Chapter o011

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Maia Jones' POV


Mama giggled into her serviette as Reuben moaned out loudly as he ate into her collard greens, I kept having to catch the juices dripping from his chin before the grease ruined his expensive shirt. It was funny to me as well how he was eating like he was a starving man, I was not sure if he was playing up the dramatics just to appease my family or he was truly digging my mother's cooking.

"Good God." He groaned as he looked over at me then to my mother. "These greens, Mrs. Jones—" He closed his eyes and shook his head before taking another big bite.

"Boy, you ain't never had no greens like how my wifey cook 'em." Dad chuckled as he scooped up another spoonful and placed it on Reuben's plate causing all of us to go to laughing. "He'll go back to eating that salmon and shit tomorrow, but today... Let him have all the grease and pig fats he can handle!" I shook my head as we all laughed at how silly my father was being.

Dinner went on without a hitch, Reuben was not acting like the controlling and demanding man I knew him to be... Dare I say it? He was being very, very personable and I adore seeing that side of him. He and my father managed to act like two lifelong buddies that have not seen one another in years, he kept commenting to my mother on how lovely she looked or compared my looks to hers... Saying that we sisters were lucky to have a mother so "beautiful"... Hmm... Almost like he was comparing not only looks to hers but also his own mother...

"So, Reuben?" Andrea asked as she sipped her iced tea.

"Yes, my dear Andrea?" He replied with a smile on his face.

"What are your intentions for my dear sister?"

I was going in for a bite of this delicious cobbler, topped with dad's infamous homemade ice cream but stopped abruptly when I heard Andrea's question. I eyed everyone sitting at the table, their eyes danced back and forth between Andrea and Reuben, but those two stared at one another intently. All I could think about was whether he was going to drop the bomb of our engagement or play it cool. I prayed to God that he decided to play it cool.

We all stared at him intently as he casually chewed the remainder of the food in his mouth.  Once he swallowed, then took a short sip of his iced tea:

"I intend... On being on her arm as long as she'll have me." Andrea raised her brow at him, aiming that she wanted him to explain further of what he was talking about. Reuben, of course, chuckled at her forwardness then began to speak once more. "I adore your sister... Maia is an amazing woman, quite frankly the most amazing woman I've come across in a very long time. I intend on taking this relationship as far as it can go with her... As I said before..." He looked over at me and into my eyes. "I simply adore this beautiful woman."

A smile twitched at the corner of my lips, though he just told my family without actually telling them that he was going to marry me.

"Hell, can't get mad at that," Andrea said laughing as she nudged me with her elbow, I jerked sideways as I smiled small at her.

"Here, here!" Daddy said as he raised his glass. "Just as long as you don't hurt my baby... She's fragile, she doesn't like to act like it, but... My baby girl is very delicate and I expect you to treat her like the precious jewel that she is."

The look on my father's face was serious, and I could tell that Reuben took into consideration his feelings.

"Sir," Reuben leaned into the table, looking deep into my father's eyes. "Maia is precious to me as well, and I will never allow anything or anyone to harm her." I studied Reuben's stance; he looked guarded, strong... His eyes darken at the thought of anything happening to me. And for that reason, I knew that Reuben's feelings for me were somewhat...

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