Chapter 30: Glass

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Ena took a deep breath.

Was he really doing this?

Yes. Midoriya was sick. He was just helping a friend. He was doing this.

He dialed the number.

"119, what's your emergency?" [I don't know if that's how they answer calls, but whatever]

"My friend is really sick, but he's refusing to get help. He has a high fever and he hasn't slept in a week."

"What is your friend's address?"



Izuku had been anesthetized for several days. Ena had visited him once; it was like looking into the open coffin at a funeral, wondering if your dead loved one could hear you from wherever they were.

He didn't like how the IV looked. It looked... unnatural, like it shouldn't be there. At some point, he had a very strong urge to rip it out of his friend's arm. That's when he decided it was time to leave.

He had been told by Aiya and Hanako that Izuku was awake, but he hadn't gone to visit him yet. He didn't know how mad the freckled teen would be at him. He didn't really want to know, either.

The blue-haired boy decided it was time to change something. Instead of his usual cobalt hair, he changed it to glass. It looked pretty weird, but in a cool way. Light bounced between the threads of glass, making crazy lighting effects around his head, like a rainbow halo.

After school that day, Ena went to the hospital.


"Hey, Midoriya."

Izuku was silent. He stared at the wall opposite him, pretty much ignoring Ena sitting next to him.

"Look, I'm sorry. I did it because I was worried, okay? And I was right to be worried! They had to put you under for almost a week. That's really bad! You could've died if I didn't do what I did."

"I know why you did it," Izuku whispered. "I'm not mad. I just... don't like it here."

"I don't like it here either, buddy."

Izuku started to tear up, still staring at the wall. "I don't want to die in here, Ena."

"You're not going to die! The nurse said you'll be out in a week or two. You'll be fine!"

"How do you know that?" Izuku's voice began to rise in volume as tears ran down his face. "They said he would be fine, but he wasn't fine. They said he could go home in a month, but he was gone in a week!"

"Midoriya, who's 'he'?"

"My dad." His voice dropped back to a whisper. "He spent a year staring at that stupid wall, promising me that one day he'd be able to get up and see what was on the other side. He saw the other side, alright, but not the other side of that stupid, stupid wall!" He paused to rub his eyes, sniffling and turning to look at Ena. "I think he was more excited to see the other side of that wall than he was to see me."

Ena didn't know what to say, so he said nothing, watching as Izuku cried for a few more minutes until he finally stopped, and, to Ena's surprise, smiled.

"I like your hair, Ena. It looks kind of like a halo."

Ena grinned.

"Thanks. Yours actually looks pretty good when you don't brush it."

Izuku laughed. "You're lying. I've seen it unbrushed, it's like a reject afro."

"Yeah, I'm lying. It looks awful. It doesn't matter, though. It only matters that you're okay now."

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