Chapter o04

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Reuben’s words haunted me that entire weekend and work week, and I didn’t seem to know why. I mean, it’s not like I did want his ass as much as he wanted me… 


Well as the week passed, I managed to see a picture of myself and Reuben on every tabloid, gossip, entertainment magazines and blogs. Thank God that his guards were there, because all you could see was my torso and Reuben escorting me into the restaurant—looking luscious as he did so.

Billionaire business tycoon and playboy, Reuben Michaelson, was spotted late Friday evening entering the side door of Spago in Beverly Hills, with a gorgeous ebony beauty on his arm. It is not known who the beautiful woman is or how serious the duo is; but it is said they enjoyed an intimate conversation with one another for a little over an hour at the restaurant then left with to-go dinner plates—Assuming back to his bachelor pad in the Hamptons. The crunching sound of hearts breaking is heard today all around the country.

When I saw that shit on my computer Sunday after leaving my parents’ house, I damn near shitted my pants. 


How in the hell did I even get mixed up with a billionaire?! I mean, why would a man as sexy, intelligent and butt-crazy rich as Reuben need a dating site to find a piece of ass?!


I glanced up from the rack of cloths and over to Tierra as she stared at me gingerly. I shrugged my shoulders and mocked her:

“Soooooo… what?” 

With a blow of her breath and roll of her eyes, she shoved my playfully. “How are things going for you on the site? Meet any sexy sugar daddies?” I glared at her; she had no idea did she? Since I was embarrassed of how everything played out that fateful evening, I told no one of my knowledge of or my get together with Reuben Michaelson—

I wanted that night to be erased from my memory.

“Naw, I deleted my account a few nights ago,” I glanced at her as she rolled her eyes once again, “that site wasn’t for me, sorry.” 

“You never gave it a chance, Maia!”

“Yes, I did! But after the eightieth old white man offered to take me to Bora Bora so I can rub on his old ass, wrinkly balls in the island sun came at me, I realized that this site wasn’t up to my standards!”

Andrea and Nicolette busted out laughing at my statement as they came from separate changing rooms; shit was getting pathetic to tell you the truth. 

“Kind of site was it anyway?” Andrea asked as he posed in front of the boutique styled mirror that hung on the wall, checking out the cute maxi fitted skirt that fit her hips and butt like a glove. 

“It was a site for wealthy, business men, whom were too busy to find dates, to connect with beautiful woman—“

“You put me on a sugar daddy sex website?!” I screamed as I threw a purse at her, that she dodged away from skillfully I might add. “What the fuck Tee?!”

“It’s not a sugar daddy sex site! It’s a site for—“

“Gold-diggers.” Andrea rebutted, Nikki nodded her head. “You calling my big sis a gold-digger, bitch?”

Tierra growled as she placed her hands over her face. I stood there just glaring at her, but how could I be pissed at her, she didn’t make me log on to that damn site—I decided for myself and took that chance, a very stupid chance at that. I just threw my hands up.

“It doesn’t matter anyway, I didn’t find anyone worth giving a chance to and I deleted my account—so there.” I shrugged my shoulder. “End of story.”

And that ended that conversation, I had nothing else to say about it and I dared anyone else to speak on it also. This was usually how all our shopping outings went, Tierra and Andrea would get into it and Nicolette would say little to nothing, but would generally be against anything Tierra would say.

I loved Tierra, don’t get me wrong, but honey-child was bougie and thought the only thing that mattered in a relationship was money, and I knew better to trust her ass when it came to finding love. Not saying she doesn’t love Jacques, but his money is what really made her adore him.

We hopped into Nicolette’s black Chevy Suburban, and there was this awkward silence that remained between the four of us, the low volume sounds of Chrisette Michele coming from the speakers did break a bit of the monotony. I bobbed my head and sung along to her ‘epiphany’ when a text message came to my phone. I raised an eyebrow for it was a number I did not recognize.

Lunch. One o’clock at the Beverly Hills Country Club.
Reuben alias Mr. Right Now
Reuben Michaelson, CEO and Founder of Nebuer Enterprises, Inc

My eye bulged out my head; I quickly looked up and around me: Nikki was busy driving while sipping on her strawberry smoothie, Andrea had iPhone out on her lap playing Angry Birds (addiction!), and of course Tierra was on the phone talking to her husband.

I sighed and took a deep breath, what the fuck did he not understand about what I told him last Friday?! I quickly text his ass back:

Reuben I thought we had an understanding.
No to lunch but thanks for asking. 
Maia alias Ms. Not Ever

I licked my lips and scratched at my scalp, who the hell this dude thought he was? I mean, he just did not get it. I’m not that kind of girl! 

