Chapter o05

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Let’s focus off all my fuckery with Reuben Michaelson aka Mr. “You Belong to Me”.

It was a Thursday morning and that meant one thing this morning, work.

My job was boring, and I preferred it that way, as well.

I was going into my second year working at Ackerson, Spaulding & Sons, a law firm that was owned by Vincent Ackerson and Jack Spaulding, and their sons Chauncey and Andrew. They’re firm specialized in entertainment and estate law; that was all good and all, but the only thing that seemed matter to me was that they were kind men, and as a receptionist for Mr. Ackerson, I never had too much work to do. My day usually consisted of answering phones, running errands, letting Mr. Ackerson know that clients had arrived and asking them to wait: boring, simple shit, but it paid the bills- barely.

Today I arrived at usual quarter after seven at the Michael Ward Tower, like all of the other receptionists were supposed to arrive, but like usual I was the only bitch on time. I knew Chauncey was fucking his receptionist because she was dumber than a box of rocks and was incompetent in every way. I rode the elevator to the 16th floor, the entire floor belonged to my boss’ firm and it stayed pretty busy. 

After the coffee was on, got the mail, and I reviewed Mr. Ackerson’s schedule of clients and events for the day, I settled into my desk, I emptied my work bag of my office phone, lunch and flats—my feet usually started singing around noon.

“Morning, Maia!” Mr. Ackerson announced as he approached my slab desk collecting his mail. 

“Good morning, your 8:30 with Mrs. Minneapolis will be starting soon—Do you want me to send her straight in or…” My voice carried off giving him time to decide what he wanted me to do.

“Hold her until I get her files together—This woman is a total pain in my ass.” I giggled as I followed him on into his office, holding his schedule in my hands, via iPad. “If she wasn’t such a huge client I would totally write her off.”

“That’s understandable, sir. But is there anything on your schedule today you would like to modify?” He sat his brief case on his desk and loosened tie on his Armani suit. 

“Cancel my 12:30 with the misses, she’ll be mad—please send her two dozen roses and those expensive chocolates she loves so much.” I gave him a look. “My brother-in-law is in town from Texas and I cannot pass up a chance to destroy him on the green.”

“Mhm, I’m sure Mrs. Ackerson will understand, sir.” I said sarcastically with a giggle, he smirked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s where the roses and candy comes in, Miss Maia.” I smiled at him then nodded my head. “And go and cancel my 2:00 and 3:00 appointments as well.” I jotted down his requests and looked back at him. “That should cover it—“

“Coffee, sir?” I asked as I turned to leave.

“Oh yes, please—I’m in dire need of some caffeine nourishment this day, you always remind me of that.” 

I giggled and walked on out of his office, fetched his coffee and began my day. Mrs. Minneapolis set the tone of the morning, coming in and going through her prenuptial agreement she had signed; she was divorcing her much older millionaire husband and wanted more money—She was pissed to discovered she will have to accept the five million sum or nothing at all—Shit, what a bitch wouldn’t do for five million dollars!


Mr. Ackerson’s voice called to me through the intercom on the phone: 

“Will you please come into my office.” 

I grabbed the office iPad and entered his office. 

“I am canceling golf with my brother-in-law. My nephews are purchasing a building for their new night club and they need me to join them for lunch so I can go over the paperwork with them.” With a stylus I jotted what he was saying down into the iPad.

“Okay, do want me to restore your appointments at 2:00 and 3:00?” He nodded his head after he thought for a second. “Good, because I have not canceled them yet.” 

I gave him a smile as I turned to leave.

“Great, because I do not want to hear any bitching from either one of them.” 

I giggled and exited his office. Around 12:15, Mr. Ackerson told me to expect two “tall men”, and send them straight into his office without making them wait. In a manner of moments, there was a sound of mummers and gasps with the exiting ding of the elevator. I could only assume it was Mr. Ackerson’s nephews—I’ve never heard him talk of them or his brother-in-law, only that they were butt-crazy rich and powerful.

