Chapter 6

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As they entered the back of the house where the view of the sunset was, Joe felt anxiety deep within him. He was alone with this man, and once again there was a tiny part of his brain that was questioning Joe's life decisions up until this moment. WIth a quick jerk of his head, Joe pushed those common sense thoughts away from him. He didnt need his conscience to kick in right now, did he? The kitchen was modern, mostly white. Huge sparkly white and gray marble counter tops, decorated with fresh fruits, modern glass pitchers with all kinds of specialty drinks, and a woman at the stove prepping some lunch. The view though, was something that was reaching in and touching Joe's soul even though he understood non of its initial feelings of warmth, feelings of...home.

"Take a seat, the cook is prepping lunch for us, lets eat and discuss."

Joe joined him as we sat at a vast table that overlooked the view that Joe was absolutely mesmerized by. The boss, being the observant SOB that he was, noticed.

"You like this view yea?"

"Yea, something about it, has got to me."

"Ok, so my daughter has no idea that I am her father, and she is about to learn tonight. Her mother has finally agreed after all these years of fighting, that now is the time, mostly for our daughters protection. Getting to the top of my game, and becoming boss will open up everyone into looking into my past for ways to hurt me, take me down. I have people protecting me of course. But how to protect my daughter? I can have body guards surrounding her yes, but I need someone on the inside protecting her. Do you understand what this means?"

Joe looked at the man, feeling his pain for the lack of knowing his own daughter, but shit, he was not here to judge, he was here to get a job done, and grow inside the mob.

"I am not exactly sure, can you be specific in what you need from me?"

"Your sister has become friends with her, this is genuine. I will need her to meet you and spend some time with you as well. I will ask that you become friends with her, and watch over her this way. I am assuming that she will begin spending some time at your home with your sister, and that will allow you to have the opportunity to befriend her, and watch over her. That is where we will begin, and see where that takes us. If I feel that you are good to be around her, then we will expand as she finds things out along the way. Eventually, she will find out that your work for me, which may or may not cause issues. This all depends on how much my daughter is like me. 

I will have more things to offer to you, more jobs, but lets try this out and see where that leads us. Obviously you will be compensated greatly."

"So there will be a time when I will betray your daughter, and depending if she is like you will depend if she murders me or not?"

Joe said with a chuckle, and the boss appreciate his sense of humor.

"Ha, I like you, lets see where this lead us. Do we have a deal?"

The boss stood up, suddenly it didnt seem as if the man actually wanted him to stay for lunch, and Joe took that as a Cue to get up as well. The boss put out his hand to shake, and Joe obliged. 

"Good, here is an advance, in case you need anything at all. Here is my number, feel free to text me at any time, and if we need to I will call you directly. Mostly you will hear from Alex, and possibly some of my other associates."

Joe nodded, and turned to leave the room to find Alex as someone walked in, gun out.

"Put the gun away Sebastian, this is Joe, a new hire."'

Sebastian eyed him up and down, curiosity in this eyes.

"Oh, is this who you found to watch your daughter?"

Joe eyed this man right back, feeling the intimidation tactic. As If. 

"Im Joe, good to meet you."

Joe shook is hand and proceeded out of the room, ears to the wall, listening to the boss discipline Sebastian.

"Hey, I like him, you will do well to learn your place, now scram."

Somehow Joe knew that would not be the last he heard or saw from Sebastian. Finding Alex outside the room, waiting for him, they walked towards the exit together.

"It went well, the boss likes you. Like, really likes you. He never asks anyone to sit with him, and he never talks to Sebastian that way."

"Really? Cool, who is Sebastian anyway?"

"The bosses right hand, his hitman."

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