Chapter o015 part Uno

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I jerked myself awake, realizing that I was indeed in the bed... Stark naked and alone. Seems that Reuben's unorthodox ways of love making lulled me straight to sleep and allowed him time to disappear into the depths of this large house. I sat up slowly, my head still swimming and my body still swooning, I glanced into the darkness of the room.

"Babe?" I called out in a sleepy tone.

No response.

Where in the blue hell can this man be? Fuck me to sleep then dip out on me, is that really how are we playing this game?

Bitch, please... It's been the game. Don't act like you don't know.

I ignored her cynical ass, I wrapped the thin, Egyptian threaded sheet around my fatigued body then sauntered out of the bedroom door into the dimly lit hallway. I clutched the thin fabric tight, the strange shadows and old colonial painting, which look weird as fuck, hanging on the walls... In this dim light, you could almost swear the eyes of the men followed you as you moved.

"Where the fuck is he?" I muttered as I continued on down the hallway, then stopped in my tracks when I low muffled talking coming from behind the door at the end of the hall. I tiptoed, with my back against the wall, until I was beside the door so I could get a better listen.

Nosey ass. Better fucking believe it, bitch!

"Tomorrow, I told you the performance will be then and only then-I don't take kindly to being rushed, Jacques."

He's talking to the greasy, Colonel Sanders lookin' mofo? I think he didn't like him.

Nah, more like he didn't want you around him, seems like he's scared something going to get told, huh? I tried to shake my inner thoughts, but he was adamant on me stating away from Jacques Beauchamp.

Lest not forget the Cuban dude-Arlo... He was really tripping when he saw you talking to his ass!

"I will not discuss this with you right now, perhaps at the ball tomorrow night but not now... Of course, I remember the password, it is my club... And I'll tell you again like I did once before-The only flavor my honey will be enjoying, as for right now, is vanilla."

Vanilla? But your favorite ice cream is strawberry! Girl, shut your dumb ass up, I'm trying to listen!

"I heard you, Jock, like you've heard me-We'll talk about all of this tomorrow. Goodbye."

I stood there for a moment, not knowing what to do, whether I should sprint back to the bedroom or bust in the room and demand him to tell me what the fuck he's cooking up. I have to keep this man on a leash because my boo just be doing too much.

He is extra. Very extra.

While I was having my inner thoughts the door came creaking open, there stood Reuben in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, smelling fresh-He had to jump out the shower and get on the phone because his hair was still dripping water. I stood there watching the water run down his pecs and his abs...

God, why did he have to be so fine and delicious?

"You see something you like, Honey?" He asked with a smile itching at the corners of his mouth. I gulped a mouth full of spit then bit my bottom lip. "I'll take that as a yes, but first my dear... How long have you been at this door?"

"I-uh-I saw you were no longer in the bed, and I came looking for you... I heard you talking to someone and I didn't want to interrupt anything." I lied, but only just a bit, because I did tell him the truth... I just left out the part that I was listening to him.

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