“Mr. Michaelson and Mr. Michaelson can I get either of you anything?” Cecilia’s voice ringed with urgency.

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach when I heard their last names. Reuben? Here at my job?! My boss’s nephew? What in the actual fuck?!

Despite the warning, in walked Reuben and his elder brother; they both shared the dark, dangerous and sexy appeal—their gene pool was not fucking around when they were being created. Reuben’s eyes instantly went to me, I noticed a gentle smile hit his face as he stopped and waited for his brother to come to his side.

All I could do was think about our last meeting at the country club.

“I will fuck you like this until you can’t walk—“ In those short words.

There was a hint of smile on Reuben’s lips as he strode towards my desk, hands shoved in the pockets of the slacks of his expensive tailor-made Brioni suit. My heart rate accelerated as his six feet three inches tall frame hovered over me, his icy blues eyes boring into me as I stood immediately.

“Hello, love—We’re here to see Mr. Ackerson.” His brother spoke; his eyes were kind and smiled at me. But Reuben’s were stripping me out of my clothing.

“Of course! He’s expecting the two of you—please allow me.” 

I immediately grab the iPad and waltz my ass towards the office, and they followed in behind me. I felt a hand gingerly press into my lower back, guiding me into the room, a quick glance over the shoulder…

…Reuben, of course. 

Like he can take a moment without putting his hands on me.

“Aye, Reuben and Nicholas!” 

Mr. Ackerson chuckled as he got up from his desk and shook both of his nephews’ hands. 

“Uncle Vince.” 

They both said in unison, with these handsome smiles on their faces, 

“How is that lovely wife of yours, Nick?” Mr. Ackerson asked as he offered them seats on his expensive leather couch, but Reuben opted to stand, and I knew why; I felt his eyes on my ass the entire time.

“Lovely.” Nicholas replied with a smirk.

“That’s wonderful—“ 

I quickly tried to make my exit when I was called. “Oh Maia—Please order us in some lunch.” I nodded my head and pulled the blackberry from my pocket. “Fellas, what are you in the mood for?”


I glanced over at Reuben whom was leaning his body against the door way of his uncle’s office.

“That’s a great idea; order us all the usual—the chef will know what you are talking about.” I smiled small and nodded my head as I turned to walk out as Nicholas and his uncle began a conversation and Reuben leaned in and whispered into my ear:

“Your ass looks amazing in those pants.”

His voice made the hairs of my nape stand in attention, and my legs quaked in these five inch pumps I decided to wear today—why does my body have to react to him like this?! I picked up my pace and quickly stammered over to my desk, where there was a crowd of nosey hoes trying to peak into Mr. Ackerson’s office.

“Get y’all thirsty behinds out of here.”

I shooed at them with a giggle, they all tittered lightly, quickly heading off before their bosses found them missing. Quickly I put in my boss’s order for lunch and went a step further by ordering Reuben the very delicious duck breast we had on our ‘date’. 
When their lunch was delivered, I signed Mr. Ackerson’s tab then walked the food into the office, all three gentleman were at Mr. Ackerson’s conference desk papers spread about and amidst discussion.

“I hope I’m not interrupting.” I announced as I walked in, Reuben glanced over at me and smiled wickedly. 

“Oh, you are absolutely fine, Maia—Right on time.” I smiled and carried the bags into the office, all the three men stood to their feet as I handed them their respective meals. “Mmmm… This smells divine. Did you add this to my tab—“

“Yes, sir and the chef sent you a bottle of wine to compliment your meals.” I smiled as I grabbed three of his champagne flutes off of his personal bar. 


Nicholas popped the wine open and smiled as I handed him his flute. 

“Well, I don’t want to keep y’all long—I have a sandwich at my desk waiting on me.” I giggled as I turned on my heels to leave.

“Oh yes, enjoy your lunch sweetheart.” I turned and nodded my head, and caught a glimpse of Reuben, whom looked down at his lunch, then back me—winking his eye at me. Just to fuck with him, I winked back, causing him to smile—that o-so sexy smile of his! 


