Chapter 48: Sometimes

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"Okay, will you explain to me now why you were wreaking havoc at the USJ?" Uraraka asked as she and Izuku walked to school the next Monday.

"The villains were the ones wreaking havoc. I was stopping them."

"But why did you come?"

"You know what my quirk is, don't you?"

"Yes, you've told us it's precognition. Even if you knew there would be an attack, though, why wouldn't you just call the police so they could bring in pro heroes?"

"I've done that before. It doesn't work."

"Why wouldn't it?"

"No one takes me seriously. My friends from middle school almost died because the police didn't believe me when I called them. I trust myself to get the job done, but I can't always trust others."

Uraraka felt as if someone had swapped places with Midoriya while she wasn't looking. He was usually so... normal. A bit confusing at times, but normal. Why was he suddenly doing crazy stuff like this? And when did his hair get so long?

"Hey, was your hair always down to your shoulders?"

"Huh? Oh, no. It sometimes gets a growth spurt when my quirk activates. I don't know why."

"Weird. Anyways, what happened with the police?"

"A detective questioned me. I'm not in trouble, somehow."

"I guess that's good. Bakugo is probably going to murder you as soon as he gets a chance, though."

"I fear no man. He could kill me a thousand times over and I wouldn't bat an eye."

"The way you said that made me genuinely believe you for a second and I'm scared."

"I'm good at scaring people, sometimes."

Uraraka laughed. Izuku was acting normal again - he could switch between serious topics and jokes so fast it was scary, but at least he tended to joke more often. She was still curious as to how he had taken down so many villains, but questions could wait. She was sure he would open up eventually.

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