Chapter 17

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Walking the estate of my father's was amazing. There were so many beautiful details. The gardens were breathtaking. Every room was details and luxurious. Antonia was in love with everything that she came across. For a few moments here and there, she wished that she was brought up on the estate, enjoying every crevace of it. But, when you have it, do you really enjoy it as much? Do you really get to enjoy every detail? So it was good that she wasn't brought up in that environment. Now she could appreciate it/

"I didn't always have this. I was very poor. I was raised that way, and fought hard to get here. Now that I am here, I'm old, and do not get to enjoy it much. However I do feel much joy watching you take it all in. You take great care with details. I have some lose ends to take care of, and some traveling to do. When I finish all of that, I would be happy to open my home to you staying here. Whenever you would like. So, if that means weekends, or every other weekend, I will take it. I would enjoy spending more time with you, so that I can get to know you better."

Antonia felt her heart warm, and was delighted to stay here whenever she could. Exploring the estate on her own to discover every thing would be amazing. Just when she was getting lost in her thoughts, Sebastian had passed them.

"Does he work for you?"

"Sebastian, yes.. He does many things for me, and we work together often."

Antonia wanted to ask her father what he did, but part of her was uncomfortable with the answer he might give. She was using the power of deduction with how many career opportunities would allow him to live like this. None of them were anything that she wanted to imagine, so for right now, she let it go.

"I know that you want to ask what I do for work, and I will be happy to tell you, soon. But my hands are in many things. Stocks, bonds, construction."

Antonia nodded, not knowing what to ask after that.

"I have to end this day for us, I must have a meeting in a little while. Antonia, it was a pleasure to spend this time with you, and I hope that we can do it again soon."

Her father kissed her check, and brought her to Sebastian. He was going to take her home, just like he brought her here. Sebastian smiled at her.

"We have not officially had time to speak to each other, and since I am always here, I thought it be nice that we get to know each other."

Antonia agreed, even though she was getting a very bad feeling. He took off his sunglasses and his eyes were dark, almond shaped with a straight nose. He was handsome. Model-ish handsome. He was wearing a dress shirt no tie, 3 buttons open up top. His slacks were straight and sharp with a nice buckled belt that she figured was designer that she knew nothing about. Followed by nice black shoes. He smelled very good, and wore a heavy watch. One hand down the other in his pocket, an air of confidence radiating off of him in waves. A smile to die for, with a wicked grin, Antonia had no doubt he was trouble. Trouble that was watching her every move. He too, had offered her his arm, and they walked to the garden to chat for a few minutes before he took her home. Antonia was brought back home, feeling a little bit safer with Sebastian, however there was just something about him that put her off, and she just couldn't figure it out. Instead of wasting time figuring that all out now, she headed to her room to rest. She had a very long crazy day. She took in a lot of information, and was consumed with thoughts about it all. She put her head on the pillow, and without even having the chance to check her messages, she fell fast asleep.

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