19 Years Old (Part 4)

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Waking up after a nightmare isn't fun. I know this because I've had many myself. But this one wasn't one of my typical nightmares. I remember this one because I woke up so unexpectedly and so out of breath that it just almost scared me to death.

My typical nightmares are about my parents or Cody. Hell, one of them was just me choking from the smoke and being freezing cold in my bedroom, though I've only had that one once. But this one was about Nova.

It was like I was reliving the memory of when Cody tried to rape Nova. But this time, I couldn't move and so I just stood there, watching while I couldn't move a muscle. What truly woke me up was when a car crashed right into them; only then could I move.

Thinking back on it, the car crash bit must have been because of the car crash with Mavi. The car was the same colour too. I was getting increasingly worried about what would happen to Nova if I stayed there for much longer. In my mind, I thought something bad might happen just like it did with Mavi.

I instantly sat up when I woke up, taking deep, instantaneous, sharp breaths. Nova was right next to me, plastered with a worried face. It felt exactly like the times when I was a child and Nova would wake me up because I was having a nightmare. But Nova didn't have any recollection of that, she was too young back then. At the time, I had no idea if she knew me or could even reminisce the memories from her past about me.

We didn't say anything, we simply looked at each other until my breathing slowed down. When it did, all Nova did was hug me. That was when the Deja Vu of it all kicked in real hard. She would hug me just like that once I woke up from a nightmare. I missed her so much and I had only realised it after I had come back in contact with her again.

We hugged for a while until she asked me if I wanted to talk about it. If I were to tell her my dream, not only would it be weird to say that I dreamt of her but it also might lead her to realise who I am. So, me being bothered about this, I simply stated that I had a nightmare and that was all. We looked at each other but I recall she looked at me in an 'I'm-trying-to-decipher-you' kinda way.

She stood up and asked for me to get dressed while she goes to make breakfast since were going to meet up with Lyra and Olivia at the theatre. It spooked me when she talked about Lyra, I was worried to meet with her again in case she told Nova who I am. Although I did have a feeling she wasn't going to tell her. I think she understood that Nova didn't know yet and that perhaps I was keeping it a secret.

I just couldn't get my head around how Lyra knew it was me in the first place. I had only met her once and yet she already knew. Nova is taking a long while to figure it out though which is great for me but confusing for her. Anyway, we woke up quite late or we stayed in 'bed' until late so we needed to get a move on.

This is out of the blue but you know, it's strange how they didn't find it weird when I joined their friendship group. Lyra and Nova just accepted me into their lives. I mean, letting a stranger into your house simply because they saved you isn't something you see every day. Can you imagine if that applied to police officers or firemen?

Though now thinking about it, Lyra knows who I am and Nova is figuring out who I am while Olivia... Just didn't seem to like me. But if it meant that I would be with Nova and have somewhere to be then I am more than happy for Olivia to hate me.

Nevertheless, I got dressed in yesterdays clothes, ate breakfast and left with Nova. The theatre turned out to be slightly further away than expected. It wasn't too far but it wasn't close either. It was about half an hour walk but it was sunny and hot so we were quite tired when we reached our destination.

Lyra had offered to drive us there but Nova thought it was close enough for us to walk. She had to pick Olivia up and help her with her make-up and costume as well as give her moral support. It would have been a lot of trouble for her to pick us up too.

By the way, when I mean we were going to see a play, I mean we were going to see a play played by college students from a Drama Club at a small theatre. So it wasn't very expensive or anything. All of this was what I learnt when we got there. I don't know why I was surprised. The place was like any ordinary theatre. Not too small but... Medium. Enough for at least 150 people to fit in it but a maximum of 151.

The silence was all that was heard in the theatre when we reached there. No one was there yet because we had come early. We reached a corridor with many rooms where all the actors were in. Each door had a golden painted star with everyone's names engraved into it except that it was covered with a sticker that had their names on.

Glancing through each door, we found Olivia's which was practically Lyra's now. Before making ourselves known to them, we both had a good chuckle at the scenery of Lyra trying to do Olivia's hair when Olivia was just saying "Ow!" or "That hurt!"; when she wasn't saying that, she was just saying her lines like she was the only one in the room. Needless to say, I disliked her as much as she disliked me.

Olivia was hyped though but she was the only one with that high of an energy level. Lyra, on the other hand, looked completely drained of energy and looked restless. Once we approached her, she was so relieved; who knew Olivia could tire someone out like that.

When they all put their costumes on I just thought of how uncomfortable that would be to wear but I guess they were used to wearing them by now. Still, I would hate to wear it, especially if I had to dance with it on.

I settled there, pondering all of this to myself since thinking and looking around was all I could do. I recall seeing some actors playing cards, practising their lines, sleeping, or on the phone with someone who couldn't hear them. It was all very productive I could tell. 

During my useless stay, I discovered that they were gonna do a full rehearsal before they started the real play and I was invited to watch. I recall Olivia being in a big mood since she was ready and knew all of her lines already so she didn't need another rehearsal. Thankfully, she just did it anyway but, by the end of it all, all of us were restless just like Lyra was when we arrived. And I didn't even talk to Olivia! 

The play turned out to be not that bad, but it would have been better if I recalled anything to do with Shakespeare and how they spoke at that era. I was guessing my way through the whole play.

Of course, I knew the story of Romeo and Juliet, but I just couldn't understand what they were saying at times. Still, that was my problem, not the actors' problem. 

Once it finished, we all clapped ourselves awake (or at least I did) and waited for further instructions. All the actors went back to the room they were before while we got told to go to our seats and wait until the play actually began. Nova checked the time and said it was almost showtime so we just sat back and chatted for a while. I think she showed me photos on her phone and we played some games too. I'll say it once more because it's true, it reminded me of when we were children, taking away the phone part of course.

Sounds of people walking in and muttering behind us started, meaning the play was about to commence. Patiently we waited until the lights went off and the spotlight turned on onto a person starting off the play with the so famous starting lines of Romeo and Juliet: "Two households, both alike in dignity in fair Verona, where we lay our scene". 

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