Chapter 1

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Antonia Deluca was starting her senior year of high school, and its not feeling any easier than the other 3 years. That anxiety that builds inside your chest, heavier and heavier, as the days group closer together. The heaviness that you feel inside of you, that you carry around attempting to prepare yourself for the shit storm about to take place. Like fighting a battle that you knew that you could not win, but entering it anyway for shits and giggles.

She spent the entire summer away from the neighborhood with a good friend. For the past 3 summers she had spent them with her best friend Vin in Rhode Island. So as the last days of school were coming to an end each year she had that escape to look forward to. That was over, and she had no choice but to come back. Thankfully to finish up her last year. Yes! Finally. Antonia had some trouble with people she went to high school with. She had a big group of friends that she used to hang out with, they had a big fight. They were showing their true colors, and were involved with some things that she wanted no part of. As soon as they felt that from her, they started back stabbing her and starting trouble for her. The last straw was when one of the girls that she thought she was closest with, slept with a boy that she liked. She liked him a lot, and she was completely crushed, as any high school girl would be when their crush crushes them, After that all went down, they made her life hell for a while, and made sure no one really bothered with her in that school. Now they just leave her alone which is fine, but she was lonely and didn't really have anyone to hang with on a daily basis. Which to a high school girl was the biggest blow, the biggest heart break imaginable.

Her friend in Rhode Island is Vin. He is her very best friend. He used to live down the block, and they basically grew up together. He moved before high school. Of course, that could not have been the best time. He did however help her through that tough time. Would have been better if it wasn't via text messages because he lived so far away but at least they had summers together. Antonia made the best of them, and she was so happy for the summer-till about 2 weeks before it was over. That is when the anxiety kicked in, awaiting what was inevitable.

Her mother had a friend from work, and her daughter was in the same grade as Antonia. Her mother wanted her to meet up with the girl, and make her transition into the school a little bit easier. She wasn't sure how that would work out, or if they would even click, but whatever. Her mother obviously had no idea what was going on with her own daughter in that school.

She wanted to text Vin before she went to sleep, he always helped her with the anxiety.

"Hey, wanted to talk before bed."

"Hey, I was just about to text you. Don't worry about tomorrow, you will be ok. Let me know when you get home. Love you babe."

"Will do, love you too."

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