19 Years Old (Part 5)

Start from the beginning

I used the stairs instead of the elevator to think over what I'm going to say to her and how much I will apologise to her. But I shouldn't have taken the fucking stairs. I should have been quicker. I should have been there before that fucker got there.

James. James had entered her apartment and, to my luck, left the door open. He was drunk off of his mind and was now on top of Nova on the sofa. Pinning her down as she yelled muffled cries for help.

Cody's name kept coming up in my brain and I mustered up the courage and strength to stop another rape from occurring again. I almost froze in place again but I forced myself to move. Forced myself to break that barrier of fear.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the ground. It wasn't hard to do this, he was bigger than me but he was too drunk to do anything about it. I beat him up, thinking he was Cody. He pleaded for me to stop but I knew he would just get up and beat me up instead. My adrenaline was fucking going off the roof and the worst bit was that... I didn't want to stop. It felt good to take out my anger on someone who deserved it. But, Cody was the one that deserved this more than James did. I don't feel too bad, I wasn't muscular enough to hurt him too badly. I only left him a couple of bruises and a nosebleed with nothing broken besides pride and ego.

Once he got out of my grasp and ran away from me, I finally woke up to my senses. Nova was my immediate thought. I followed her blank, petrified stare to the ground where James had been. As if she could still see him; as if he was a ghost. 

She began to hyperventilate before she passed out from stress a few seconds later. I didn't realize she passed out so I checked for her heartbeat and her breathing which was all normal. I think I was worried if James had done something to her like drugged her or some shit.

Taking deep breaths and slowly sitting down next to the sofa, I took a moment to calm myself down. To realise that everything is alright now.

Later on, I made a promise to never do that again. Although it felt good and helped me then, I still do not wanna become like my parents or like Cody. I don't want to beat people up, even if they deserved it, but all of this thinking came after. I wasn't thinking about all of this then, all I was worried about was Nova and I was right to be worried.

Once I got off the floor and stabled myself, I shut and locked the front door with the key that was still on the door and puzzled what to do. Since she passed out on my bedding, I just covered her with it.

I would have brought her to her bedroom but I was weak and tired from beating up James. It would be very worse if I dropped her when carrying her.

Sleeping on the floor with nothing wasn't too hard. Due to Nova passing out on the sofa, I had no bed to sleep in. I didn't wanna wake her up, neither did I want to sleep in her bed so I just slept next to her on the floor.

I've spent many hours of the night sleeping outside on a floor harder and colder than Nova's apartment floor. So at the very least, it was easier to sleep on this than on the streets. I looked at Nova with so many sentiments about everything that has just occurred but yet the worrying feeling overtook every other feeling.

Would she be okay? What will happen tomorrow? How will she take all of this? Will she take it how I did when Cody did this to me? Will she even want me here? Will she forgive me? These are all the questions I asked myself before falling into a much-needed rest.

It wasn't soon after that I got woken up by Nova having a nightmare. She wouldn't stop moving on the sofa and began to mumble and cry to herself. Again, I was lost and had no idea what to do. Waking her up wasn't an option, she needed this sleep and most likely she wouldn't be able to fall asleep again. Recollecting events from the past, I did the only thing I thought would help: humming a lullaby. It was what I used to do when she was younger and had nightmares.

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