“But hoe you did show up on your date bra and pantyless!” My subconscious hissed at me.

“Fuck off bitch!” I sniped subliminally.

None of that shit even mattered anymore; yes, I fucked up—Whoopty damn doo, but I fixed that mistake and told this man where I stood with this situation and obviously he has not processed it through his brain. A brain that located in his head, that had his sexy ass face attached to it.

The hell is wrong with me?

My cell began to chirp, my eyes grew big when I saw he was now calling me. Bit my lip and pressed the silent button, how could I possibly talk to him in front of everyone.

“Change the station back, Drea!” Nikki fussed after Andrea changed the smooth R&B station to one that was playing 2 Chainz and MGK. 

Answer your phone.
Reuben Michaelson, CEO and Founder of Nebuer Enterprises, Inc

Though the text was short, I could hear his commanding baritone saying it and it sent chills down my spine. And got me hot on the other hand.


Subconscious, you are becoming a total bitch in your fucking old age! 

No! I am with some friends right now
And I’m not about to put up with this shit either!

Who fuck does he think he is?

“Only some gorgeous billionaire who wants to fuck you—Oh and who you want to fuck as well—“ I rolled my eyes. 

My naughty, risky Maia… 
What I tell you about using such foul language.
Instead of lunch I might just put you over my lap, honey,
and spank that perfect round ass of yours.
Pussy leaks, ugh.
Now, be a good girl and do as you’re told.
One o’clock.
Shall I send David for you?
Reuben Michaelson, CEO and Founder of Nebuer Enterprises, Inc

I knew I was going to cave, I knew I was… 

…and I did. I quickly texted him that I would drive myself, after doing that I dropped my phone into my lap and rubbed the temples of my head, in a circular motion, what the hell have I gotten myself into with this man? I mean, I thought I made it clear what I was looking for and he was not it.

Reuben probably give me some good thrills, fuck me into an oblivion and then some—But I was looking for the man I wanted to make my chocolate babies with and settle into my suburban house with a fence and saint Bernard dog! I sighed and leaned up and tapped Nikki on her shoulder.

“What up, mamas?” She said looking at me through the rearview mirror.

“Something’s come up for work, I have to do something for my boss—I gotta bail y’all.” I started, but Andrea huffed:

“Man, it’s your day off, the fuck he needs you to do today?!”

I sighed and looked at her. 

“Whatever… Don’t want you to lose your job, but you are coming over to my house warming this evening?” Little sis got her a nice little pad, she’s worked her ass off this year and she’s finally reaping the reward from it all.

“Of course, you know I don’t miss a good Jones family shindig.” I winked as I pushed her playfully.

“If you see my honey bunny, tell him I love him.” Tierra chimed in seconds later; Andrea rolled her eyes and looked out the window. I forgot that Jacques was a member, then again it didn’t shock me—He was a corporate kiss ass.

Nikki dropped me off at my apartment building, as I hopped on the elevator I realized it was damn near twelve o’clock—That left me very little time to get changed and get a cross the city to Beverly Hills, that was a twenty minute drive, if you don’t calculate the traffic!

When the elevator car settled on my floor, I jogged down the hall and quickly made my exit to my apartment. I took a quick shower using my milk & honey body wash, then I after dried off and lotioned up my body, I threw on the brand new outfit I got while I was out today and placed my hair into I high ponytail, leaving a few sprigs of hair loose in the front. Giving myself I look, I quickly grabbed my purse and car keys—I was gone.
There was these little cuties whom were valeting, they all had to be a little older than Jada; when I stepped out my Prius they all basically fought to get to me. I giggled to myself as I handed my keys to this little red head boy.

“Are you a member, miss?” He asked as he walked over to my driver side door, I shook my head.

“No actually, just meeting an acquaintance for lunch.”

“Boy is he lucky.” 

I heard one of them whisper to the other, I shook my head. Poor little booty deprived babies. I jogged up the few steps into the Beverly Hills Country Club restaurant, Reuben had texted me to show my ID to the hostess to let them know I wasn’t a member but I was there to see him—This was too much work.

“You must be Miss Jones; Mr. Michaelson has been anxiously awaiting your arrival.” This tall older man, wearing a tan suit approached me; I gave him a confused look. “I am Roger; I am the manager of the BHCC.” He extended his hand out to me; I smiled and shook it lightly.

“Nice to meet you, Roger and thank you for having me.”

“Oh please! Any friend of Mr. Michaelson is truly welcomed here at BHCC, would you allow me to lead you into the private dining room?” with a smile on my face, I nodded my head and he showed my through the main dining area and through the kitchen where the food was being prepared by a league of chefs and sous chefs.

