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Okay gotta get an uber.... damn too expensive ok lyft maybe... perfect ok so where am I going again...?

Nothing quite as nerve wracking as a new life in a new city, and that's exactly what I got myself into today. Not only that but I wasn't sure what I'd do for work. My parents were so nervous about me moving out on my own, but when I told them I finally nailed a well paying finance job after college, they were way more comfortable with everything. Unfortunately for them, that was a lie. Finance was just something to do to get them off my back, but I was hoping to do something a bit more down to earth and me. I minored in art and wanted to get a teaching certificate so I could teach art at an elementary school, something my parents would have flipped out over. Now that I'm finally on my own, my dream just might become my reality.

But that can't happen if I can't get a ride to my new apartment..

372 West Anderson Way... ok perfect, they'll be here in 6 minutes.

New city, new life, and new roommate, too. I had no clue who my roommate was about to be, which was probably a bad thing. I had found them through a Facebook group that focused on housing in the area. A guy my age had a room to rent, so I thought why not. The apartment was nice too, in a really clean area, and the room was a great price. So I thought fck it, why not? I briefly spoke with him over messenger and that was that. He's my age, seems cool enough, didn't look too strange or off putting. So again, fck it. Was he cute? Yeah I guess, but I hadn't put much more thought into it besides that. I had another goal to focus on so I wasn't all that interested in boys at the moment.

The lyft arrived, picking me up from the airport and taking me to my new apartment. I was excited but nervous; both feelings consuming me at the same time. Excited to start my new life, but nervous to meet this new roommate. I had no clue what he was going to be like, hopefully not secretly a serial killer, but I was grateful for the opportunity, so at least there was that. All I could do now was put away my fear and meet my new life at the front door.

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