Chapter 36: First Day

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Why are you looking at me like that?

Are you waiting for me to tell you if Izuku passed? Oh, you ignorant fool, of course he passed! He aced the entrance exam with flying colors. Of course, he may have reset a few times, but that's only because his standards for his own grades are very high. He could've easily gotten in with the score he got the first time, but he wanted to get the highest score he could. 

Ah, I may have forgotten to explain how exactly he reset for these exam scores, since the results took a whole week to come in, and he knows from experience that not sleeping for a whole week isn't a good idea. Well, he experimented again. You remember the 'return' option, right? He tried that one. He simply woke up the next morning, his last save point still being the night before the exam. He did this all week, until he got the results. They were very good results, he hadn't experimented with something that literally controlled whether he lived or died for nothing. He reset twice before he was happy with his score.

Izuku also didn't end up talking to Uraraka, since he was able to avoid tripping. 

On the first day of school, he got there very early. Any night he saved, he woke up at least an hour before his alarm. It didn't seem to have any effect on his performance, but he was starting to notice dark circles under his eyes. His fluffy green hair was also growing faster than normal; it was due for a cut, but he hadn't gotten around to it.

As the freckled teen thought about these things - his lack of sleep and fast-growing hair - his mind wandered to his reflection from the nightmare. He tried to shove the thought back in the depths of his mind where it came from; the longer he thought about the blood-drenched clothing and the unstable look in his eyes, the more his stomach, which had been very upset in the week he'd spent in bed and hadn't entirely calmed down, started to churn and protest.

Luckily, a distraction walked right into the classroom - Shinso, the boy he'd seen working at the resturaunt with the broken card reader. Izuku had had a conversation with him before; Shinso didn't remember it, but he did. He waved, smiling slightly.

"Oh, hey. You're the kid with a metric ton of freckles that I saw at work, aren't you?" 

"Yup! You're, uh, Shinso, if I remember correctly."

"That's right. Kinda creepy that you read my nametag and remember it two months later, but that's right." Shinso sat down at the desk next to him. "I'm not here to make friends, but someone to distract me from my misery can't hurt. What's your name?"


"Cool. I'm lazy, so you're Mido now."

"Fine by me."

"By the way, why exactly do you have a metric ton of freckles? I don't remember the last time I saw someone with more than a few here and there. Does it have something to do with your quirk?"

"I have a precognition quirk. I'm pretty sure my freckles have nothing to do with it," Izuku replied with a laugh. "I don't really know why I have so many. I don't mind, though. Without them, I'd be the plainest looking person on the planet."

"You're kinda right about that, to be honest. No offense."

"None taken."

He and Shinso conversed for a while, until the teacher arrived and led the class to the orientation. Izuku had no idea how the rest of the day would go, but he thought that it was off to a pretty good start.

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