All the while Reuben and his brother were in his uncle’s office, the security had to be called on paparazzi being a hassle in the private executive parking lot, trying to get to where ever the Michaelson brothers were and the offices phones rang off the hook. So, the day remained pretty busy day, until I noticed Mr. Ackerson walking both Reuben and Nicholas out of the office.

Reuben and Nicholas were both very nice to look at, but Reuben took the cake; he had to be one of the most attractive men I’ve seen in a long time and he wanted to fuck me and he made it clear—not caring who was looking he chose that moment to turn and round and blow me a kiss goodbye. My heart did a somersault in my chest and I shook my head. 

He was something else.

Mr. Ackerson sent me on a few errands and had me make phones up until it was time for me to shove off home. A few minutes after five o’clock, just as I was grabbing my purse and messenger bag to leave, Mr. Ackerson came up to me apologetically.

“I am so sorry, Maia,” he said with his hand on his chest, “But my nephews want their club renovations inspected today; I’d send a junior lawyer but they’ve all left—could you please take this checklist and go to the building to confirm that the work’s been accurately done?”

I just stared at the file in his hand, man—Seeing Reuben twice in one day would probably be too much for me to deal with. But his brother would be there to keep his freak undertones at bay. Mr. Ackerson hastened that the office would pay for gas and that I could come in tomorrow morning a few hours later. Shit, of course I would agree after hearing that shit—make them other bitches have do some actual work around here. So, I was off with the checklist in my purse… and butterflies in my stomach.

“Oh wow…” My voice carried off as I checked the paper in my hand to make sure I was at the right address. The large building was in West Hollywood; the windows were covered in black concealing paper and I stood there in awe looking at the large edifice that I knew was going to popping in a few weeks with celebrities and socialites alike crawling to get in. 

I knocked on the door, expecting some type of assistant of the Michaelson brothers to answer, but I gasped when Reuben opened the door. I tried to look professional as I took a step, after he cracked a smile and greeted:

“My, my, my... Twice in one day?” He chuckled as he stepped aside, allowing me to step into the vacant building; it was dark and very spacious. I found myself searching for someone else being here with us… His brother? Maybe an assistant? But no… we were completely alone together.

Oh shit.

As we walked around the club, Reuben seemed in professional mode—Not making no comments or remarks of my figure, nor eyeing a sister provocatively—This shit just might work out. I ticked off everything dutifully as he pointed out things that had been done, walls that were painted, lamps that were hung, café tables and chairs that were still bound in their shipping paper placed strategically in front of the bar area. 

“So, what do you think?” he asked as we stood at the balcony of the VIP section, overlooking the entire space of the club. It was then I noticed his hand resting on the small of my back and his icy, blue eyes boring into my profile.

“It’s nice, but creepy without anybody being in here.” I said causing him to laugh, I didn’t personally think it was that funny but I gave him a smile. 

I couldn’t help but admire him; I could tell through his suit that he had a body that would make the Greek gods hang their heads in shame and a face to make a bitch lose all self-control… That’s why I didn’t like being exposed to his fine ass so much lately.
“Well, we’re here, aren’t we honey?” He asked, tilting his head to the side, all the while taking my purse and the checklist from my hands and sitting them on the table beside us. I gulped and backed up from him; the job was done but the work was far from over.

“Oh, Maia—“ 

He snatched me by my arms so that my body crash into his. His hands found my face, tilting my head back so that I met his eyes.

“I fucking want you so bad baby,” he growled, “All I can think about us at the café the other day.”

I gasped as one of his hands left my face and cascades down my neck, stopping on my chest; cupping my breast in his hands.

“Bitch—React! Do something!”

My mind was telling me to shove him off, but body sold me out as soon as he touched me. I felt his lips on mine; my eyes closed and kissed him back with the same insistence. Lord, he tasted so damned good, and his hands were causing my temperature to rise as he rubbed my nipple through the fabric of my shirt.

