Sins of the Father

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I am awake and in bed with Fu Yu who is barely moving.  His injuries are severe having taken much of Liweis blasting energy seconds before I was able to snatch hold of him, though much of that memory is lost but Shanhu is here with me and filling me in on what happened immediately after.

"The Demon Lords son barely got an energy cloud beneath you, so I guess we can thank him for saving your life even though you also took a direct hit from his sword when you jumped off that ledge." he tells me which doesn't make me feel any better looking at Fu Yu who is barely awake and unable to move having had several bones broken which Die Feng and Zhen Zhen dealt to, while Zhe Yan is still working on Shifu who is not in a good way, but Im not allowed to visit him just yet.

"Liwei saved me....?" I ask in a small disbelieving voice as that betrayers face comes to mind.

"Yes he did.  He was in tears when we left the Demon Lands and for a while he tried to follow, only Zi Lan and Cheng Bao forced him back.  And going by that gown you were wearing and the red robes he was wearing, can I take it to mean we interrupted something?" he asks in his usual soft tone that is filled with concern.

"Yes you did, and had you not arrived on time, I would be his wife right now." I spit back in anger as everything that happened churns through my mind in a sickening swirl only to jump when the door is thrown wide.  

"I will take over the questioning from here." Zhe Yans voice sternly interrupts and forcing Shanhu to his feet in a flash.

"Forgive me High God Zhe Yan, I have overstepped." he replies having taken his sudden arrival and somewhat angry disposition to mean just that, which is immediately followed by a deep bow of respect which also brings me into a semi uptight position on the bed to bow seeing as my back has been injured .

"It's fine.  You can go and take a break with Die Feng." he says a little more kinder this time, which has Shanhu gratefully bowing out the door while giving me a look of sympaathy having also thought I am in for a big scolding.

Waiting until he has gone, my eyes intently study that old face I have known since birth.  He looks fine to me, just a little tired and perhaps a little wary, because he remains standing in the doorway, just staring at me, until eventually my eyes lower and the shame of where his thoughts have gone, forces the rest of my head down.  

"Why were you in a marriage arrangement with that boy?" he asks gently enough, but not moving into the room, which only increases my discomfort, because I can feel his disappointment in me, which is just as painful as I know it will be from Shifu and my father who I have been informed is on his way back from the Mortal Realm with mother any minute now.

"Will you allow me to explain from the beginning?" I ask without looking at him.

"I am all ears Xiaowu.  Please don't hold back." he replies cuttingly and making me cringe even deeper than I already am.

"Kindly hold that thought...." my mothers voice suddenly rings out from the steps outside the door which is quickly followed by heavier footsteps, both fathers and Zhen Zhens who quickly force Zhe Yan into the room where seats are being taken up and my mothers gentle hands are in my own before she too sits on the bed beside me.

"Zi Lan explained what happened?" Zhe Yan asks them having been the one sent to fetch them.

"Yes.  Well as much as we could get out of him, he is a quiet boy and wasn't all that keen on answering my questions, but it was enough to have us racing through the veil and breaking several laws in the process." my mother replies softly though her eyes are on my face, my legs, my hands and everything else as she looks me up and down.

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