Chuuves, Yeorry and 2jin (The times that's passed)

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Choerry POV

It had been a 3 months since the ski trip and now that it was April things were already back to normal at school. The news of the next football game was also coming up and I was pretty excited for that too. Things around the school had been pretty quiet as the news of heejin and hyunjin's breakup had spread quickly around as now heejin sits back with me and Olivia like we used too. To be honest I never really trusted hyunjin anyways. 

Things with me and Felix have been actually better than ever and we have really become close as friends even if some say we may be too close with each other. As much as I knew yeojin wasn't a fan of our friend ship that didn't mean that we couldn't be close friends right?

Lunch time~

I had just finished my first morning classes and it was now time for my lunch break. I was walking by myself before feeling an arm wrap around me as I looked to my side to see Felix smiling at me. " Hey choerry" he greeted me as I smiled "hey Felix what's up?" I asked as his eyes then averted mine "well I was wondering if you could meet me behind the bleachers after school?" His face turning it's usual red as I agreed "ok, is it anything important?" I asked him as he removed his arm from me "you'll see" he replied as we split up then going to are usual tables for lunch.As much as I was suspicious I didn't have anything else to do the after school so I should might as well meet him.

Nothing could to wrong right?

Heejin POV

These past few months since I hadn't been with hyunjin had actually been fine. I hadn't given the girl much thought lately and I planned for it to be that way. But if I were being honest with myself I kinda missed her, as much as we truly weren't together I couldn't help but feel like this was a true breakup.

Lunch time~

It was finally lunch and as I was sitting with choerry and Olivia as I was eating my raspberries. Nothing had really been happening as we were all just talking and hanging out. I was minding my own business before I felt a slight tap on my shoulder as I saw Olivia and choerry's smiles go down as I think I had an idea on who it was as I turned around only to be face with haseul?

"Oh hey haseul what's up?" I asked her "vivi wanted to ask if you guys wanted to sit with us today...and maybe every other day after that?" She asked as I nodded before turning around to the two sisters with confused faces. "Oh guys this is haseul" I introduced the girl as they then greeted each other. We then picked up our lunch trays and moved to the girls table where we were met with vivi, chuu and kimlip as we all then greeted each other. "Perfect more friends!" said chuu in basically the loudest voice imaginable as everybody laughed "you're like a choerry part.2" remarked Olivia as choerry slapped her arm.

The conversation continued as my eyes then started to wonder around the cafeteria until they had landed on a certain somebody. Hyunjin. 

She was laughing and having fun with her friends. I tried to move my eyes away from the scene  but I couldn't and it wasn't long before hyunjins eyes met mine. They were just as pretty as I remembered them but I knew they were also full of lies as I moved my view back to the table to continue our conversation as the bell then rang.

Chuu POV

The bell had rung which meant that it was finally time to head back to class as it was time for my science class. Which was sadly the same class I shared with Yves. The past months since our kiss has been filled with absolute awkwardness and what was even worse was that I hadn't even told haseul what had happened since I knew she wouldn't approve.

I entered class with my seat in front of Yves as our teacher had her way into the classroom. "Good afternoon students I hope you're all having a fantastic Friday. We might as well get into business early so, you will be put into partners for a mini assignment on type history of our school for our 12 year anniversary. And I know this isn't like your typical science project but it had been requested by the school board so I will call out your partner's now" she announced as all the students around were getting excited on the news of partners.

"First off are Jisun and gahyeon" "Siyeon And gyuri" "Chaewon and jiwon" "Remi and semi...." It wasn't long before I zoned out the teacher falling into my own world before finally hearing my name "and lastly we have chuu and Yves." She finished off as I was mentally frozen at this point "Thank you ladies and gentlemen this assignment will be due on the 3rd of May so hurry.". 

I was still giving in my seat as others moved to their partners as I just sat with my jaw dropped. It didn't take long before Kim lip came rushing to my side poking my shoulder with the widest grin on her face. "I wouldn't mess with me if I were you" I warned the girl who was still smiling before feeling a tap on my back as I turned around seeing Yves with a cold look plastered on her face. 

"So are we meeting at my place or yours?" She asked as I thought "you can come over to my place since vivi and haseul are going out tomorrow so she won't snap your neck if your there" I replied as she nodded as we went back to silence. I was looking around the classroom to avoid eye contact from the girl as she then cleared her throat to say something. "Give me your address" the girl stated as I was then taken back "what would you need that for?" I replied in a stern and cold tone as Yves rolled her eyes "last time I checked we were doing the assignment at your place" she said as I then came o my realization "oh" I just replied as I then pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote Vivis address and handed the paper to the girl before the bell had rang. 

"Let's meet at 6" I said to girl as she got up taking her stuff as she didn't even reply to me while I had just stood in defeat. "Well have a nice time with that" yoojung said walking past me but not without a wink as I slumped on my way out the building. How am I gonna survive working with her?

Choerrys POV

It was finally the end of school as I was walking out the building to meet Felix like he and asked as I made my way to the bleachers just as he had instructed me. On my way there I was faced with yeojin who had a smile on her face as she approached me "hey choerry would you maybe wanna come to my place today?" She asked me as I continued to walk feeling a bit of guilt in my stomach as I denied "sorry yeojin but I'm meeting up with Felix today if that's ok" I replied as I could just see the hope drain out of her face "s-sure" she replied to me as I quickly hugged the girl "trust me we'll hang out tomorrow" I reassured her before running off to the bleachers as I saw Felix with a bouquet of flowers in his hands as I hesitated walking towards him as my face was filled with confusion.

 "Hey felix, now what was it you called me for again" I asked the Australian as he faced my with a bright smile as his cheeks were red."Ch-choerry I've wanted to ask this for a long time but I was wondering if you could be my girl?" He asked holding out the flowers with the brightest smile I had seen on his face yet. But I still couldn't find the rights words to say as I was still pretty much frozen in my tracks from his words. I then noticed the smile on his face start to face away from my lack of response as I was soon starting to panic before I decided to speak up. 

"Listen Felix I don't want to hurt your feelings but I'm taken" I admitted as he faced down dropping his flowers in the process as I quickly rushed to his side to hug him "I'm Sorry Felix but I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship" I said as I could soon feel his tears start to stain my shirt. "It's ok I hope you know whoever has you is the luckiest person out there" he replied taking his flowers up and bidding a farewell as I then turned around to head home but as I turned the corner I was faced with yeojin and Olivia smiling at me.

"How long have you guys been here?" I asked the two as yeojin walked up to me hugging my sides "the entire time" she revealed as I watched Olivia in front of me make kissing faces at me as I rolled my eyes. This kid is truly something else.

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