point, and even though he knew his boss liked him, he would be in his debt if Joe saved his ass right now. Taking another step, he spotted the men through a mirror, and knew that if he took 1 more step, he would be seen through the mirror by them, He held steady. There were 2 men, One was pointing a gun to the bosses head, and the other was just standing close to him talking. Joe calculated how good his aim was after a while of no practice, he also considered how quickly he could shoot the guy with the gun, and then take down the guy who was standing in front of him. Waiting it out, trying to listen in, he heard the man speak again. 

"You enjoy this estate, your surroundings? Not giving a shit who you hurt, who you go after? You should keep a better eye on the people that are around you? You had my nephew killed and that was a mistake."

"No, the mistake you made was coming into my home, uninvited."

Just then the boss spotted Joe, made eye contact. Joe nodded, and the boss nodded back. He knew that was his go ahead. He remained steady along the wall. Bracing his stance, and pointing the gun. Joe knew that he only had one shot at this. Kill the guy with the gun and kill the guy standing in front of him. Sweat started to bead on his forehead, his heart racing faster and faster, louder and louder inside his head. Pounding so loud, that it drowned out his thoughts and honed in on the space between the gunmans eyes. Joe closed his eyes for a moment, calming his racing heart and heavy breathing. Clearing the skies inside of him. Crystal clear focus.

Joe pulled the trigger on the gun and the man went down, he directed the gun at the man who was standing there, before he had time to grab his own gun. From that moment everything was moving slower. Joe watched the man attempt to understand what was happening. When reality dawned on the mans face, he was not quick enough. and Joe pulled that  trigger again, and got the man right in the chest, as he aimed for his heart. Joe pointed the gun back down, and time caught up with him, everything moving at its proper pace. 

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