“It smells delightful back here.” I chimed up as I stared at all the varieties of cookery being prepared.

“Oh yes, here at BHCC we offer an array of international cuisine—Aw, here we are.” He opened the doubled doors and there sat a few tables, with some light classical music playing over the room. “Please wait here, Mr. Michaelson has just gotten off of the green and will be here as soon as he refreshes.” I nodded my head and thanked Roger once again. This place was mad nice.

I strode over to a center table and set my purse down upon it, then straightened my romper before talking a seat. Then the butterflies sat in, how was this lunch date… Did I say date? I meant meeting! Well, lunch meeting was going to go. My last encounter with this man, he told me he wanted to fuck me then he kissed me so good that I came on all over myself!

Disaster I tell you, that night my rabbit and I hit a few home runs; if you know what I mean.

My thoughts were interrupted when the far door of the room opened and Reuben came into view, my mouth went dry at the sight of him. His chocolate brown hair was damp and clung to his face and neck, but he was dressed head to toe Armani—He looked a lot different outside his monster business suit, I love the casual look on him—It was very sexy.

“Stand up so I can get a good look at you, honey.” He said as he stomped sexily over to the table where I sat, I slowly came to my feet—once the wobbly, lust spasm left my legs. “Mmm delectable.” He growled as he reached out and grabbed my hand, twirling me around so he could get a better view of me. “I am jealous of this dress, Miss Jones… If I only I could be in its place…”

My face burned, if I was a bit lighter he would see my blush. And I don’t blush for no one… Trust.

“Why thank you, Mr. Michaelson—“

“No, no—Reuben. I’m called Mr. Michaelson enough and it grows tiresome—please retake your seat,” I began to sit down when he stopped me. “Allow me,” He pulled out my chair for me, I smiled at him as I sat down. No man has ever pulled out my chair for me before. 

“Thank you, Reuben.”

“You are more than welcome, honey.” He smiled as he took a seat across me, with that blaringly gorgeous smile of his. I flashed him one as well, causing him to lean back in his seat. “I haven’t been able to get you out my mind, Maia… I’ve missed you.”

“Shit, we’ve missed you too!” Shut up!

I sighed as I tapped my fingers on the table top lightly.

“Reuben, baby I thought I made clear that we weren’t compatible—“ 

Reuben interrupted with a chuckle. 

“Honey, this is the thing… I want you.” I stared at him like he had lost his mind. “Most defiantly physically, but the more I got to be with you on Friday… I want mentally, spiritually… I want you in every way, Maia.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa there dude.” I waved my hands to make him stop talking. “Reuben—“

“Maia, there is no point in resisting me or us—I feel the pressure between us, just as you do. You want me just as bad as I want you honey.” I ran my hand over my face. “I joined that damned site just to support my aunt in her new venture and to appease my meddling mother—but I never thought I meet a woman like you.”

“Reuben, that’s the thing—we’ve met, only once! We don’t know anything about one another.”

“On the contrary, honey—I know all I need to know about you. You are the second oldest of four children. Your father is retired; mother retires in two years from being a receptionist for Dr. Max Shapiro’s family practice. You were nine credits away from graduating from college but withdrawed due to financial disputes—“

“Um, don’t you know stalking is a fucking crime?” I snarled as I stood to my feet, this motherfucker is bold as shit and sexy as shit—The hell?!

“Maia—“ He stood up as well. “My patience is wearing thin with you and your choice of vocabulary—“

“I don’t give a fuck! From the first time I’ve dealt with you, you have ordered me about like I was your little puppet and I won’t stand for the shit anymore!”

He just stood there, his blue eyes remained chilly… His breathing back labored and husky… 

The fuck is wrong with him?

“Maia—“ His voice was low, like a whisper and his eyes closed momentarily, then opened up baring into mine as he began to walk around the table, coming towards me! I moved away from him like he was some type of beast, shit ‘some type’ my ass! This shit he was doing was not normal.

“Come!” He snarled at me as if I were a disobedient dog, I just stared at him. “Maia, I swear to God if I have to go over there and get you—“ 

He looked fucking serious, and I was scared shitless. It was like my feet had a mind of their own; I cowered before him as he stood before me, panting with anger… 

…or was it…

…dare I say…


“Turn around and touch you’re fucking toes, now!” 

I had no choice to obey his orders when he snatched me around by my arm, forcing my back to face him and shoved my shoulders down towards the floor; I grabbed my legs for balance, so many thoughts floating throughout my head at this point. The biggest thought is that I just fucked up. 


“Care to repeat any of bullshit you were just spurting from mouth now?” He asked manically as he flung the hem of my romper’s skirt on to my back, baring my black lace thong to him. 

