18 Years Old (Part 3)

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The next day, I did see Cody. He looked the same as always; always tired looking with unnecessary roughness in his expression. After all the prep, I decided to leave the matter alone. I mean, I might have even imagined it all. So I tried to forget about it. It didn't work.

I tried to talk with Mason, smoke more than usual, join in on games. Nothing worked. I really needed to talk to someone about this and I wanted to talk with Mason about it but all I did was say that I didn't want to talk about it. I gave him hints of what had gone on but I don't think he understood. A side of me hoped him to not understand because that would mean destroying 'Boss'' reputation and I didn't want to do that to him.

That night, he came into his bedroom (my bedroom at the time) and sat next to me. He asked me if I remembered anything from that night. I remained silent which he understood as a yes. "And?" He asked. I knew what to say, I just couldn't say it. The words just didn't come out of my mouth.

Once he understood I didn't feel the same way, he punched his wardrobe and took a few seconds to recollect himself. I felt frightened and weak again. Although I was 18 and mature, I was still afraid of... This. All thanks to my parents.

When he turned to me, pure hate was what was seen in his eyes. I didn't let him see my fear but, if I wasn't holding back, I would have broken down like a child getting told off by his parents.

I won't repeat what he said to me but in general, he said what I was expecting, that I was ungrateful and didn't appreciate what he did for me. Eventually, he got on top of me, pinning me hard on the bed. I didn't want it again or anything like it. I felt like that time would have been worse than the last. Preventing this from happening again, I kicked him off me and he fell on the ground. This must of made a lot of noise because the others from the gang barged in with guns. I recall Cody smirking at me as the others grabbed me and threw me out the building while pointing a fully loaded gun at me.

And then, all of my childhood memories were reenacted.

Four of them beat me up. I didn't have the capability of fighting back since one of them kept kicking my back with full force. The severe and overwhelming pain was everywhere in my body. I started feeling pins and needles in my toes and fingers.

They kept going and going and going until one of them tried to actually kill me. He hovered his dirty boot over my head, ready to stomp until it hit the ground.

Thankfully, that's when Cody interrupted him and told them that he didn't want me to die. He shouted at me a bunch more and told me to: "Never come back". Mason hadn't joined in the fight but all I saw was disappointment and sadness in his face, then he left along with the others. They all left me there on the ground, bleeding and bruised. I passed out outside of yet another drug house.

That's when Cody truly abandoned me.
Left me for dead.

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