His fingers toyed with my nipple, making it strain against the fabrics of my bra and shirt. He leaned up from the kiss, and smiled down at me before gripping a hand full of my hair and biting at my neck. 

“Ah, shit—“

“Tisk, tisk—Shhh, baby.” He licked up by neck, and began to chew on my ear, nibbling, and licking right just blew my earlobe. 

When he had pushed me down onto one the couches was in realized he had been moving our bodies. My brain tried to send me another alert: 

“This is your last chance, bitch!” It reminded me.

I tried to lift myself up and push him back, but his hands felt heavy on my shoulders. He went back to kissing my neck and my skin burned in desire as he continued to caress me. He lifted the hem of my shirt as he moved downwards, trailing his lips as he pushed it higher and higher. 

“Holy shit… Tattoos?” 

He arched his eyebrows at me with a smile lurking at his mouth. I was wild in my late teen years, got my first tat when I 17 and been getting ever since. I snapped back to reality when I let out a gasp, he begin tracing his tongue over the Asian inspired butterfly and flower that resided on my waist and torso; I fisted my fingers in his hair as I hissed out in longing—He had me casted under spell. 

Reuben skillfully brought the shirt over my head, without having to move me; his eyes gaping at my chest as my nipples fought against the lace of my black bra. 

He ran his hand from my chest to my hip, his icy glare gazing down at me. “You can leave if you want to, honey—No pressure.” 

Say no, Maia! Say it!

My mouth could never conjure up the words, nor did my body want it to. I felt the sparks fly in my stomach as I stared into his gorgeous face. My answer was obvious, and he smiled in victory when he realized it was about to go down.

His hand pulled down my pants, until they slipped off my legs and hit the floor. His fingers trailed along my inner thigh until they found my moist panties. 

“Oh fuck—You are so wet, honey.” He growled in his voice low cut with lust, I moaned as he fingered my slit through them. “Are you on birth control?” 

“Yea.” I answered lowly, he responded with placing his fingers into the sides of my panties:


He pulled my panties down, and I felt him toss him over his shoulder… Somewhere in behind him. His hands pushed my thighs apart, spreading them wide so I completely exposed to him; a wave of heat rushed over my body as the wetness oozed out of me.

“Fuck Maia—“ His fingers lingered in between my legs, teasing me and making me moan out in anticipation. They dance against my swelling clit, stroking my lips and prying them open, gently sliding along and increasing my wetness. 

“Oh mmm…” I belted out a gasp as Reuben suddenly inserted a finger inside of me, and I clenched my muscles around it, wanting more.

“Oh God, baby you are damn perfect,” Reuben growled, hovering over me and biting on my neck. “You’re scent is intoxicating me, honey.” 

The finger moved inside of me, readying and exciting me; all I could do was moan greedily. He pulled his fingers out and stood to his feet with quickness, the sound of belt unbuckling and the rustle of his pants, I squirmed in anticipation, arching my back and biting my lips… Aching for him.

Reuben lied on top of me and kissed my lips once again, moving down to my breasts, nibbling them through the lace fabric of my bra. I felt his harden shaft press down on my body; he grabbed my hips as he rubbed against my opening, stroking it up and down, not entering me yet… Just teasing the fuck out me!

“Stop playing, boy!” I moaned in frustration.

He chuckled lightly before finally pressing the tip of his swollen head against me, and I fought back a scream as he nudged it inside of my tender entrance. He slid inside of me slowly, I groaned as I adjusted to his large size; stretching and clamping my muscles down on his shaft as he begins to throb against my walls.

Each deep breath had become a powerful moan as Reuben thrust into me again and again; gasping at the tingling sensation in my stomach. He let out a throaty grunt as the pressure begins to build up inside of me.

“Oh fuck, Maia!” Reuben moved his shaft deeper and deeper into me with each thrust. I felt the force move through me, the room spinning slowly turning red as the waves of orgasm rolled over my entire being and I screamed in ecstasy as the sweet sensation of release came, coursing out of me—Leaving me limp and drained.

Reuben pounded into me with a few lasting thrusts before his body stiffened and he came hard into me. His voice let out a raspy and triumphant groan, I laid there nearly paralyzed from exhaustion. The sound of his cellphone ringing made my brain finally kick in—Oh holy mother of Jesus!

The fuck did I just do?! 

Reuben pulled up from my body and began to fix his trousers and readjust his belt.

“Goddamn it, that fucking dinner meeting!” He grumbled to his self, while he cursed himself I laid there mortified at my actions.

I sat up quickly, putting my legs back into my pants and searching the floor for my shirt. Reuben answered his urgently ringing cellular and snapped off at whom ever was on the end.

“Well, damn it, tell them to wait! It’s my money they want to spend and damn it they can handle a few minutes of my tardiness!” I just walked over to the table and snatched up my bag and the checklist, when I turned around, he was behind me with my still moist panties in his hand… And a humorous smile on his face.

My face grew hot as I reached for them, but he stuffed them into his pocket with a quickness.

“Keepsake,” he winked his eye at me; I turned my head in shame. “Come, honey—I am late for this fucking dinner and if I am called again by this blubbering idiot I might lose it.” 
We walked out silently; he was clearly in better mood than I was. I felt like the word ‘Hoe’ was written on my forehead.

“I’ll have David take you home,” he said as he locked up the doors in behind us.

“I drove… It’s fine.” I said quickly heading towards my car. 

“Maia… Maia!” 

I ignored him, I didn’t bother to turn and look at him. I didn’t want to see his face or anything. I didn’t want to see this man ever again.

I slid inside my car and felt relieved as I pulled off. I drove in utter silence, no radio going only the loudness of my subconscious scolding me for what I had just done.

“A quickie? Bitch, you better than that! Let this white make you lose your fucking mind and shit! You turning into a dumb hoe, Maia!”

He gotten what he wanted, a quick fuck and that was all he was ever going to get from me. I was done.
“Hey Andrea—I’m calling you to let you know I got a new cell number.”

“Why what’s wrong with your old one?” I couldn’t bear to tell her that I had a steamy, weekend affair with a billionaire. She would call me a lie then slap me for being so damn stupid.

“Changing phone companies—Rates were getting too high. So, how were your first few nights in your crib?” I could almost feel her smile through the phone.

“Great! Even met this cutie that lives a floor under me, but he lives with his baby mama—staying far away from his fine ass.” I giggled as I looked up from my magazine and to the door; there was a knock at it. “Anyways, I been wanting to ask you something—“

“Yea, go head.” I got up and started towards the door.

“My friend, Brittani, says she saw a picture of you on a blog site—you were hugged up on some billionaire or some shit.” My eyes grew big. “I told her she was tripping, you know damned well that no billionaire is rolling through the hood for no booty, sis.” She giggled loudly, while I tittered nervously… She had no idea.

“Package for a Miss Maia Jones,” A delivery blonde haired, freckled boy wearing a dark brown short outfit asked while holding a clipboard. “Are you she?” I nodded my head as I spoke into the phone:

“Your girl is tripping, little sis.” 

He smiled and handed me the clipboard and signed my name, he turned and quickly handed me a large arrangement of flowers and a letter. “Have a great evening ma’am.” I didn’t notice he was escorted by two stocky men, carrying guns at their sides. The hell is this?

“The hell?” I whispered. “Drea, let me call you in minute.”

“You better, Risky.”

With that she hangs up, and I quickly close my door and sat the vase of flowers on my coffee table and ripped open the envelope.

You must learn to live with the risks you take, honey.
I thoroughly enjoyed our quick, yet steamy moment together.

I look forward to making more of them with you, uninterrupted of course.


I shook my head and stared at the gorgeous bouquet. 

“Lillies, huh?” 

Figures his stalker ass knew what kind of flowers I liked.

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