“God—“ He groaned as he ran his big hands over my cheeks. “Your ass is fucking perfect.” He muttered as ran his nose across the small of my back, his lips grazing the skin of my ass. I stood there, anxious… Waiting what he was going to do to me, I was scared but on the other hand… I was excited. The butterflies from when I first left the apartment could not compare to the feeling I was having at this moment.


I gasped as he snatched my ponytail back, then gripping my neck with his other hand—causing my ass to crash into the erection fighting against his jeans. Feeling the budding bulge that pressed firmly into the crouch of my panties, I moaned in surprised; he was not fully hard, but I knew he had about eight inches of length awaiting for me already.
“Speak to me in that fucking fashion again, honey.” 

He leaned into me, so that his body was on top of mine, and whispered into my ear. “I will fuck you like this until you won’t be able to walk—Do you understand me?”

“Y-yea.” I whimpered.

The grips on my neck and ponytail loosen, he slowly backed his body off of mine; quickly I stammered away from him. We both stared at each other panting.

“Good afternoon, and welcome to BHCC café; can I start you both off with some wine?” A waitress came waltzing into the room, oblivious to the fuckery that had just taken place. I was too through with it all at this point.


Reuben quickly regrouped, smiling over at the waitress as she came into the room holding two menus in her hands. “White wine for myself and the beautiful lady.” 

He gestured at me as he walked over to his seat. “Maia, honey, have a seat.”

He acted like nothing had just happened, I was spooked the fuck out at this point.

“Maia, sit down.” His voice grew back commanding, I swallowed my spit and walked over to the table, but grabbed my purse and began towards the door. “Maia!”


The waitress called out to me as I picked up speed and headed out the dining hall and into the kitchen area. I just kept my hand on my neck as I made my quick exit away from Reuben.

I reached the main dining room, where there individuals wearing various recreational activity outfits, enjoying their meals and I all I could think about it getting to the nearest exit. But that was a lost cause when I felt my arm being snatched.

“Where do you think you are going?” Reuben’s husky, domineering voice whispered into my ear.

“You have embarrassed me for the last time, Mr. Michaelson—Leave me alone.” I tried to whisper in the same fashion, but I sounded more like a prissy little kitty cat compared to him. “Get your hand off or I will scream bloody murder.”

“Oh, how I would love to hear you scream—How many different octaves can you squeal my name, Maia?” He bit the tenderness of my skin under my earlobe. 

“Uh! You are such a bastard!” I whimpered as covered my mouth, I moaned out unexpectantly. Reuben chuckled into my ear as he snatched me around to face him, his leaned in and ran his nose against my neck and cheek—He smelled like heaven and his hands touching me made want melt.

“Say you didn’t like our little exchange and I’ll leave you alone, Maia.” I whimpered as my closed, I was growing more and more intoxicated in his clutches. “You loved it, baby.” I moaned lowly. “Say you loved it… please…” his hands caressed my neck.

“I-I loved it, baby.” I whispered back at him. 

Opening my eyes, he stared at me with a look of triumph rushed over his face. What the hell is this man doing to me?
That night I lay across my bed, processing all that had happened—Very publically I might add. I sat up and flipped on the television, but only to quickly turn off when a picture of Reuben and I embracing flashed on the screen, thanks to the motherfuckers at TMZ. I groaned as I fell back on the bed.

“My PR people are handling it, honey. Why are so distraught about all of this?” 

Of course I called his ass, I was ‘normal’ person, I can’t deal with this paparazzi shit. 

“Reuben, I don’t know you have noticed—I am a Jane Doe and you are the fuc—“

“Uh, uh, uh—“ He corrected me quickly.

“I mean, you are a big time player in the ‘somebody’ circle and I’m a nobody.” 

How clear can a bitch get?

“First off… Never refer to yourself as a nobody—“

“In comparison to a damn billionaire! Yes I am, Reuben!”

“Curse again, Maia, and I swear to God you won’t be able to sit tomorrow.” My eyes bulged out of my head. “As I said, you are somebody and money is just money—Here today and gone tomorrow. The paparazzi are idiotic creatures and take pleasure in other people’s lives because they are too ignorant to go and find their own.” I sighed lowly and just cuddled my pillow close.

“Maia, I was serious about us at the café earlier… And I’m not taking no for answer either. So, make it easier on yourself and just say yes.”

“Reuben, it’s late and I can’t process all this heavy crap right now, okay?” I heard him click his tongue.

“Fine then, I know you have work in the morning so I’ll leave you alone, honey.” Thank God. “But this conversation is not over with; good night love.”

“Good night, Reuben.” 

We hung up and stared at the darkness of the room until my eyes grew heavy.

Me dating a billionaire? This shit too much more to deal with.

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