Chapter 25: Warning

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It was dark.

Where was the star?

It wasn't silent.

He could hear his heart beating, and his lungs expanding and contracting.

He felt alive.

He felt real.

He poked at the bruise on his shoulder from his confrontation with Katsuki, and winced.

It hurt.

This was supposed to be happening in his mind. Things didn't hurt in his mind.

He stumbled around, his arms outstretched, hoping to find something. His foot caught on something on the ground, and he tripped.

As soon as he hit the ground, a light appeared out of nowhere, illuminating his surroundings.

He had tripped over himself.

His own dead body.

And there were others, scattered across the floor. Dozens. A few appeared uninjured, with a slightly purple tinge to their faces. The rest lay in puddles of their own blood, seeping from a stab wound in their throat. 

In the middle of it all, there was a full-length mirror.

Izuku, in a daze, stood up and walked up to the mirror. Instead of seeing himself and a few dozen dead versions of himself behind him, he saw someone who was recognizable as himself, but just barely. He had messy hair hanging down to his elbows, deep, dark eye bags, unhealthily pale skin, and a black suit and dress shirt - all of it dripping wet, totally soaked in blood. Behind him were piles and piles of dead iterations of him. A few here and there had broken limbs, burns, extreme amounts of frost bite, or other injuries, but the vast majority had the all-too-familiar stab wound in their throat. 

Next to his reflection was a regular school chair, and a noose, the rope hanging from the oblivion above.

He watched as his reflection smiled an inhuman smile, and stepped up onto the school chair. Placing the noose around his neck, he kicked the chair out from under him, and Izuku felt a rope tighten around his own neck. He couldn't breathe, and he heard his heart beat quickening. He clawed at the invisible rope, trying to loosen it, but his hands only found the skin of his neck. He tried to scream, but only whimpers came out. His heart was beating faster and faster, and he felt pressure building in his head as the blood circulation was cut off. Bright flashes of light interrupted his vision, along with popping sounds breaking the heavy silence. 

He felt his legs give out, but the ghost rope held him up. He stayed there for what felt like an eternity, his screaming only a whisper, his thrashing only tightening the noose, his clawing only scratching his neck, when darkness finally overtook him. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

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