16 Years Old (Part 1)

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On my 16th birthday, we celebrated it with a massive house party at Cody's. It was unusual for me but for Cody? You can almost call it second nature to him. He just fits himself in, chatting with everyone he meets along with some weird handshakes. Sports wasn't something he was into but yet, he still had friends that were in football and basketball clubs; some were way bigger and taller than him but they didn't intimidate him at all. In my opinion, he liked all of the attention and popularity. What now feels strange is that his popularity did not consist of any girls. The only girls he ever talked to was his mates' girlfriends and that was only for as little time as possible.  

The stairs were decorated with fairy lights that were very tangled. Obviously, Cody and his brother didn't bother untangling everything. But, these lights illuminated the couples sitting on the stairs making out. In all honesty, I had no idea how to react so I just ignored them. It turned out they were one out of many couples there and that, throughout the house, you'd at least see one couple in every room. Including the bedrooms and, weirdly, the bathrooms.

Along with the protruding couples, there were balloons (that people drew multiple things on), lots of drinks, crisps and some other appetizers, and a cake;  round, plain, chocolate cake. My favourite which he obviously knew about.

The party that Cody had planned had people I've never met before who, I bet, didn't even know who's birthday it was (which was soon to be proven to be very awkward when they sang me a happy birthday). I don't even think some of them were from our school which I thought was especially weird. 

Now, the weirdest part of this whole birthday party was Cody. He wanted me to get laid. He wouldn't stop going on about how fun and amazing it is to have sex with a girl I didn't even know. That you can "just walk away afterwards and have no regrets" which didn't feel right with me. That reminded me too much of my parents. Just walking away, not giving to shits about you. I didn't want that for myself, never mind a random girl.

Little to no surprise, I didn't actually do it; I was a virgin with no experience. Plus did I really want to lose my virginity as soon as possible like everyone else in this group wanted to? And because of my parents, I didn't really think of sex in a good light. He gave up after a while of me repeating the word 'no' a bunch of times.

Besides all of that, the party was a foreign concept to me and it surprised me by how good it felt once you got used to the loud noise and uncomfortableness. Plus, having lots of people singing 'happy birthday' to you is always enjoyable. I recall that I got heavily drunk that night though. That I was dizzy as hell and I threw up in the bathroom (that, fortunately, had no couples). Cody was really worried about me so he told everyone the party was over. Overall, it was a 'good and educational' experience.

The morning after was the worst thing ever though. Not only did I have a drastic migraine, but I also threw up a couple of more times. The walk to school was even worse. Yes, we had to walk to school because his brother also had a hell of a night and had a girl in his bed next to him. We made an educated guess that he wouldn't be up to ride us to school but would rather ride someone else. Cody didn't shut up about how I should have done what his bro did on the walk to school.

But all of that is beside the point because, on that day, I began to talk with her. I met a girl with long brown hair, with light blue eyes and who was just slightly shorter than me. A girl who changed my life even if she didn't realise it. I met Mavi.

*From here on out the story will be the same as 'In Need of You' but from Kai's perspective*

Mavi was my first crush in secondary school. She was the one person that I always strived to look at whenever I could, the one that would make my heart beat quicker every time we crossed paths in the hallways. I had the typical symptoms of any lovestruck teenager.

Kai's HistoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora