A Smile to Die For

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I am dressed in one of the dresses Shifu brought me and this one is bright yellow with small white roses edging the sleeves and like the green one, it is figure hugging and a little too revealing, or rather my bust is barely fitting the bodice, but after a quick appraisal,  Shifu gives me a nod of appreciation before handing me a little bag which he says contains a few things that I might like to try.

Opening it, my eyes are goggling in amazement.  There is lip gloss, a little face powder and even shadow for my eyes only I have never worn make up before so I have no idea what to do with it.

"Just a little gloss is all you need to complete the look Xiaobai, though you can pay attention to the Goddesses to get an idea of how to use the rest." he says as he takes out the gloss which he swiftly opens, then before I can stop him, the tip of his finger is lightly brushing it over my lips which instantly has me wanting to lick it off, it smells like strawberries.

"And that is all there is to it, we are ready to go." he says grinning at me as my hand is then taken into his and I am led from my chamber to the entrance and past my brothers who all do a double take to stare at me as I walk by.

Its amazing how a simple dress, a little gloss and a soft smile can affect men, because my brothers are all stumbling over their feet to get a second look at me.  Its kind of funny too, because they are just my brothers, I have never seen any of them as anything more than that, only wearing this dress and walking like a grown up beside my Shifu, has me feeling awkward but happy because if my brothers are looking at me like that, then I know I look nice, so the excitement rises.

I guess this is what it feels like to have womanly charms.  Walking, talking and looking like those Goddesses actually makes me feel like one and suddenly I am super excited to leave and it seems Shifu is too because there is no time wasted on giving out orders, instead he immediately calls a cloud, and we are in the air and moving.

"Just remember Xiaobai, this is a negotiation meeting.  The Demon Overlord wants compensation for the damage caused to his Palace as well as the loss of lives, whereas Sang Ji is pushing for compensation for being humiliated by your abduction." Shifu says which has my mind in a spin as I contemplate on what that actually means.

And suddenly I get it.  Actually, I thought I got it before, because I thought that Shifu just wanted me to help him impress those Demons, perhaps make Liwei a little jeaolous of what he has lost and wont ever get back again, only this plan of his goes much deeper than that, because Sang Ji is also involved in this scheme of his and I can't help but admire his gaul not to mention the brilliance of his mind now that I can see where this meeting is actually heading.

And thats the thing!  I might be dressed like those Goddesses, but wearing this dress, the same kind that they do, puts me on equal footing with them, and therefore elevating myself from a mere young Disciple, to a Princess of Qing Qiu, a future Queen of Qing Qiu who is not only going to gooey eye two men in particular, but I will be going as a woman of worth in any mans language and seeing as the Celestial Palace and the Demon Realms are involved, this plan of Shifus is going to be grand, I know it is.

I know this sounds conceited, but I am trying my best to be objective here, and this is exactly how it is looking to me.  I know I should also be afraid and super wary of Shifus motives, but to be honest, I have been with this man for centuries, he is my Spiritual father, and I swore an oath to obey his every command.  Also, I know for a fact, that he would never allow me to be hurt, and seeing as I also owe him thousands of years of knowledge, support and protection, this is the least I can do, if it means I can repay his kindness just by being this certain kind of woman for a day.

It also explains why he had me write out that Demon Wars book three hundred times, because from what I learned from it, was the Demons had and perhaps still have a liking for female abduction, especially beautiful women of high rank and after learning what I can now class as a weapon to use against any man, I now feel like I am about unleash hell on both the Celestials and the Demons which is I think is ultimately Shifus aim and I am the one who will bring it all to a head.

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